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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/22/20 in all areas

  1. This is an implementation of the eWriter help format as a replacement for HTML Help (.chm) files in Delphi applications. EWriter eBooks are the modern alternative to the obsolete CHM format for local application help. They offer full support for context-sensitive help and file links. They combine the benefits of CHM and WebHelp and eliminate the disadvantages of both. To create eWriter eBooks, you can either use our freeware HTML compiler eWriter Creator or our commercial help authoring tool Help+Manual, which creates this format out of the box. The package includes the unit Vcl.EwriterHelpViewer.pas which implements support for the eWriter help format in Delphi’s help system. Applications currently using CHM files for application help can switch to eWriter help with basically no changes. The distributable eWriter viewer is included. The package is available from the download link below and from the GetIt Package Manager. Alternative download link: https://www.helpandmanual.com/downloads_delphi.html Compatiblity: Delphi XE upwards Alexander Halser EC Software GmbH www.helpandmanual.com
  2. Look there: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5134712/how-to-get-the-sort-order-in-delphi-as-in-windows-explorer
  3. Dave Millington (personal)

    ANN: Parnassus Parallel Debugger

    A new IDE plugin aimed at helped debugging multithreaded apps! https://blogs.embarcadero.com/new-ide-plugin-parnassus-parallel-debugger/ The plugin: Displays all thread call stacks next to each other Lets you step over, run, etc a thread by itself, not the whole process Shows CPU usage by thread Editor integration to see where threads are executing, so you can easily see what other threads are in the same area of code and more... This has taken me five years to write! That said, most of that was downtime due to working too much time to spend time on this - this release is the result of working weekends since August. It's version 1, and I plan to add some more features over the next few months.
  4. Angus Robertson

    Discover all LAN network with a PC

    If you are only looking for your own application running on a phone, an easier solution than ARP or scanning with ping is to use UDP broadcasts in some way, that is how most devices discover each other on a LAN. One device listens on a unique port, and responds with it's IP address and details when it hears a broadcast. Angus
  5. TStringHelper.Compare has an overload where you can give the option TCompareOption.coDigitAsNumbers for this purpose.
  6. If you like my answer, you should like it (The heart icon on the answer bottom right). Thanks.
  7. Tommi Prami

    Can't edit my post?

    I asked this long time ago, but still can't see the point why it is better to lock down the messages. Own messages from editing. Most of the time, I at least, write message, and might come back to check it days later, if not super urgent question. and it is very annoying to see some typo or ununderstandable (is it a word) sentence. And then can't fix it. Most major Social media platforms do not disable editing , and this is only forum I've ever used which disables editing. -Tee-
  8. Are you showing the list sorted as you like or is it the unsorted list?
  9. MiTeC Internet Browser History Component Suite 1.4 released + added standalone TIBH_EdgeChromium component for Microsoft Edge Chromium history + added standalone TIBH_Brave component for Brave Browser history More info: https://www.mitec.cz/mibhcs.html
  10. David Millington

    Last ways to contact Embarcadero

    Yes - always happy to get an email 🙂 Our email addresses are in the format firstname dot lastname, ie mine is david dot millington at embarcadero.com.
  11. Mike Torrettinni

    Can't edit my post?

    Some forums allow edit old posts and adding additional updates, some posts are relevant throughout the longer period of time and would be nice to just add an update when needed, instead of starting new thread. Of course when updating old post you add something like Update on xx/xx/xxxx: ... and you have 1 long post with useful info in one place.
  12. Bill Meyer

    Can't edit my post?

    Not very old. Eight days. I don't see the reason for a freeze, apart from preventing exercises of ill temper. But those can be accomplished in new posts, too.
  13. Well, yes. That's part of the contract. SetLength is contracted to return a unique object, that is with ref count 1. It's even documented! http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/en/System.SetLength "Following a call to SetLength, S is guaranteed to reference a unique string or array -- that is, a string or array with a reference count of one.“ The only scenario you've raised that I could see being troublesome is a copy for weak refs. Everything else isn't going to have discernible real world impact.
  14. Anders Melander

    Updated Community Edition

    Because they haven't made one. Why? Only Embarcadero knows.
  15. This can happen when MMX was installed for all users. In that case the uninstall is not able to remove these entries from the user registry branches. This is one of the reasons why the setup recommends an installation Just for me.
  16. Attracs company in Finland looking for Delphi developer. Our main application do transport planning and logistics. The office is in Kokkola. Now, most work is done remotely but hopefully, COVID-19 will end someday. So we would prefer someone in the neighborhood. We use Delphi Sydney, Bold for Delphi and Windows. Currently, we are 4 developers plus 2 consultants. In case you are a senior Delphi developer you can also work remotely as freelancer. Experience of ORM or Bold for Delphi is a merit. Ask for more details.
  17. How it started. A brilliant tool that was miles ahead of anything else in its main sector. How it's going. A huge pile of bugs that is falling further and further behind the competition.