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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/23/20 in all areas

  1. Lars Fosdal

    auto-generated REST APIs?

    IMO, it is crucial for a REST API to not directly reflect the underlying system. The goal should be to ensure that any underlying implementation detail is hidden from the REST API. I would be wary of creating APIs that go 1:1 on the DB structure.
  2. John Kouraklis

    InterBase or Firebird?

    For projects with local database, I would go for sqlite as it doesn't require a DB server.
  3. Vandrovnik

    Speed of Graphics32

    In OpenGL, he can work with raster graphics really fast and easy - he just loads them as textures. But writing text and printing will not be so easy, if they are needed.
  4. FredS

    Delphi 10.4 GetIt connection issue

    Pretty sure only getitnow is setup to accept basic browser access. The others appear to be redirected to this error. Check: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Embarcadero\BDS\??.0\CatalogRepository] ServiceURL=https://getit.embarcadero.com
  5. Mohammed Nasman

    auto-generated REST APIs?

    I think I saw that once before with TMS Xdata But I agree with @Lars Fosdal, The REST API should be design in the API way, not the Database way, it should not have 1:1 relation with database. Also for some performance issues, you should send all the required data using one API call, but this may require multiple relations with tables on DB.
  6. Sometimes the IDE inserts two includes for CodeGear.Delphi.Targets (I think it's a bug in the updating code for projects): <Import Project="$(BDS)\Bin\CodeGear.Delphi.Targets" Condition="Exists('$(BDS)\Bin\CodeGear.Delphi.Targets')"/> One, with the condition, one without. Not sure this has something to do with the message though.
  7. Stefan Glienke


    Why can't we have both - a fast compilation generating debug friendly non optimized code and one that churns a little longer and emits those juicy optimizations. Anyhow the current slowliness in the compiler comes from sloppy code in the compiler and not because it does so many amazing things.
  8. Hi All For those who are interested, I have made some progress on this project, and have uploaded an installer with the command line tool and IDE plugins for XE2-10.4 - it's still very much an alpha version (not feature complete or stable) but at least shows the direction I'm heading in. I have added some quick notes on how to get started with dpm https://github.com/DelphiPackageManager/DPM/blob/master/GettingStarted.md The installer can be found here https://github.com/DelphiPackageManager/DPM The IDE plugin is still a bit rough around the edges but reasonably stable. Note that installing design time packages is still being worked on. Most of my open source projects have package binaries under the releases tab (the getting started notes show what to do with them). It's still some way from being ready for production use, we are still working on a website/package repository. If you are a library author, please do take a look. Creating packages is not at all difficult.
  9. Der schöne Günther

    Setting Scroll Bar Width problem

    I still don't quite understand why you're marking it so hard. You said your primary audience is using touch. Why don't you just place some big buttons right next to the DBGrid?