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I wasn't going to bring it up in this thread.. but since you opened the door... I've been working on one for a while now https://delphi.dev - but it's a big project for one person and I have a business to run and a family. Docs - https://docs.delphi.dev/ Source https://github.com/DelphiPackageManager Installer - https://github.com/DelphiPackageManager/DPM/releases (codesigned by VSoft Technologies Pty Ltd). It is working well, but I have yet to implement loading design time packages - the reason for that is a lack of spare time. I did redo the IDE user interface a while back and that part is much easier to use than before (modelled on Jetbrain's Rider nuget support) - I use it daily. DPM supports Delphi XE2 - 12.0 - which should make upgrading to newer delphi versions easy - if the packages you use are available for the newer version of delphi, just open your project in that new version (with dpm installed) and dpm will automatically download and install the packages required for the project (and update search paths accordingly). Packages can be hosted by a package server, or a directory (ie network file share). The website is also a package server - that part is working well, however the ui needs a lot more work so that users can create api keys for pubishing packages. Right now the only packages there are ones I forked and published. The website is an asp.net 8.0 application (because I have a lot of experience with it) with a react front end, using a postgresql db - running on ubuntu server on a vm on one of my servers in Sydney - not ideal for latency for the rest of the world - it is behind cloudfare but api routes are excluded (cloudfare does help as a cdn for the images and javascript). If interest in/usage of the server actually took off I would move it to a cloud host in the US to improve latency (that would require some funding). The actual package files are on a cdn (bunny.net) and are regionally cached, so once someone near you has downloaded a package it is cached on their edge and its fast to download. Right now that's not costing me much but if usage ramps up it would. I went with bunny.net purely because of pricing - but apart from the stupid name it's actually a pretty good service. Recently someone (thanks @Geoffrey Smith ) contributed a tool for creating dpm package definition files (json) and we have been working on that together (it's installed by default now). Geoff created this tool to ease creating package definitions for some commercial libraires he is using. I would love to see more interest in the project and welcome contributions.
Since years, our Open Source mORMot framework offers several ways to work with any kind of runtime arrays/objects documents defined, e.g. via JSON, with a lot of features, and very high performance. Our TDocVariant custom variant type is a powerful way of working with such schema-less data, but it was found confusing by some users. So we developed a new set of interface definitions around it, to ease its usage, without sacrificing its power. We modelized them around Python Lists and Dictionaries, which is proven ground - with some extensions of course. Two one-liners may show how our mORMot library is quite unique in the forest/jungle of JSON libraries for Delphi (and FPC): +] assert(DocList('[{ab:1,cd:{ef:"two"}}]')[0].cd.ef = 'two'); assert(DocList('[{ab:1,cd:{ef:"two"}}]').First('ab<>0').cd.ef = 'two'); Yes, this code compiles and run on Delphi - even the antique Delphi 7. 😆 If you compare e.g. to how the standard JSON library works in the RTL, with all its per-node classes, you may find quite a difference! And there is no secret in regard to performance, that our JSON processing is fast. More info: https://blog.synopse.info/?post/2024/02/01/Easy-JSON-with-Delphi-and-FPC
It is possible to have a dependency manager that does not have a single point of failure. There are probably others, and this is not exactly package manager as such, rather a build tool, but Gradle has a good dependency manager. https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/declaring_repositories.html Solution to a server being a point of failure is having multiple servers, and extension of that is that you allow user customizable list of servers (multiple ones) That way, if one server goes down other's would be available and it can be easy to extend the list with new servers if required. Once you have that, you can easily have even your own private server for distributing your own built packages within the company.
Preventing and allowing things to happen in a Thread???
PeterBelow replied to Ian Branch's topic in General Help
Put all controls on the form on a client-aligned panel and then simply disable the panel while the background thread is active. Also use a handler for the OnCloseQuery event to prevent closing of the app while the thread is running. If you have a main menu bar tie all menu items to actions and disable the actionlist while the thread is running. Just don't forget to enable all the stuff again when the thread is done. -
I've never understood why anyone would use getit over the main source repo for open source projects
Contructive critique is fine, sarcastic comments like "fixed it for you" is not at all helpful and frankly annoying. I have blogged, posted here and on other forums numerous times, created an RFC repo on github for feedback - but very little input was received and there no proposed distributed designs with any detail (let's use github and all our problems will be solved 🙄). I have been researching package managers for a long time. None are perfect, and dpm certainly isn't nore will it ever be, but it's a lot better than what we have now - getit is really not of any use (other than for installing delphi). I looked at the package managers for most of the major language/tool eco systems out there - and took ideas from all of them. None of the package managers I looked at are distrubuted - can you point to any that are? Distributed sound cool and all - but how do you ensure a) that the package has not been modified by anyone other than the author (Integrity) b) the package is actually from the author (Authenticity) c) that the package actually comes from where it says it does (Provenance). It's difficult enough to do with a central package server, doing so in a distrubuted system would be next to impossible (who is the source of the truth?). DPM does allow you to configure multiple package sources (as to most other package managers) - so you can easily download the package files (or just copy them from the package cache) to a network share and point dpm at that - in fact in some corporate enviroments this would be the only allowed scenario (I have seen this quite a bit with nuget) to avoid supply chain attacks and license issues.
How can I duplicate a build configuration ?
Lars Fosdal replied to dormky's topic in Delphi IDE and APIs
As for thousands of warnings ... Clean that mess up. Warnings and even hints can relate to significant problems in the code. If you have thousands that are "uninteresting", they still can drown out those that are really vital. -
🙄 I'm actively trying to get something going here that is better than what embarcadero will ever offer, what are you doing (apart from picking holes) 🤷♂️ Unlike embarcadero, I'm not running on old extremely difficult to fix hardware - it's a virtual machine (proxmox) and backed up regularly. The plan is eventually to move it to a cloud service which could provide the redundancy needed - gotta start somewhere.
Regardless of which of the mentioned package managers you will be using - all will be open to supply chain attacks.
@Vincent Parrett That is really fucking neat ! the more i look the more brilliant details a see ! It is a master piece done by a master. joking part : (hoping it is funny!) are you telling me this DPM is written in Delphi by Delphi developer in less than a decade ! @Sherlock there is another way 😎 https://medium.com/@peternjuguna76/hosting-a-json-file-on-github-pages-a-step-by-step-guide-52105a5a393a
You should be able to do so. I've done for Informix. At design time I use the 32bit ODBC driver while when compiled as 64 bit application runtime the 64bit driver.
Delphi forms tend to recreate their window handle at the drop of a hat. So move the DragAcceptFiles calls from the events to overridden CreateWnd and DestroyWnd methods, that makes sure the handle changes are properly handled.
FYI - Several Embarcadero services are currently unavailable
Sherlock replied to Keesver's topic in General Help
So...this seems to be just about the right time to create a new thread. Anyone looking for GetIt alternatives...please look here: Anything else concerning the unavailable Embarcadero services continues right here. -
How can I duplicate a build configuration ?
Lars Fosdal replied to dormky's topic in Delphi IDE and APIs
I assume you mean runtime warnings from custom code, and not thousands of compile time warnings? You can create new build configs in the Project Explorer, and they also show up in the Eurekalog Config. -
[dcc32 Fatal Error] F2039 Could not create output file
Kas Ob. replied to RockWallaby's topic in Delphi IDE and APIs
I can't find many resources about USER_MAPPED_FILE, in fact there is near nothing on the internet , found this https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41844842/when-error-1224-error-user-mapped-file-occurs though not so helpful. Anyway, to decode this situation using my own logic, the file is already being opened for mapping by another process, hence the BDS call to CreateFile is failing, and there is a few ways to catch the culprit redhanded. we start with the easiest way to find the culprit : 1) grab Handle from https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/handle 2) put it some write permitted folder ( don't use any root directory like C: \ or D:\ ...) 3) run cmd with Administrator rights (elevated) on that folder 4) run this command : handle64 > hlist.txt 5) open that hlist.txt file and search for your EXE name Now if we fortunate and things went as we wish for, then we expect to see is something like this, here the file i locked with mapping is 1.txt Share with us to further discussion if discussion is needed, but in all cases we appreciate your finding ! Newer and updated guessing part: 1) system protection for some reason has kicked in . 2) that folder or driver is shared and/or locked by some GoogleDrive (may be) or something similar, and remotely there is software is parsing or handling that file, it easily can be an AV on remote device ! 3) Again that Webroot on your device might be is doing some shenanigans. Don't forget to run handle.exe or handle64.exe with Administrator ! -
wuppdi Welcome Page for Delphi 11 Alexandria?
gkobler replied to PeterPanettone's topic in Delphi IDE and APIs
Fixed I've already thought about implementing it. But I'm very busy with other things at the moment. But I think I will do it. -
If I remember correctly there was such a project on GitHub called Delphinus (blog). I never tried it and it doesn't appear to have gotten much traction. Edit: Found it and added the link.
Convenience, laziness, curiosity. I've found myself browsing the GetIt packages (when it worked) and coming across something that looks interesting but I had not seen before. To try it out, it's really easy to just click Install and start using it to see if it's something I want to keep around. After it's installed, it might get "stuck" there out of laziness or because I only used it once or twice. To switch to the original repo means uninstalling the GetIt package, cloning the repo, learning how it's installed or how to access it... not difficult, just steps to take when there's time and it's going to become a steady part of my library.