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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/13/23 in Posts

  1. In case anyone is interested, and better, want to contribute, I've upgraded THunSpell which was originally written by Stefan Ascher to support Unicode Delphi and created a github repository. Attached Demo screenshot.
  2. Dalija Prasnikar

    Locking an Object

    You cannot use TMonitor in such scenario as you don't always have live instance to call upon. Also there is a simpler code than your example commonly used for double checked locking. However, that pattern assumes that calling the constructor is all that is needed to fully initialize the object. Only if there is additional initialization needed after construction, there is a need for temporary object. So this code would look like: function GetMyObject: TMyObject; begin if FMyObject = nil then begin FLock.Enter; try if FMyObject = nil then FMyObject := TMyObject.Create; finally FLock.Leave; end; end; Result := FMyObject; end; or with additional initialization function GetMyObject: TMyObject; var TempMyObject: TMyObject; begin if FMyObject = nil then begin FLock.Enter; try if FMyObject = nil then begin TempMyObject := TMyObject.Create; // additional initialization for TempMyObject FMyObject := TempMyObject; end; finally FLock.Leave; end; end; Result := FMyObject; end;
  3. Uwe Raabe

    Dellphi 12: IDE's F6 Search box still faulty

    I believe that not reporting an issue most likely lead to nothing.
  4. Lars Fosdal

    Create an animated gif from a set of bitmaps?

    Not to forget, FMX+SKIA+LOTTIE files.
  5. Lars Fosdal

    Bringing the IDE automatically to the foreground?

    What drives me nuts, is the UACs that flashes the icon but doesn't bring the window to front. There are Windows settings that can affect the bring to front behaviour. Also, Windows drivers and layout management tools can affect the behaviour.
  6. Please make a complete compilable executable example. The listed code does not illustrate proper generic references. It is not clear what you are trying to achieve, it being manipulating an input value or an internal value, nor what value you are trying to modify. If you are using pointer references to modify values, your code isn´t really generic anymore.
  7. PeterBelow

    Bringing the IDE automatically to the foreground?

    Since several Windows versions an application running in background (= not having the input focus) cannot simply push itself into the foreground anymore because it thinks itself soo much more important than what the user may currently be working with. Instead it flashes its taskbar button to inform the user that it requires its attention. Does that not happen in your scenario?
  8. gkobler

    New Firebird 4 datatype "TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE"

    Done. https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-43311
  9. Angus Robertson

    ICS V9.0 - mobile platforms

    ICS V9.0 will be very difficult to convert to Android, it should work on MacOS but has not been tested for a few years due to lack of hardware and volunteers. ICS V10 is currently a very small number of units that does work on Linux for simple sockets, no SSL. Over the next year or so I will be migrating the V9 code to V10, it's a massive job. I strongly recommend that initially you concentrate on adding Android support to V10 and making the two FMX samples work on Android. You will see results far faster than working with V9. Angus
  10. Nigel Thomas

    Hide Main Form on Start

    Does this help? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14407759/delphi-xe3-mainform-hide
  11. bdw_nz20

    Quality portal access gone for me ?

    Ah, thanks Dave for letting us know. You'd think it would be easy to put up a note indicating its down. I've filed a support request which is a waste of time for them and me.
  12. Nigel Thomas

    How can I disable IDE talking to external websites?

    Solution has been posted in another topic:: https://en.delphipraxis.net/topic/10435-script-errors-galore-when-launching-delphi/?tab=comments#comment-83104
  13. dummzeuch

    Format function params

    None of these features have been implemented. Feel free to submit a feature request on sourcefoge (makt it one for each feature). Feature requests for the formatter should include two unit files: An input and the desired output. They both should compile. But don't hold your breath for an implementation. Hm, actually, I think removing that blank line should have worked. Maybe it's a bug.
  14. Anders Melander

    Delphi 12 is available

    Then please stop using it. Referring to a release by name instead of the version number which everybody recognizes, is just confusing, and everyone, Embarcadero in particular, should just stop doing it. It's pretty annoying having to Google it when someone refers to the name instead of the version number. I haven't bothered with the names since Ivory (see what I mean?). It's bad enough that the version number and build number haven't been in sync since marketing took over and made the numbers "hip" with D2xxx and later XE*
  15. hsvandrew

    Delphi 12 is available

    First impressions of the installer: someone from 1990 tried to replicate the modern Visual Studio installer and failed. Looks ugly and embarrassing. Proportions are wrong, padding is wrong, looks amateur. Let's see if Code Insight finally works as we haven't been able to upgrade since 10.3.3....