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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/13/21 in all areas

  1. Daniel

    DP not reliably approving new users?

    Well - that mistake was clearly not a highlight. *sigh* It was never the intention to approve the accounts manually, so I never expected to find a queue of accounts in that area of the admin-panel of this software. Something like this shouldn't happen - I'm honestly contrite. Maybe a free beer to everyone? 😉
  2. Dave Nottage

    How to use Java functions inside Delphi FMX apps ?

    If you're just starting in this area, I recommend watching Brian Long's video. You can also use the Delphi source for hints as to what to do, as well as some of the features implemented in Kastri. If you know which Java libraries/functions you want to use, I could possibly give some hints.
  3. Erwin Mouthaan

    Is there MQTT connection feature in RAD Studio v10.4?

    Another option is eSeGeCe. It supports the latest 5.0 protocol.
  4. corneliusdavid

    Parnassus Bookmarks for Delphi 11 Alexandria?

    And for the record, I have used some WordStar key combinations, such as Ctrl+K Ctrl+I and Ctrl+K Ctrl+U for indenting and unindenting blocks of code before Tab and Shift+Tab were implemented.
  5. dummzeuch

    Parnassus Bookmarks for Delphi 11 Alexandria?

    Your definition of clumsy is somebody else's definition of efficient. Ctrl+K Ctrl+G to drop a bookmark, Ctrl+Q Ctrl+G pick up the topmost bookmark, and Ctrl+Alt+Q Ctrl+Alt+G to replace the topmost bookmark is as difficult to remember as any other key combination. I actually appreciate that they did not take away yet another simple keyboard shortcut from us plug-in developers. Talking about WordStar: Ctrl+K N and Ctrl+Q N is yet another key combination to access the Toggle Bookmarks, so these Stack Bookmarks shortcuts fit right in.
  6. dummzeuch

    Search Filter for GExperts ToDoList added

    implemented in revision #3729 for all supported Delphi versions Pressing enter is no longer required. It also allows to scroll through the list with the arrow keys without leaving the filter field.
  7. Sherlock

    Long term availability of Community Edition

    When you compare Embarcaderos product portfolio with Microsofts you should notice some ridiculous differences as well. You just can't make that much money on selling IDEs or developer tools alone. Please get real. Office Suites alone generate a much higher income, add an OS to that and giving away an IDE for practically nothing seems to barely make a dent in the profits.
  8. The Left and Top properties of the components on the datamodule as well as its Width and Height are stored in the DFM. When you design a datamodule on a system with 200% scaling and open that later on a system with 100% scaling the datamodule would be shown twice as large. The other way round, when you design a datamodule with 100% (like all datamodules created in previous Delphi versions) and open that on a 200% system, most of the components and their names would probably overlap, because the icons and fonts are scaled in the designer (otherwise they were way too small). When Delphi 11 opens one of those old datmodule it correctly assumes that it was designed with 100% and scales it to 200%. When saving would omit to store the used PixelsPerInch value in the DFM the (already scaled) datamodule would be treated as designed in 100% according to the scheme described and scaled again. Don't get me wrong: I think this is the wrong approach. Scaling for designing is good, but when saving it should be forced to downscale to 96 PPI again. That way the additional PixelsPerInch property in the DFM can be removed. I also suggest to adopt this behavior for forms and frames accordingly.
  9. baoquan.zuo

    PixelsPerInch property in datamodules and services :-(

    type {$I jedi.inc} {$IFDEF DELPHI28_UP} {$DEFINE HasPixelsPerInch} {$ENDIF} TBaseDataModule = class(TDataModule) {$IFNDEF HasPixelsPerInch} protected // Ignore PixelsPerInch property in TFrame introduced since Delphi 11 procedure DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler); override; procedure IgnorePixelsPerInch(Reader: TReader); {$ENDIF} end; {$IFNDEF HasPixelsPerInch} procedure TBaseDataModule.DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler); begin inherited DefineProperties(Filer); Filer.DefineProperty('PixelsPerInch', IgnorePixelsPerInch, nil, False); end; procedure TBaseDataModule.IgnorePixelsPerInch(Reader: TReader); begin Reader.ReadInteger; end; {$ENDIF} I created a base module to solve this kind of issue
  10. Lars Fosdal

    What happened to Sisulizer?

    Bad news: It appears that Markus Kreisel, who wrote Sisulizer, has died. https://web.archive.org/web/20210121010025/https://www.sisulizer.net/forum7/4079.html Posted Thu Dec 24th, 2020 11:54 pm by Harald Krause The link leads to an obituary written by Renate Reinartz, his wife and co-owner of Sisulizer. I can't find any activity online from her since then. Not on her LinkedIn account either.