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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/30/23 in all areas

  1. Dave Nottage

    Android does not start

    I have projects from earlier versions of Delphi that I've successfully migrated to Delphi 11.x, mainly because I've been aware of any changes that may be necessary. It has everything to do with what is being used in the application, and zero to do with compilation. Since you appear to be unwilling to share anything about your app, it's extremely difficult to know what the issue is.
  2. Patrick PREMARTIN

    Android does not start

    Hi Did you upgraded the Android manifest template file to the need one for 11.3 ? Did you updates the JAR libraries needed for the project in the project manager Android platform you compile ? (probably yes if it compiles, but check in case not) If you transfer the APK manually to an other device, does it starts or not ? Does the program starts when you compile it in DEBUG mode and start it with (or without) the debugger from the IDE ?
  3. programmerdelphi2k

    Why This App No Screen?

    @stacker_liew I dont have StandFrame to use, then I just remove it! try change the color at "procedure TTetris.DefaultCanvas(Canvas: TCanvas);" --> Canvas.Fill.Color := TAlphaColorRec.Blue; // CurrentColor; " function TTetris.GetCurrentSprite: TSprite; begin Result := AllSpriteKind[Random(6)]; CurrentColor := Random($FFFFFF); // black over black is = black end;
  4. @hoaque my tip is look at https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Alexandria/en/Installation_Notes as your Windows is not installed yet, then, can be the "cause" etc..
  5. Dalija Prasnikar

    Android does not start

    Android development is very different from Windows development. Most likely cause of problems are changes and requirements for newer Android OS that were introduced in the meantime. It has nothing to do with compiler nor Delphi language. Google releases new Android version every year and to comply with those new OS releases and ability to upload applications on Play Store, Delphi Android applications need to support new OS and new Android SDK. There have been numerous changes between 10.2.3 and D11.3 considering Android development and your old application most likely uses features that were subject to change and that require additional or changed configurations or code. Without knowing which features you are using, it is impossible to say what needs to be changed. You can find list of changes and new requirements between releases in official Android documentation https://developer.android.com/tools/releases/platforms Also Delphi Android application runs inside a wrapper and if application crashes due to misconfiguration inside that wrapper, it will crash before any Delphi code starts running. That is why you cannot debug it. To understand what is happening and why it crashed you need to look at native Android error logs - logcat.
  6. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Community license

    Everyone is smart when looking back. I guess nobody could expect such a trap from Emba. For the future seems reliable to put CE inside a VM or at least block all its network activities. You'll never know when they decide to blame you for, say, working with CE via McD's public WiFi.
  7. dummzeuch

    File Search

    This command also searches all subdirectories and only later applies a filter removing all entries that start with c:\Windows\. The function @programmerdelphi2k gave you is actually more efficient because it doesn't descend into the windows directory at all.
  8. Dave Nottage

    Android does not start

    Sometimes, due to a shortcoming with the IDE, the application gets "stuck" or crashes before the debugger has a chance to attach to the process. This can happen when a library required at initialization time is not present, or is not the right version. Without detail about the project (of which none at all so far has been provided), it'll be very difficult to diagnose.
  9. Sertac's question on SO covers this topic: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10162749/why-cannot-take-address-to-a-nested-local-function-in-64-bit-delphi
  10. mvanrijnen

    File Search

    Why not use (in unit System.IOUtils), TDirectory.GetFiles(), see: System.IOUtils.TDirectory.GetFiles - RAD Studio API Documentation (embarcadero.com) (i think it's better to use those functions because you do not know how to use findfirst/next etc correctly)
  11. Remy Lebeau

    TProcessList issue.

    Use the Length() function. Use this instead: for var i := 0 to Length(Instances)-1 do Memo1.Lines.Add(Instances[i]); Alternatively, you can use the Low()/High() functions to get the first and last indexes of the array: for var i := Low(Instances) to High(Instances) do Memo1.Lines.Add(Instances[i]); Alternatively, you can use a for..in loop instead, no indexes needed: for var elem in Instances do Memo1.Lines.Add(elem); However, in your particular example, the TMemo.Lines property has an overloaded method that accepts a TArray<string> as input, so you don't even need a loop at all: Memo1.Lines.AddStrings(Instances); You don't need that. Dynamic arrays know their own length.
  12. David Heffernan

    Software licensing system recommendations

    Pretty hard to make such recommendations. Really depends a lot on how your users want to use your software. Are they going to want to have floating licenses? Metred usage? Cloud hosting of license manager? We have a lot of customers that don't have a shared network and collaborate entirely in the cloud with 365 or similar. Solutions to allow such users to share licenses aren't trivial. Of course, you may know that you will never have customers with such needs, or at least not in the short term.
  13. Uwe Raabe

    client pc database connection problem with interbase server

    Is there a reason why you don't use the original InterBase installer and select Client Only in the Choose Install Set dialog? Where did you get the information, that the steps you describe are sufficient?