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  1. http://rvelthuis.de/articles/articles-pointers.html
  2. The FTP server Options ftpsNoPasIpAddrInLAN and ftpsNoPasvIpAddrSameSubnetoptions were broken because the remote client IP was always returned as, now fixed, will be in SVN next week with other FTP changes. Angus
  3. Anders Melander

    How to use Open Street Maps with Delphi - cross platform?

    Amen! https://killedbygoogle.com/
  4. FPiette

    Correct way of using LineMode?

    Loooong time ago, back in 1996 when I started ICS, a went to that way. I quickly stopped it because it makes things much more complex for both the component developer and the component user. Since then, I am still happy to use delegation instead of inheritance. Inheritance is largely used in ICS, see TWSocket itself as an example. But delegation has to be used when it has to!
  5. You may need a license to use Google Maps, while Open Street Map is free, you can even host your own map server. Also, I would rather trust in OSM than Google that they keep their service available and the APIs mostly unchanged. (Just remember why this forum exists. G+ anybody?)
  6. Vandrovnik

    SFTP client

    Today I found and just briefly tested this: https://github.com/superflexible/TGPuttyLib
  7. Serge_G

    Right To Left Components

    Hi, I don't write nor read RTL languages, I wrote a function to detect if the text starts with a RTL char function checkRtl (S : string; Exceptions : String = '' ) : TTextAlign; var carray : array of WideChar; i : int64; ws : String; begin for I := 0 to 9 do S:=StringReplace(S,i.ToString,'',[rfReplaceAll]); // supprime autres caractères spéciaux S:=StringReplace(S,'(','',[rfReplaceAll]); S:=StringReplace(S,')','',[rfReplaceAll]); S:=StringReplace(S,'"','',[rfReplaceAll]); S:=StringReplace(S,'''','',[rfReplaceAll]); S:=StringReplace(S,'-','',[rfReplaceAll]); if not E.IsEmpty then begin for I := 1 to Length(Exceptions) do S:=StringReplace(S,Exceptions[i],'',[rfReplaceAll]); end; S:=Trim(S); // arabic + hebrew SetLength(carray,$6ff-$590); for I := $590 to $6ff do carray[i-$590]:=Char(I); // there are some farsi char to be added result:=TTextAlign.Trailing; if S.IsEmpty then exit; if inOpArray(S[1],carray) then result:=TTextAlign.Leading; end; And, with Nabil's Help I test my ideas in a grid. You can find (french) discussion here and my tutorial https://serge-girard.developpez.com/tutoriels/Delphi/Livebindings/Grilles/#LVII-C-1 I did not test for TEdit and TLabel though but my guess it is possible
  8. Edit: I rewrote this on my blog: https://larsfosdal.blog/2019/10/31/demystifying-pointers-in-delphi/ Having a general understanding of how memory and addressing works, helps a bit for pointers. Learning assembler gives you that knowledge, but there are simpler ways to think about it. A pointer is a memory location that contains the address to the actual data you want Think of a street with houses. Make a list of the houses and their addresses. This is a list of pointers. Each pointer leads to the actual house it refers to. As you move through the list and follow each pointer, you can visit each house. Street of houses (i.e. your blocks of data, 1Kb each) 10k 11k 12k 13k 14K +------------+------------+------------+------------+------------+ |Apple |Pear | |Banana |Orange | | H1 | H2 | | H3 | H4 | | | | | | | +------------+------------+------------+------------+------------+ Your list of addresses (aka 4 byte pointers) is stored at memory address 100k var ptrlist: array[0..3] of pointer; assuming the list has been initialized with the correct addresses ptrlist[0] 100k contains 10k ptrlist[1] 100k+4 contains 11k ptrlist[2] 100k+8 contains 13k ptrlist[3] 100k+12 contains 14k for var ix := 0 to Length(ptrlist) - 1 do begin here, ptrlist[ix] = 10k,11k,13k,14k, and ptrlist[ix]^ = whatever value that is stored in the respective house the pointer addresses f.x. ptrlist[1] contains 11k (and that value is stored at 100k+4, and ptrlist[1]^ points to 'Pear', i.e. whatever is stored from address 11k Why the empty house? To exemplify that your list of pointers may be a consecutive array or linked list, but the data each pointer points to does not necessarily need to be consecutive. Now, if you address ptrlist[4] - you are out of bounds on the pointer list, and if you are so "lucky" that the address @ptrlist[4] (which is 100k+16) is not inaccesible, then ptrlist[4]^ will point you to whatever random value that pointer contains,, and most likely give you an access violation, or for sure - point you to data you are not meant to visit.
  9. Dave Nottage

    Android, how to call a TJIntent

    Check the file AndroidManifest.xml in the folder: C:\Users\(username)\AppData\Roaming\Embarcadero\BDS\20.0 Where (username) is your logged in Windows username. This is the file that the IDE uses for AndroidManifest.template.xml. Part of the file should look like this: <%provider%> <%application-meta-data%> <%uses-libraries%> <%services%>