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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/28/21 in Posts

  1. David Heffernan

    How to manage feature changes during release cycle?

    These tools are really useful, but they aren't a substitute for understanding the workflow.
  2. Attila Kovacs

    How to manage feature changes during release cycle?

    Can we see a "branch" example with 10+ projects having own code, shared code, 10+ major 3rd party libs, tons of binary data, whatever I forgot to mention. Asking for a firend.
  3. Joseph MItzen

    Using Expressions in the Group By Clause in Interbase

    They added Common Table Expressions 8 years after PostgreSQL (although they still don't have the recursive option, which PostgreSQL has had for 11 years now), tablespaces 15 years after PostgreSQL... they still don't support partial indexes, functional indexes, window functions, UPSERT, full text search or even timestamp with timezone. No compression support, materialized views, partition support... Their marketing material still brags about being "SQL-92 compliant". It's only been in the last few years that Embarcadero has made any user-facing improvements at all to Interbase. I remember a blog post by MVP Warren Postma several years ago about the Interbase Developer Edition shutting down after four hours (I think it's up to 48 hours now) and how ridiculous that is given that SQL Server, Oracle, etc. give free developer editions without the forced shutdowns. David Intersimone appeared in the comments and said that four hours was plenty of time to test any code and they didn't want people stealing the database. Warren, MVP status be damned, asked David why anyone would go through all the trouble of stealing Interbase when there were much better databases they could have for free? David didn't respond to that. Even SQLite offers window functions, partial indexes, functional indexes, JSON support, full text search, UPSERT and common table expressions with recursion now. (It's actually a damn fine database for performing data analysis on the desktop now; I'd choose it for business intelligence or analytics work over Interbase in a heartbeat). I leave you with four more quotes to ponder....
  4. Hi, I managed to duplicate this small bug in Delphi 11 and Delphi 10.4.2. 1) Drop TControlList and Inside the Item area drop a TControlListButton. 2) Drop a ImageCollection and assign some images. 3) Drop a TVirtualImageList, link it to ImageCollection and Add some images. 4) Link TVirtualImagelist to TControlListButton.Images Notice that it's not possible to View the icons either in ImageIndex nor ImageName properties. You can set then manually, for example, if you assign ImageIndex := 0 and ImageName will reflect the correct image. Should I report it? Or is it already known?
  5. ImageEn, image editing and display library for Delphi/BCB, v10.2.0 is now generally available.This update is free if you purchased a license or extension after 15 September 2020: http://www.imageen.com/support/download/ Other users can extend their registration for 12 months at: http://www.imageen.com/order/ More info and a free trial of ImageEn are available at: http://www.imageen.com Top Ten Enhancements in ImageEn 10.2.0 ImageEn now uses a DLL for localization support. If you do not need localization it reduces your the EXE size by 780KB. If you use localization it adds support for eight more languages: Czech, Danish, Finnish, Hungarian, Norwegian, Polish, Swedish, Slovenian The ImageEnViewToolbar can now be used to view and edit PDF files Now supports high quality PDF printing, including via ImageEn TAction classes Various improves to measurement, including new interactions to measure areas and lengths with a polyline and more detail in hover hints, e.g. perimeters when measuring by rectangular or circular areas Masks can now be applied to non-image layers, like text and shapes TIERichEdit adds support for all RichEdit 8.0 features, including spell checking All ImageEn keyboard shortcuts can now be easily customized or disabled New mouse interaction allows selection of text or images in a PDF files (with automatic detection based on what is under cursor), plus it is much easier to switch to pan and zoom mode Many other improvements for PDF file viewing, including new options for selection, highlight and form field colors, and performance enhancements Now supports Delphi 11
  6. Der schöne Günther

    How to manage feature changes during release cycle?

    I would absolutely agree unless @Mike Torrettinni also used a new feature as a motivation to drastically refactor parts that now needed bugfixing.
  7. Lars Fosdal

    How to manage feature changes during release cycle?

    If you avoid this, one of the branches will be left unfixed. You always must fix it in both places. The question really boils down to which model you use.
  8. Fr0sT.Brutal

    How to manage feature changes during release cycle?

    Btw: when actively working on a feature, I sometimes don't bother about decorating beautiful commits. I just commit stuff periodically, even non-buildable and incomplete with very short messages or just "tmp" message. When code starts looking more or less stabilized, I squash these temp commits into something nice looking and do actual commits that will remain in history
  9. Lars Fosdal

    How to manage feature changes during release cycle?

    Correct. Most UIs for git visualize branches and merges.
  10. Fr0sT.Brutal

    How to manage feature changes during release cycle?

    I'm the only dev of my projects so I adopted some kind of Git workflow: - Small changes fitting into single commit go directly to master - Somewhat big features (requiring significant changes in multiple files) go to feature branches. * If they are finished quickly (no commits to master happen after starting feature branch), I merge into master without fast-forward to get nice-looking curve in history. * If a branch lasts for a while, sometimes I rebase it onto current HEAD - or - * Merge commits from master to feature branch (this is what all should do but I find multiple merges too confusing in history so I try to avoid them). More frequently I utilize cherry-picking which is very nice tool of distributing commits. * When a feature is ready, I rebase onto current HEAD and do clean merge. I also use submodules for shared libs. This requires some self-discipline especially if you periodically modify these libs right from a parent project - this results in lots of fun when you have N different updates inside N different projects and got to merge them all into main repo and then update all these N submodules. I also came to a rule to commit changes in submodules into separate commits (without changes to parent project) just to separate things. What's good in submodules - you can always jump to any previous state including all deps and it will be buildable. Just don't forget to run "Update submodules" after switching
  11. Lars Fosdal

    How to manage feature changes during release cycle?

    Ref the chart I posted. That patch or hotfix if you like can be spun off the release branch and committed and merged back into the release branch and the development branch. I am fond of GitKraken here, because it supports GitFlow which simplify doing these things.
  12. David Heffernan

    How to manage feature changes during release cycle?

    Fix it in development branch, and then merge on to feature branch and release branch,
  13. Lars Fosdal

    How to manage feature changes during release cycle?

    They are similar, but not identical it seems - judging by this: https://github.com/stettberger/git-external
  14. David Heffernan

    How to manage feature changes during release cycle?

    I don't think it matters how many developers there are. That doesn't change anything. Even with one developer you still need to maintain separate branches for current development and historical maintained releases. I work exactly the same way on my solo projects as I do on my collab projects. I strongly recommend reading up on this subject, you'll get a much better idea than this sort of threaded discussion. Here is a great place to come ask questions once you've read up the subject but I wouldn't recommend starting like this.
  15. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Using Expressions in the Group By Clause in Interbase

    @Joseph MItzen I've never used IB since v6 I believe (the one shipped with D7), I switched to FB and never looked back
  16. shineworld

    How to manage feature changes during release cycle?

    I'm in the same situation. I've solved that using git branches feature.
  17. Hi Edwin 1. We use DLL files to make it easier to plug-in the functionality (i.e. users who don't require PDF support are not burdened with a larger EXE) 2. ImageEn supports PDF files in multiple ways: - Native exporting of layers (images, texts, vector shapes, etc) to PDF - PDFium functionality (rendering and editing PDF pages, but not editing of annotations at this time) - Other methods, such as converting image documents to searchable PDF files (OCR) So the answer, unfortunately, is that there is currently not a practical way to open a PDF file, edits its annotations and save it. BTW, we are hoping to have PDF bookmark support in the next release. Best regards Nigel Cross Xequte Software www.imageen.com
  18. In case you don't need the name you can also assign it to an empty string. Unnamed components can coexist inside their owner.
  19. Arnaud Bouchez

    Free SQLite -> Interbase tool?

    You may also try our SynDBExplorer tool. If you can serve the Interbase ToGO DB with Interbase server, connect to it then choose the "Table Export" feature: it will create the SQLite3 file for you. Note that if you use the SQL to text dump conversion, I guess you don't need to change anything to the CREATE TABLE statement. The SQLite3 syntax is very relaxed, thanks to its "column affinity" feature.
  20. Anders Melander

    Free SQLite -> Interbase tool?

    True but as I read the documentation, with those settings, all it would take is a system crash at an unfortunate moment. I have not used SQLite3 in productions systems so I don't really know what I'm talking about. Yes, I agree. I missed that point.
  21. Anders Melander

    Free SQLite -> Interbase tool?

    And be prepared to lose all your data.
  22. Arnaud Bouchez

    Free SQLite -> Interbase tool?

    Export/import as SQL? Only the CREATE TABLE statements may need some manual adjustment. But the INSERT should work directly. Sqlite3 command-line tool has a .dump command - just copy the SQlite3 DB file from your mobile to your desktop to dump it. IMHO SQLite3 would be faster than Interbase - it is at least what I saw with Firebird/SQLite3 on Windows and Linux. Perhaps Interbase has some secret weapon, but I doubt it very much. And using an Open Source and proven solution like SQlite3 is worth it... Also ensure you make a fair comparison between the two. By default, SQLite3 expects a full synch to the storage media, which is the safest, but slowest approch. So ensure you setup JOURNAL_MODE=Memory and LOCKINGMODE=Exclusive and SYNCHRONOUS=Off. Check http://blog.synopse.info/post/2012/07/26/ACID-and-speed
  23. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Using Expressions in the Group By Clause in Interbase

    I can't believe it took a decade for them to implement SELECT FROM SELECT