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  1. Bill Meyer

    MiTeC DFM Editor 8.0.0

    Had just one experience with it. A former employer used an encryption component for which they had no source. And the publisher of the component was out of business. We needed to move form D6 to D2006, so wrapped the component in a DLL and moved on. Never use a component without source. Never.
  2. Der schöne Günther

    Using the New Edge browser control

    For your information: WebView2 is now out of preview: Announcing Microsoft Edge WebView2 General Availability - Microsoft Edge Blog (windows.com) Instead of using the runtime (or an installed beta version), it can now also leverage a new "fixed version" (previously called "bring-your-own") which is new and in preview.
  3. Vandrovnik

    Outdated Delphi Roadmap

    Oh, please nothing special, just make 10.4.x usable first.
  4. Remy Lebeau

    Call a D7 dll from C#

    Assuming the calling convention of the DLL function is stdcall, then the correct PInvoke declaration in C# would be as follows: [DllImport("my.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)] static extern bool Mostra_Msg (string Parmsg); Alternatively: [DllImport("my.dll")] static extern bool Mostra_Msg ([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)]string Parmsg);
  5. I think I have seen at least four posts about this issue, so here is a sticky.
  6. Fr0sT.Brutal

    MiTeC DFM Editor 8.0.0

    I've never had to use components without sources neither had to modify forms inside. My regrets if you face this case often
  7. Fr0sT.Brutal

    MiTeC DFM Editor 8.0.0

    @limelect thanks for explanations. I got rid of binary DFMs completely since I started using VCS. Other cases aren't actual for me.
  8. Jacek Laskowski

    Missing icons

    History window: Old MMX 14:
  9. I've updated the repo with the synacode.pas file.
  10. Uwe Raabe

    fun coding challenge

    For one memo the result is just that memo. Given the result for n memos, the result for adding another memo is just the combination of that result with the new memo. procedure Combine(Source, Target: TStrings; const Delimiter: string = ';'); var lst: TStringList; S: string; T: string; begin if Target.Count = 0 then begin Target.Assign(Source); end else begin lst := TStringList.Create(); try for S in Source do for T in Target do lst.Add(T + Delimiter + S); Target.Assign(lst); finally lst.Free; end; end; end; The calling part could look like this: var A: TStringList; memo: TMemo; begin A := TStringList.Create; try for memo in [memo1, memo2, memo3] do Combine(memo.Lines, A); memResult.Lines := A; finally A.Free; end; end;
  11. Jurandi

    Delphi with T SQL

    T-Sql is the language for handling an MsSql database. If you want to do an ms-sql stored procedure to use in delphi or other language it should be in t-sql. If it were an Oracle DB it would be PlSql. In time: T-Sql is nothing old. Learn it. You just have to win. Sorry by my poor english.