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  1. Image32 is a 2D graphics library written entirely in Delphi Pascal. It provides an extensive range of image manipulation functions and includes a polygon renderer that supports a wide range of filling options. Documentation: http://www.angusj.com/delphi/image32/Docs/_Body.htm Examples: http://www.angusj.com/delphi/image32/Docs/Examples.htm Download: https://sourceforge.net/projects/image32/
  2. Dalija Prasnikar

    upcoming language enhancements?

    If anyone is interested in upcoming version, there will be a webinar https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/4959183786599768588
  3. No, it is not a flaw. This is how Delphi (probably even Pascal in general) has always worked. A parameter's default value is required only in the function's declaration. At any site where the function is called, the compiler needs to know what the default value is, if the calling code decides to omit the parameter. Duplicating the default value in the function's implementation is optional. The implementation doesn't care whether the caller omitted parameters or not, because the compiler will have filled in any missing values on the call stack before the implementation is entered.
  4. vfbb


    Website: github.com/viniciusfbb/skia4delphi Skia4Delphi is a cross-platform 2D graphics API for Delphi based on Google's Skia Graphics Library (skia.org). Google's Skia Graphics Library serves as the graphics engine for Google Chrome and Chrome OS, Android, Flutter, Xamarin, Mozilla Firefox and Firefox OS, and many other products. Skia provides a more robust Canvas, being very fast and very stable, with hundreds of features for drawing 2D graphics, in addition to a text shaping engine designed to render texts in the most diverse languages with right-to-left support (such as the Persian language), full support for loading SVG files, support for creating PDF files, support for rendering Lottie files (verotized animations created in Adobe After Effects), integration with the GPU, among countless other cool features. Skia's idea is similar to Firemonkey's, the same codebase used in an OS will work the same on other platforms. It is also possible to design using the CPU in independent background threads. Skia also has native codecs, of course if you don't use the SKCodec class, when loading an encoded image it will give priority to using the platform's native codec, but it is possible to use its codec, for example for jpeg files it uses libjpeg-turbo and for png files libpng which maybe in certain environments may perform better than native. See some examples: Advanced shapes Advanced text rendering / shaping Svg Lottie files And much more...
  5. I was working with various kinds of financial data, weather data and power data (prices, volumes, etc), and thousand separators usage was variable. Spaces, commas, dots, the lot. It was a hodge-podge of formats since very few standard exchange formats existed at the time. Even vendors that you had contractual agreements with, would change the format on the fly, without notice. "Yeah, we changed the format. Nobody told you?"
  6. Correct. And as a developer that does a lot of parsing of scientific / engineering data, I just don't recognise the issue of dealing with thousand seperators. In the data that I process, they just don't appear. You don't bother trying to strip them, you just require the data not to have them. Exactly. It's a mugs game trying to handle data whose formatting is ambiguous, so don't do it.
  7. The common trait is that both floats and dates have separator character challenges. For floats, the only reliable solution is to KNOW the input format and do the necessary stripping/replacement before passing the string to the converter. In some of my older input parsers, I stripped spaces, then checked for the presence of , and . and did the following processing - if only one exists, don't touch it - if more than one of a kind exists, remove them all - if both exists - remove all but the last one Which still is hopeless if the 1,000 is 1000 and not 1 with three decimals.
  8. Sriram

    Copy Encrypted InterBase Database to another machine

    @corneliusdavid, thank you for posting your blog article in your response above. Now, I understand your issue a bit better. I am sorry you had a lot of difficulty using the product for your intended purpose. Here are a few things I want to clarify... You can use *any* number of InterBase instances on a single machine, as long as each of these instances are licensed and registered with a unique S/N Each InterBase instance has to be uniquely identified on your machine; this is typically the instance name you provide when you are installing either the normal InterBase product, or RAD Server (same installer as InterBase). The unique identification combination is the (1) instance name, and, (2) TCP/IP socket listening port for the InterBase server process. Each InterBase server instance will listen on their own unique socket port. Each install of InterBase (and RAD Server) comes with its own set of InterBase command-line tools, IBConsole, IBMgr, ibserver.exe etc. They are self-contained with their own user authentication database, admin.ib. The server instances do not share any database user accounts outside their own instance. On a single machine, you *can* have a mix of InterBase Developer Edition (downloaded from the product portal), InterBase Server Edition, RAD Server (production S/N), RAD Studio installed InterBase Developer IDE Edition (automatic install, optional in RAD installer) etc. And, you can install any number of InterBase versions as well, with any combination of Editions, provided you follow rule (2) above. If your InterBase Developer Edition or Server Edition has been used to Encrypt databases with their own SEP and Encryption keys, just remember that these databases should *not* be used with RAD Server (production) instance of InterBase; and, vice-versa, you should not try to access your RAD Server (production) databases from InterBase Developer Edition or Server Edition. The Developer Edition and Server Edition server instances do not know what the SEP should be to connect to your RAD Server (production) databases (as designed). By no means should a new install of InterBase should interfere with your current databases in use (by other instances), as long as you have not broken rule (2) above. From your application(s), my recommendation would be to use the TCP/IP localhost loopback going to that specific InterBase instance you want to connect. For e.g. your database URL would look like "localhost/<instance_name/portNumber>:<database_filepath>", as in "localhost/14064:C:/mypath/foo.ib", or, "localhost/gds_db:C:/mypath/foo.ib", or "localhost/ib2020:C:/mypath_ib2020/ib2020file.ib" etc. There is only one IBConsole.xml file used to store all configurations for the end-user of the system. So, I would always just launch the IBConsole from the most recent InterBase installation on your system, as this would have the most up-to-date feature set, and bug fixes. Whenever you install a new version of InterBase that supersedes other versions on your machine, just make a shortcut to the IBConsole from that install and launch that. In your IBConsole, when setting up a connection to a local/remote server, I would normally choose the localhost/loopback TCP/IP setup rather than the "Local Server" (IPC) connection. This helps me clearly identify which InterBase instance I am connecting to by specifying the instance name or the TCP port ID of the listening server. When you now use "Alias" (some more bugs for this are fixed in an upcoming release), the database alias is maintained in that InterBase server instance's admin.ib (user authentication database, stated above). For the InterBase Developer edition installed by RAD Studio, use the RAD Studio License Manager to manage it's licenses. For all other InterBase instances (including RAD Server production license), use the License Manager that is installed with InterBase (you can get it in the Windows shortcuts setup with your InterBase instance). Once you have done the above, please post any new observations. We can take it on from there, as this post is getting a bit long already. 🙂 Good luck! Best wishes, Sriram
  9. Actually, maybe you could try something like this: type ICanReadSubSections = interface ['{...}'] procedure ReadSubSections(const Section: string; Strings: TStrings; Recurse: Boolean = False); end; TdzMemIniFile = class(TMemIniFile, ICanReadSubSections) public {$IF CompilerVersion < 14} procedure ReadSubSections(const Section: string; Strings: TStrings; Recurse: Boolean = False); {$IFEND} end; TdzRegistryIniFile = class(TRegistryIniFile, ICanReadSubSections) public {$IF CompilerVersion < 14} procedure ReadSubSections(const Section: string; Strings: TStrings; Recurse: Boolean = False); {$IFEND} end; {$IF CompilerVersion < 14} procedure TdzMemIniFile.ReadSubSections(const Section: string; Strings: TStrings; Recurse: Boolean = False); begin // add to Strings as needed... end; procedure TdzRegistryIniFile.ReadSubSections(const Section: string; Strings: TStrings; Recurse: Boolean = False); begin // add to Strings as needed... end; {$IFEND} And then you can do this: procedure doSomething(_Ini: TCustomIniFile); var Intf: ICanReadSubSections; sl: TStringList; begin if not Supports(_Ini, ICanReadSubSections, Intf) then raise Exception.Create('ICanReadSubSections not implemented'); sl := TStringList.Create; try Intf.ReadSubSections('Section', sl); for i := 0 to sl.Count - 1 do begin doSomethingWith(sl[i]); end; finally sl.Free; end; end;
  10. I really don't think you are going to be able to avoid that if you want to support different versions with varying implementations, eg: procedure doSomething(_Ini: TCustomIniFile); var sl: TStringList; {$IF CompilerVersion >= 14} procedure ReadSubSections(const Section: string; Strings: TStrings; Recurse: Boolean = False); begin _Ini.ReadSubSections(Section, Strings, Recurse); end; {$ELSE} procedure ReadMemSubSections(_MIni: TMemIniFile; const Section: string; Strings: TStrings; Recurse: Boolean = False); begin // add to Strings as needed... end; procedure ReadRegistrySubSections(_RIni: TRegistryIniFile; const Section: string; Strings: TStrings; Recurse: Boolean = False); begin // add to Strings as needed... end; procedure ReadSubSections(const Section: string; Strings: TStrings; Recurse: Boolean = False); begin if (_Ini is TMemIniFile) then ReadMemSubSections(TMemIniFile(_Ini), Section, Strings, Recurse) else if (_Ini is TRegistryIniFile) then ReadRegistrySubSections(TRegistryIniFile(_Ini), Section, Strings, Recurse) else raise Exception.Create('Only TMemIniFile or TRegistryIniFile are supported'); end; {$IFEND} begin sl := TStringList.Create; try ReadSubSections('Section', sl); for i := 0 to sl.Count - 1 do begin doSomethingWith(sl[i]); end; finally sl.Free; end; end;
  11. I think he speaks from a point on timespace in a distant future.
  12. SwiftExpat

    How to create a grid that looks like this

    David FNC has a "Tool Bar Button" which has some rounded corners. Might be worth a look.
  13. Remy Lebeau

    upcoming language enhancements?

    Please, please, please, with sugar and cherries on top!! I remember way back in the day when Borland actually did release things "when they are ready". I miss those days.
  14. Stefan Glienke

    upcoming language enhancements?

    We know they never do that but rather hope they be ready when they ship which also as we know it not the case either.
  15. Joseph MItzen

    TMS and CoPilot, and Delphi ?

    What if it was trained solely from the contents of @Arnaud Bouchez 's hard drive?