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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/29/23 in Posts
He already mentioned before: As I already own a license for HTML Components there is a good chance that it may be included as an extension to the Unit Dependency Analyzer in MMX.
Unit dependency viewer for Delphi - small tool created using HTML Component Library and ForceAtlas2 algo. https://delphihtmlcomponents.com/graph.rar Video:
New build Units with forms are now rectangular Links have direction marks (on source unit) When .pas is not found it tries to find .dcu, parse it and extact links to used units.
Nice idea. But of course I have got something to complain about some suggestions I find it rather difficult to see those light gray lines on a dark gray background. Maybe I'm just getting old and it's my eyes not the tool, but anyway. Why not use black lines on a white background? I know that "dark mode" is all the rage, but readability shouldn't be thrown out of the window for that. It would be nice if the input line for the project file supported autocomplete dropping a file from explorer Dropping a .dpr file from explorer onto the main window to load it would also be nice. I'm sure I will think of some more possible improvements. What are your plans for this tool? Are you going to release the source code? Or make it a commercial tool?
This is because of ForceAtlas2 algo. Units or unit groups with small amout of links can go far from center. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0098679
I didn't use Berlin (I did try but had too many issues) - went from XE7 to 10.4.2 (failed again due to issues) - and then 11.x - 11.3 is not perfect but it's usable. My project is a few exe's and around 100 packages (32bit vcl) - around 4M lines of code. IDE using 600MB, LSP 400MB. I have not run into any out of memory issues with 11.3 - I have had issues with code insight occasionally stops working, but found my old trick of closing the project, deleting the .identcache seems to get it working again. Like every release in the last 10 years, the debugger isn't great but is usable for the most part - the 64bit debugger is pretty flakey (along with the compiler) - so for now I'm sticking to 32bit. YMMV.
It's possible to determine the Delphi version from the .dproj/.bdsproj/.dof file, with some limitations.
Thank you. 1. Gray lines are there just to see overall amount of links for node. They should not be too contrast otherwise selected links will be lost. 2. Project input has Open button at right, you cal select file from standard dialog. Dropping file to this window is good idea, I will implement it. 3. Unfortunately this is not possible because application should also know Delphi version, not just project file. As mentioned above, it will be free, source code will be available to HTML Library customers,
As far as I understood, this is a new demo in the HtmlComponents Library, right? That means, when purchasing it, you can refine all colors as you wish
Suggestion for improvement. I have two disks mapped in the tree on the right: C and D. I am not interested in disk C at all. I click on it. Its contents disappear from the graph. That would be good: Root Node C changes color (probably red) collapses. It just hangs there ----- Every node should be able to collapse and expand. Maybe it's there. Unfortunately, we don't have any instructions available.
I tried to show all, but usually there are too many circular references so cheking unit by unit is more convenient.
Good Job¡, and very nice scroll movement. I like it¡
Yes, Ctrl + mouse wheel
Underwhelming featurewise might just mean they focused on fixing bugs. I could live with that. Many of the features introduced in the recent releases didn't really matter for me personally. One can hope ...
It will be included to HTML Library demos with source code.
Is there a way to setup a shortcut to "re-run" the Delphi LSP instances?
For me 11.x series and 11.3 specifically has been a high point but for small reasons - like GetIt no longer being glacially slow bringing up the list of packages and the IDE having more polish / performance in my use of it. Just feels nicer to me subjectively. Some growing pains in the updated IDE and other features but they are, granted too slow for some, improving. There are sometimes offers of discounts on longer maintenance periods and I took the bait last year on a 5-year renewal. As usual a lot depends on how many third-party components need to be renewed / replaced to migrate to a newer Delphi if your current development environment has stayed static for a while.
Very Nice !! Now I can impress my management even more..
Thanks, I've added searching by several words and list of first 10 found units.
Well, where to start ?!! See the first two hex values 3082 , from the first look i know this is an ASN.1 structure represent a what is most likely a X.509 certificate in raw content, so no texts or strings out of the box. Your question is not understandable, so i will guess here and assume that you want to get the text strings inside the certificate fields and extensions , right ? so here adjusted code function LoadHexSpaceSeparatedFileIntoAnsiString(aFileName: string): AnsiString; var i, c: Integer; st: string; LStingList: TStringList; begin LStingList := TStringList.Create; try LStingList.LineBreak := ' '; LStingList.LoadFromFile(aFileName); SetLength(Result, LStingList.Count); c := 1; for i := 0 to LStingList.Count - 1 do begin st := Trim(LStingList.Strings[i]); if (st <> '') and (Length(st) = 2) then begin HexToBin(PChar(@st[1]), PAnsiChar(@Result[c]), 1); Inc(c); end; end; SetLength(Result, c); finally LStingList.Free; end; end; procedure TForm10.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var Cer:string; Stream:TMemoryStream; begin Cer := LoadHexSpaceSeparatedFileIntoAnsiString('HexFile.txt'); //Memo1.Lines.Add(Cer); Stream := TMemoryStream.Create; try Stream.Write(Ansistring(Cer)[1],Length(Cer)); Stream.Position := 0; Stream.SaveToFile('HexFile.der'); finally Stream.Free; end; end; This will give you fully restored certificate in BER format (also DER in this case) also if you grabbed that hex in full and pasted it in this site https://lapo.it/asn1js/ after decode you will have fully decoded ASN.1 structure, so when you ask for strings, i will assume you want the "issued to" field content, in that case then use the ICS examples and demoes to parse the X509 certificate and get you !! strings !! Away from that, please reform the question, so we can help. Also FPiette had asked, i don't get how did you get that hex in first place ??!!, my answer above is , WHAAT, ok, not my problem he asks for strings so lets make it a string, but it will not be a string, it is a complex structure with few readable string fields. Hope that clear things and helps. ps : The key usage (OID of this certificate is not recorded in any online OID databases, meaning this is proprietary and undocumented usage, also being issued by a governmental body, you really should be extra careful when it comes to such certificates and where its private key, such certificates usually locked to a hardware or locked to specific usage with specific software.
TBytes is a kind of byte array. You say that the smartcard returns "30 82 05 ....". Do you mean the TBytes[0] containe ascii '3', TBytes[1] contains ascii '0', TBytes[2] contains ascii space and so on? OR Do you mean TBytes[0] contain $30, TBytes[1] containes $82 and so on. It would help if you correctly explain what you really get and what you printed out to show in your message. I would also help if you tell us the exact x509 certificate you need: .pem, .cer, .crt, .der or other file. I guess the smartcard return a .der (binary). Did you already read this resource : https://www.ssl.com/guide/pem-der-crt-and-cer-x-509-encodings-and-conversions/
The process on Android is to: Check the checkbox for Camera permission in the Uses Permissions of the Project Options Request the permission at runtime, e.g: PermissionsService.RequestPermissions(['android.permission.CAMERA'], procedure(const APermissions: TClassicStringDynArray; const AGrantResults: TClassicPermissionStatusDynArray) begin if AGrantResults[0] = TPermissionStatus.Granted then // Permission was granted end );
Recent versions of Delphi (for a suitable definition of “recent”) come with a TZipFile class implemented in the unit System.Zip. This class has the really neat feature that it can not only read the contents of a ZIP file directly from a stream but also extract a file from that stream to a TBytes array, thus it does not require any file system access. E.g. imagine you have got a memory stream containing the contents of a ZIP archive. [read on in the blog post]
Delphi’s TZipFile working on a stream
aehimself replied to dummzeuch's topic in Tips / Blogs / Tutorials / Videos
Do you mean Zip64? "The original .ZIP format had a 4 GiB (232 bytes) limit on various things (uncompressed size of a file, compressed size of a file, and total size of the archive), as well as a limit of 65,535 (216) entries in a ZIP archive. In version 4.5 of the specification (which is not the same as v4.5 of any particular tool), PKWARE introduced the "ZIP64" format extensions to get around these limitations, increasing the limits to 16 EiB (264 bytes)." -
Delphi’s TZipFile working on a stream
Anders Melander replied to dummzeuch's topic in Tips / Blogs / Tutorials / Videos
Have you read the help? Extract to stream: http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/Rio/en/System.Zip.TZipFile.Read Extract to file: http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/Rio/en/System.Zip.TZipFile.Extract