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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/06/21 in all areas

  1. salvadordf

    My new project : WebView4Delphi

    I just published a new project in GitHub called WebView4Delphi. WebView4Delphi allows you to embed Chromium based web browsers in your Delphi or Lazarus applications using the WebView2 runtime. It uses the latest stable version of the WebView2 nuget package 1.0.1054.31. I used many of the tricks I learned creating CEF4Delphi and you will notice many similarities if you used it. I still have to write the documentation but you can build the available demos to see it working in VCL, FMX and Lazarus apps. There are a few things pending like the "windowless mode". It's being distributed with a simple MIT license so anyone can do whatever s/he wants with it. https://github.com/salvadordf/WebView4Delphi
  2. I'm pleased to say that Embarcadero have added LaunchGen to GetIt for Delphi 10.4 and 11.
  3. 03 December 2021 You are hereby welcome to a $150 discount off the list price of $199 for Rubicon Pro full-text-search components for Delphi. ($199 - 150 ... your price will be $49 usd.) We are looking for some new-user feedback, especially from anyone using FireDAC, ADO or IBExpress in a Vcl project that targets Windows desktop. I am hoping that everyone reading this forum is willing to give useful feedback. Here's a 15 minute what-does-it-do video: Rubicon showcase from Desktop UX Summit 2021 To qualify for the discount, be one of the next nine people to answer 6 questions on this survey. The license you receive will be for one developer and there are no runtime fees. Rubicon Pro includes full source. Rubicon currently supports XE8 through Delphi 11 Alexandria (D22 to D28). Ann Lynnworth HREF Tools Corp.
  4. Anders Melander

    Interesting way to copy dynamic arrays.

    A simple "yes" would have been enough 🙂
  5. Lars Fosdal

    Olaf Monien's Multithread demo on DelphiCon was nice!

    https://s3.amazonaws.com/heysummit-production/media/uploads/events/delphicon/MonienThreading-Intel-vs-M1.zip and you need a unit from here: https://github.com/omonien/sieve-of-eratosthenes-delphi
  6. Not "out of the box". Here's a link that includes the Java equivalent: https://stackoverflow.com/a/5642593/3164070 ..and an import for the Process and Runtime classes: https://github.com/DelphiWorlds/Kastri/blob/master/API/DW.Androidapi.JNI.Lang.pas That should at least give you a start
  7. PeterBelow

    Changing UserDataFolder in TWebBrowser with webview

    Well, TWebbrowser (in D11) has a protected method function GetEdgeInterface: TEdgeBrowser; To get at it you can use a cracker class, e.g. declared in the implementation section of the form unit containing the TWebbrowser control. type TWebBrowserCracker = class(TWebbrowser); In your code you can then do something like var Edge: TEdgeBrowser := TWebbrowserCracker(Webbrowser1).GetEdgeInterface; if Assigned(Edge) then begin Edge.UserDataFolder := SomeDirectory; Edge.ReinitializeWebView; end; Completely untested, so use at your own risk!
  8. Lars Fosdal

    Olaf Monien's Multithread demo on DelphiCon was nice!

    Windows 11 - Intel 32 bit on 1 of 4 cores (under Windows 11 for ARM under Parallels) Single thread: 00:00:15,325s 1.02M primes/sec Multi-thread : 00:00:05,097s 3.08M primes/sec Windows 11 - Intel 64 bit on 4 cores (under Windows 11 for ARM under Parallels) Single thread: 00:00:09,831s 1.6M primes/sec Multi-thread : 00:00:03,234s 4.85M primes/sec Windows 10 - Intel 32 bit on 1 of 12 cores (6 physical on a Lenovo P52) Single thread: 00:00:04,969s 3,16M primes/sec Multi-thread : 00:00:00,903s 17,39M primes/sec Windows 10 - Intel 64 bit on 12 cores (6 physical on a Lenovo P52) Single thread: 00:00:05,971s 2,63M primes/sec Multi-thread : 00:00:00,843s 18,62M primes/sec macOS - Intel 64 bit on 10 cores on MBP M1 Pro Single thread: 00:00:03,712s 4,23M primes/sec Multi-thread : 00:00:00,491s 31,97M primes/sec macOS - ARM 64 bit on 10 cores on MBP M1 Pro Single thread: 00:00:03,711s 4,23M primes/sec Multi-thread : 00:00:00,483s 32,5M primes/sec
  9. Serge_G

    Third party FireDAC drivers

    I use some of these CData Drivers. No, these are derivation of FireDAC.Phys.ODBCBase.pas and FireDAC.Phys.ODBC.pas and some registering classes FDPhysManager().RegisterRDBMSKind FDPhysManager().RegisterDriverClass
  10. Developer: "So, about this mockup presentation I did yesterday: Are we going forward with this project?" Manager: "You mean that program you showed us yesterday? Of course we're going forward! It looked pretty much finished. How much time do you need to polish it a bit so we can put it into production?" Developer: head -> desk
  11. Launch Gen resamples the images so that the small ones still look good. These are generated from a 1024x1024 image:
  12. Link is https://karmobile.net/LaunchGen/Setup.exe