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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/04/21 in Posts

  1. Angus Robertson

    Read out signed executable certificate possible?

    I have a component that checks signing certificates: https://www.magsys.co.uk/delphi/magtrustchk.asp Angus
  2. FPiette

    Read out signed executable certificate possible?

    Probably what you are looking for is explained in Microsoft documentation.
  3. More expansion into the Dev space by Idera https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20210302005147/en/Idera-Inc.-Acquires-PreEmptive-Adding-Security-Tools-Trusted-by-Fortune-500-Businesses-to-DevOps-Business-Unit
  4. Bill Meyer

    I will be less active for a few weeks

    Be well, Lars, and recover fully and soon.
  5. baeckerg

    I will be less active for a few weeks

    Stay well and speedy full recovery
  6. Darian Miller

    Annoying IDE behavior changes in 10.4.2

    For me, I hope they don't waste their resources on it and remove the classic code insight option in 10.5. They are taking large swipes at piles of technical debt. Of course, they are adding to the pile as well. It certainly seems like more is coming off the pile than is being added.
  7. Thanks. I understood what the bug report said. I just can't reproduce it on my computer. That doesn't mean that I will ignore it. @merijnbs workaround, while it probably works, is not really one I would like to implement.
  8. Clément

    I will be less active for a few weeks

    Stay safe and I wish you a full recovery!
  9. Attila Kovacs

    I will be less active for a few weeks

    just got the footage per FedEx
  10. Daniel

    I will be less active for a few weeks

    I am sorry to hear this. I also wish you a fast and full recovery.
  11. KodeZwerg


    RunElevatedSupport.pas is what I use. Call IsElevated (Boolean) thats all you need to do. Also offers to elevate code pieces. I love it.
  12. Stéphane Wierzbicki

    I will be less active for a few weeks

    Take care !
  13. Attila Kovacs

    I will be less active for a few weeks

    Wish you a full recovery.
  14. Wagner Landgraf

    Annoying IDE behavior changes in 10.4.2

    LSP is now way better than the previous one. And it looks like Embarcadero is just not touching the old one anymore, so for example I see IDE crashes in some situations with the Classic code insight, and I'm afraid that will never be fixed now. Installing MMX "solves" the issue temporarily, until they hopefully fixes that in 10.5.
  15. No. 🙂 My allegation about lists of objects is not right. (I investigated this problem too long ago; memory fail me.) More accurate info: unit Graphics; { FreeMemoryContexts is called by the VCL main winproc to release memory DCs after every message is processed (garbage collection). Only memory DCs not locked by other threads will be freed. } procedure FreeMemoryContexts; var I: Integer; begin with BitmapCanvasList.LockList do try for I := Count-1 downto 0 do with TBitmapCanvas(Items[I]) do if TryLock then try FreeContext; finally Unlock; end; finally BitmapCanvasList.UnlockList; end; end; unit Controls; procedure TWinControl.MainWndProc(var Message: TMessage); begin try try WindowProc(Message); finally FreeDeviceContexts; FreeMemoryContexts; end; except Application.HandleException(Self); end; end; So main thread (where MainWndProc works) fairly often deselects unlocked memory contexts. It causes all kinds of problems in background threads which use bitmaps without locking.
  16. Rob Truby

    Refactor menu grayed out for Rename...

    Somewhat related, but for a different refactoring. Using the inline var definition breaks the extract method refactoring. procedure Test; var Value: Integer; begin Value := 0; for var i := 0 to 10 do Inc(Value); end; For the above you can't extract Value := 0; as a method. If i is defined in the var section you can. procedure Test; var i, Value: Integer; begin Value := 0; for i := 0 to 10 do Inc(Value); end; I have submitted a report for this RSP-33176
  17. UPDATE - I found a fix/workaround. It appears the order of the packages matter now in project options. I changed the order of the packages from vcl;rtl;vclx -> rtl;vcl;vclx and the problem is solved. This worked fine in 10.2 so some changes must have been made to how packages are loaded/found.
  18. Daniel

    Delphi 10.4.2 first impressions

    We now have six pages of first impressions. This topic has become, as so often with a release, a melting pot of all possible aspects. But it doesn't get any better or clearer and doesn't gain any added value for someone who wants to inform himself about the new release from this page six on (probably already before). Even if it may be a "first impression" for you individually, please create a new topic for your specific question. I will leave this topic open for now so that you can quickly finish acute sub-topics.
  19. c0d3r

    Annoying IDE behavior changes in 10.4.2

    I can confirm all as well, went back to Classic, don't see why I should use LSP.
  20. Remy Lebeau

    Delphi 2006 Indy9 and Indy10 swtich

    Indy is on GitHub: https://github.com/IndySockets/Indy/
  21. MarkShark

    Annoying IDE behavior changes in 10.4.2

    I can confirm the change as well. I've also noticed that the Ctrl-Alt-Up and Ctrl-Alt-Down keys don't seem to navigate between methods anymore (although Ctrl-Alt-Mousewheel still seems to do it.) I was going to suggest it to jump to the first line after begin, but it's gone. So if you want the old behavior you can do Ctrl-Shift-Up, Ctrl-Shift-Down, and then Ctrl-Alt-Mousewheel up! Simple, right? (Wink) Method Hopping: http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Sydney/en/Code_Navigation_(IDE_Tutorial)
  22. This is more of a style thing, but please consider human readability and write while not Terminated do
  23. I am temporarily disabled due to a fractured (bone fully severed at 75° acute angle) upper left arm after slipping on black ice. A nice clean fracture according to the doctors. No surgery or fancy stabilization planned, and the doctors want me to let the body handle it on its own, varying between letting it hang free and using a sling. Typing one handed on Android is somewhat frustrating, so I'll be less active until the worst pain phase is over.