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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/28/22 in all areas

  1. Angus Robertson

    How to connect to wss:// server ?

    The new ICS WebSocket Client component is now in SVN and will be zipped overnight. See top of OverbyteIcsWebSocketCli.pas for information on how to use it, sample is a new tab in OverbyteIcsHttpRestTst.dpr. I'll look at the ICS WebSocket Server next week, it needs to be brought up to date. Angus
  2. John van de Waeter

    Android 13 ask permission for push notification

    oops... my bad... post_notification needs an s at the end... It works! Thanks Dave and Programmer, for guiding me! 🙂
  3. aehimself

    Delphi & WM_DDE_INITIATE

    I know, this is one of the questions in this topic. As far as I understand, a DDE server should reply with one WM_DDE_ACK message for each service / topic pair it supports, but Delphi doesn't seem to do that. Neither 7, neither 10.4.2. As for being Unicode it was a good guess but it doesn't work. Running the same code from D7, or changing GlobalAddAtom to GlobalAddAtomA yields no results. I guess there's only one question. As detection doesn't seem to work, in which documentation / source file I can look for supported DDE service / topic strings for Delphi? Edit: Ummm...
  4. programmerdelphi2k

    Using VK_XXX numeric part of keyboard

    {$R *.dfm} procedure TForm1.Edit1KeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); begin if (Key in [VK_ADD, VK_MULTIPLY { ,...] } ]) then begin Key := 0; Memo1.Lines.Add('OnKeyDown: VK_ADD, VK_MULTIPLY, ... pressed'); end; end; procedure TForm1.Edit1KeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); begin if CharInSet(Key, ['+', '-', '/', '*']) then begin Key := #0; Memo1.Lines.Add('OnKeyPress: VK_ADD, VK_.... pressed'); end; end; end.
  5. aehimself

    Delphi & WM_DDE_INITIATE

    Sometimes it's good to take a break from something. I went to play with my daughter and realized... D7 doesn't understand Unicode! Maybe it receives the message but it will see only it's first character... Will have to test this theory later out though.
  6. PeterBelow

    Using VK_XXX numeric part of keyboard

    Use the OnKeyPress event of the edit control. Like this: procedure TForm2.Edit1KeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); begin if (Key = '+') and (GetKeyState(VK_ADD) < 0) then begin Key := #0; label1.Caption := 'VK_ADD'; end else label1.Caption := string.Empty; end; The GetKeyState API function allows you to check which key is currently down. The code above will let the '+' key of the normal keyboard add the character to the edit but block the numpad plus key input.
  7. Agree, essentially nothing to fix in ICS, it's a server issue, Google brings up a vast number of responses for the error in Exchange. Hard to tell if it's a real problem with the server being overwhelmed or artificial because it considers the email volume abusive. Restarting your service merely causes a delay in sending email so the server is content again. So you need to slow down the rate at which you send emails. Perhaps send one email per session, if you are sending multiple emails with one connection, Or just wait a second or two between emails, If you get an error sending email, close the session and start a new session. Much easier to test if you have access to the real server. Are you using the TIcsMailQueue component? It is designed for this sort of activity and will retry emails that fail on a schedule over many hours. But it does not currently have a means to so down flow to one server. It will use multiple servers if one gives an error. Angus
  8. dummzeuch

    VM and Legacy apps

    I rarely use Delphi VMs at all, but those that I do use are running on a Citrix XenServer and must be used via Remote Desktop (or the even slower VNC based remote console of the XenCenter). But my experience with using VirtualBox in general is that Remote Desktop is faster and more convenient than the console. Usually my VirtualBox VMs are run "headless" anyway.
  9. dummzeuch

    VM and Legacy apps

    Try to connect to that virtual machine via Remote Desktop rather than using the console. This might solve some of these problems.
  10. Mark-

    Using VK_XXX numeric part of keyboard

    SWAG would be to capture the key in OnKeyDown test for the key if a VK_ADD, set the KeyDown(var Key: Word; to 0 and add the + to the edit field. Same for the other -/etc. keys. And you might need to turn on KeyPreview for the form.
  11. Google returns that usually this error message occurs when the Exchange server is low on disk space. In any case you should incorporate a delay. Nowdays servers usually has a hard limit how many e-mails you can send in an hour.
  12. William23668

    No support for RTL languages in TListView ?

    This indeed solved the problem in very easy way thanks alot 😍 💐
  13. vfbb

    No support for RTL languages in TListView ?

    Not! This part is exemplifying the direct use of the API. It's exactly like @Sherlock said, just replace the default FMX renderer with Skia's renderer ("GlobalUseSkia := True;" in your dpr). But there are a few more notes in the RightToLeft section in readme, which I've printed here:
  14. gkobler

    VM and Legacy apps

    I made an Image with W10 64bit, with VM Workstation Pro, with 8GB RAM, 250 GB Harddisk and 4 CPU cores. That runs well enought