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  1. https://www.tmssoftware.com/site/tmswebcorevsc.asp Happy to announce the public beta of TMS Web Core for Visual Studio Code, you can install it directly from Visual Studio Code's marketplace and start writing web applications in Pascal in minutes. Please, use the support center forums to provide any feedback you want and help us to polish the product towards its upcoming release: https://support.tmssoftware.com/c/web-core/tms-web-core-vsc/87 RADical Web Modern SPA web application model Pure HTML5/CSS3/Javascript based applications Standard component framework for common UI controls and access to browser features Debugging in Pascal code via the browser Backed by a solid & proven Delphi Pascal to Javascript compiler that was years in development Reuse skills and components Open to consume other existing Javascript frameworks & libraries Open to use HTML/CSS for design Open to use other jQuery controls or even other Javascript frameworks Easy interfacing to REST cloud services including to TMS XData for database Easy Deployment Application consists of HTML & Javascript files only that can be easily deployed on any light or heavyweight webservers Use any existing load-balancing software and/or techniques for highest performance Visual Studio Code version benefits WYSIWYG form designer Debugging integrated in the IDE Cross-Platform (Windows / MacOS / Linux) High DPI enabled IDE Ecosystem with many additional plugins to enchance development productivity Get started with TMS Web Core for Visual Studio Code
  2. Rollo62

    Are we just "Cash Cows"?

    Good guess IMHO. I only hope that the 75% Delphi-only developer have enough vision to predict the future of desktop-only apps. Many of them might be forced by THEIR customers, to offer a mobile or web-centric solution. See some posts before, the TMS WebCore, what is possible with a little vision, braveness and motivation even for a small company. You don't need the crystal clear glass bowl, to predict the upcoming future, the frozen glass bowl will be sufficient
  3. Günther Schoch

    Are we just "Cash Cows"?

    Exactly - Comes back to my initial subject of this thread "are we just cash cows". Promising and selling something is OK. But the necessary R&D resources (including a real test team) are the consequences. Otherwise I could start to sell "travels to the Mars" with upfront payment.
  4. EarMaster is a unique and highly praised app made in Delphi for Windows, MacOS and iOS. We are looking for a unique profile, and therefore I also share the job internationally. For the right person, this will be a dream job that might make you consider to relocate to Denmark! This job is at our office in Aarhus, Denmark, and remote work is not an option - don't waste your time to ask if we are sure, or if we have other jobs for remote workers 😉 The job add is in Danish, but it is not an absolute requirement that you speak Danish if you have strong English skills. The Google translated job add can be accessed here: https://www.it-jobbank.dk/jobannonce/362739/musikalsk-lead-udvikler-til-verdenskendt-musikteori-app You can find more information about the app at our Website: https://www.earmaster.com Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/eartraining and for a more technical insight, here is the video we made 4 years ago when our iPad app became the Embarcadero "Cool App Winner":
  5. Darian Miller

    Are we just "Cash Cows"?

    I have a TMS All-Access Subscription so I get all their cool tools. I haven't played with WebCore much yet, as there is just too much other stuff on the plate at the moment. I agree it's very forward-looking, and their VS Code target is quite impressive. Kudos to TMS for sure.
  6. I used to use SourceTree, but found it a confusing mess as it evolved. I've tried a few others but don't remember the names, none of them lasted more than a day before I went back to the command line. Fork is the first tool that doesn't have me switching back to the command line all the time, although I do still relapse occasionally!
  7. johnnydp

    Are we just "Cash Cows"?

    I've just read that: https://community.idera.com/developer-tools/b/blog/posts/c-builder-and-platforms-support Yes IMO we are just cash cows. Many problems with quality and speed of development new things, modern tech. When I first heard many years ago about FMX and mobile, I just knew it that it going just nowhere. Delphi should stay mainly (and only) Windows desktop development tool (without mobile devices support) Programmers could have stable powerful absolute king of Windows desktop dev solution. Of cours full Rad studio with C++ as well. More features/platform = more mess, lower quality if you are not as big company as Microsoft or Alphabet, Apple, Oracle. Quick patches (Especially semi automatic from Getit) instead of waiting for major/minor release is very good step forward. So I see one small step in good direction in last years. Just unreal wishful thinking, going back to reality, waiting for 10.4.1 ; )
  8. Something about the topic from Embarcadero:
  9. I did not read the article but a comment like this can only come from a person that has never worked in a team or on multiple features/versions. Or they actually did and had a total mess managing their stuff - I remember several video games in the past where bigger feature updates constantly introduced regressions that were already fixed in previous bugfix patches simply because they forgot to reapply those commits to their feature revision (no guess, this has been confirmed by the devs)
  10. Currently all of our forms are designed using Tahoma 8 at 96dpi and then scaled up at runtime based on the system font and DPI. That's been working great, but there's a snag with the newer DPI-based scaling in XE7+: since it doesn't scale based on the font anymore, loading on Vista/Win7/Win10 where they use Segoe UI 9 makes things too cramped/clipped. I could add a manual ChangeScale call at runtime to handle that, but since we're not targetting XP anymore, it would be nice to just scale all of our design-time forms once and move everything over to using Segoe UI all the time. Has anyone else run into this, and if so, any solutions besides hand adjusting hundreds of forms? A "Scale form by X%" IDE expert, for example?
  11. I use Fork and cannot say enough good things about it. TortoiseGit is the poor cousin of all the TortoiseXXX tools (TortoiseHG is the best one imho - for mercurial). I never did get comfortable with TortoiseGit and would rather use the command line than it!
  12. Hi... Last but not least...TortoiseXXX has in the Explorer overlayicons. I love it. You can see, which files/folders are modified. Especially the ones you haven't changed yourself...dproj.
  13. Fossil would be a weird choice. Regardless of how good it is, it's not widespread. git is everywhere, and has so much tooling and resources available. Very hard to see past it.
  14. YES you need it. With a source control system you can make as many backups (commits) per day as you want and you can return to any older version of a file if you broke something. A few tips: - There are very good freeware GUIs available (such as TortoiseSVN and TortoiseGit). Please use those, they save a lot of hassle. - I personally don't let the Delphi IDE manage the files in the repository, I prefer to do it manually. I use both svn and git, but I use them exclusively using the aforementioned tools. - It isn't really necessary to use an external server for your own (non-shared) repositories. An external USB drive will do just fine. - Whenever you want to add/delete/move/rename a file in your working copy, don't do it with the Windows explorer, only do it with Tortoise.
  15. Hi... ...in japan they say "harakiri" to that. YES! ...imho not. The features in the IDE are are too little. Better you use other tools like Tortoise for (GIT, SVN) ...what you like. https://tortoisegit.org/ Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1KNw1tr47k