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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/20/25 in Posts

  1. Joshua Gardner

    pasfmt out now!

    We're excited to share the first public release of pasfmt, a free and open-source code formatter for Delphi. It is a complete and opinionated formatting tool. The latest release has support for: Complete line wrapping (and unwrapping) for all Delphi structures Configurable line length limit Removing trailing whitespace Change spacing around all tokens (e.g., operators and keywords) Parallel file formatting with directory traversal Removing repeated empty newlines Line ending normalisation To get started, either try our web demo, or download the executable (this one for Windows) and follow the getting started guide. Additionally, there is an IDE plugin with support for: In-editor formatting Format-on-save Cursor tracking You may be wondering how this tool compares to the existing formatters (e.g., GExperts, JEDI, Formatter.exe). This tool goes a lot further than the alternatives by having a complete opinion on how every line should be wrapped or unwrapped; the original layout is (almost) ignored. By ignoring most of the input format, it produces consistently styled code across a whole codebase. We hope that you enjoy pasfmt, let us know what you think!
  2. dummzeuch

    12.3 or 13/14 as next?

    Have you seen the IDE using a phone booth recently?
  3. Stefan Glienke

    Looking but not finding...

    That comment didn't age well I guess
  4. pyscripter

    pasfmt out now!

    And incidentally, for whoever has not tried it, Delphilint from the same group, really rocks.
  5. Patrick PREMARTIN

    12.3 or 13/14 as next?

    I vote for a nocode quantum IDE. Why limiting to a number of bits ? It's so MS Dos !
  6. Angus Robertson

    ICS V9.4 announced

    The issue here is how much time I can spend attempting to support long obsolete versions of Delphi, instead of concentrating on new features and stuff. My time is free and not unlimited. I have not yet removed support for these old Delphi versions from ICS, but those using them need to help investigate problems, not just report them. Angus
  7. Shrinavat

    12.3 or 13/14 as next?

    My favorite IDE is finally catching up to the current decade? Color me mildly intrigued. It's a 64-bit IDE, the worst-kept secret since someone figured out Clark Kent was Superman.
  8. Glenn Dufke

    pasfmt out now!

    Great idea crumbled by rust. There are other languages which would have been more appropriate to use for the implementation and would make contributions easier. Sad. And to expand on that: When picking an implementation language, besides evaluating what solves the problem at hand, you also have to consider target community and who are going to deal with it down the line - especially for open source projects and that weighs higher than one's favorite language. Rust has a toxic community, an ecosystem mess akin to npm and overall just a poorly designed language with unnecessary complexity driven up by hype. (I know this from first hand experience of having to deal with rust projects before and digging inside the rust compiler) While some have drunk the rust kool-aid, I'd rather have seen Modern Object Pascal used or, if you want to be fancy, Zig. There are good reasons why many prominent projects are abandoning rust.
  9. Rick_Delphi

    Looking but not finding...

    It did not. Now that I'm writing again, I'd like to do some Delphi stuff too. Writing is great, but it's difficult to do that for long hours everyday (well, at least for me it is). About 3 or 4 hours working on a book and I need a change for the rest of the day. I have put in 12 hour days of writing, turning out 7500+ words, but it leaves me worn thin for the next day.
  10. Yaron

    A native VCL, and not Windows-based, TComboBox control.

    I designed an open-source (MIT license) TComboBox replacement that's not based on WinAPI: https://github.com/bLightZP/ZPComboBox My software (Zoom Player) uses a similar options dialog design to your own and using this component cut the form's create -> show time in half. P.S. I see you're using TTreeView, if you're restoring the last TreeView selected item when the form opens incorrectly, it can incur ~700ms penalty, something worth checking out.
  11. ToddFrankson

    Does anyone know a delphi component that can play videos from a stream

    I broke down and went with http://www.delphiffmpeg.com/ Awesome stuff, even though its got a few minor bugs and some older code (Also compatible back to D7).
  12. Zane

    pasfmt out now!

    The handling for multiline strings and multiline comments is pretty minimal at the moment. It knows how to parse them and therefore can avoid mangling them (unlike some other Delphi formatters). In a future release we would like to have the formatter rewrite the inside of multiline strings and comments such that they can be indented/deindented, and (in the case of comments) re-flowed.
  13. Jonah Jeleniewski

    pasfmt out now!

    Yes, you can disable formatting with special comments: // pasfmt (on/off) See Disabling formatting for more information.
  14. Attila Kovacs

    pasfmt out now!

    Multiline strings seem to be handled correctly. How about ignoring specific parts of the code? Is there a directive for that? There is. Looks great! // pasfmt off
  15. GabrielMoraru

    I refactor your old code for free!

    Hi there I started my own Delphi YouTube channel and I want to create more content. Therefore, I came up with this idea. Let me know... O:-)
  16. JohnLM

    12.3 or 13/14 as next?

    A feature request I would love to see happen is the ability to add a comment to the Open Recent section on the welcome page. And a create/modify date. I would like to be able to add/change a comment for each of the entries so that I know more details about a project I may have forgotten about. Every time I open a project in XE7, I just keep wishing there was such a feature. And let it be customizable in options or something, like you can do in Explorer where you right-click the labels bar and a drop-down of selections appear to customize the viewing layout.
  17. Die Holländer

    Delphi TOIOBE index lifted in May 2022?

    TIOBE and skip the scripting languages and other non desktop application development software.
  18. Die Holländer

    Delphi TOIOBE index lifted in May 2022?

    If you look to real desktop applications programming Delphi is now on 2th-3th place 😉 Interesting to see that PHP went so low so quick..