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  1. Sherlock

    The Delphi 11.2 release thread

    OT: BPL hell. I build monolithic applications. copy the exe anywhere and run it. Never even considered using dll or bpl "technology". All I ever see is drawbacks to this kind of software development.
  2. Davide Angeli

    Several F2084 Internal Error on Delphi 10.4.2

    I've installed 11.2 quite a few days ago upgraded from 11.1 (smooth upgrade without problems with web installer). Til now I have only recompiled/updated some of third party libriaries and do a little stuff for a couple of half days on the future release of my main app (in this moment I'm working heavily on the older project still on 10.4.2). Til now I worked without IDE crashes and this is good news for me! On same project on 10.4.2 (but also with 11.0 and 11.1) the IDE crashes all time with various internal errors)! I'll stress the new IDE in the next days but in my way of use it seems definitly more stable.
  3. Der schöne Günther

    function returning interface

    With Delphi 11.1, my actual output is exactly what you expect.
  4. Uwe Raabe

    The Delphi 11.2 release thread

    There are types of applications that benefit a lot from this concept, where I can hardly imagine how it would be without it. Just to name a few I heavily work with: Delphi IDE, RAD Server and FinalBuilder.
  5. mvanrijnen

    DelphiMVCFramework-3.2.2-nitrogen has been released

    gonna give it a try, with a small private project. btw bough the cookbook 😉
  6. João Antônio Duarte

    DelphiMVCFramework-3.2.2-nitrogen has been released

    DMVCFramework is fully stable and tested. I use DMVCFramework in large production projects, in Windows and Linux environments.
  7. Rollo62

    Delphi 11 for iOS 16 ?

    I have learned the hard way that its a bad idea to use XCode beta versions, since they might not match to the iOS versions well and also might show many installation quirks. Thats why I usually wait until at least the finals were ready (also they contain glitches from time to time).
  8. ginnix

    Delphi 11 for iOS 16 ?

    I am using 11.2 and XCode 14 beta 6 and have successfully submitted my program to the app store. Just waiting for review and hopefully it gets accepted. Note: This is on Ventura Beta. Thanks
  9. Mike Torrettinni

    Ctrl+Click declaration fails but CTRL+G works (Delphi 11.2)

    When Ctrl+click stops working for my projects, I found the best and easiest way to get it to work, I just switch between Release/Debug configuration (and back) and you can see the Codeinsight process does something and Ctrl+click starts working again. So, if I develop in Debug and Ctrl+Click stops working, I double click on Release, wait 1s to see Codeinsight progress shows up, then double click to go back to Debug config: Annoying, but works almost every time and it takes about 5 seconds. So, not too bad.
  10. David Heffernan

    32bit vs 64bit

    It's true that the 64 bit Windows debugger is a disaster zone. But I just debug with the 32 bit debugger. You can have a project with both 32 and 64 bit targets. You can then ship just the 64 bit if you prefer. But you can still use the 32 bit debugger during development, because it's the one that is actually useful.