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  1. Uwe Raabe

    Delphi 12 IDE: unchecking a component is NOT SAVED

    When a project is loaded all changes are local to the project. When no project is loaded all changes should be permanent. This has been the behavior since the beginning of Delphi, but that volatile unchecking bug crept in some time ago. Versions up to Delphi 7 even had a checkbox to make it permanent while a project is open (sorry, I only have a German D7 at hand)
  2. FPiette

    Clicking something in TEdgeBrowser

    I didn't explain what's your goal is behind this technical question. If it is for debugging, why don't you use the "inspect" feature of the browser? Right click on any item on a loaded webpage will pop a menu up. Then select "inspect" and a secondary window will open with the source code and the clicked item shown.
  3. @Dave Nottage and @Rollo62, thank you very much for the useful information and tips. Yep, DeviceLens looks the right tool for the job.
  4. rvk

    Delphi 12 VCL painting differs through RDP

    Woops, sorry. The Application.SingleBufferingInRemoteSessions is true as default. You should try to set it to false so the RDP acts the same as without RDP regarding doublebuffering. http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/Alexandria/en/Vcl.Forms.TApplication.SingleBufferingInRemoteSessions
  5. rvk

    Delphi 12 VCL painting differs through RDP

    Yes. So you could set SingleBufferingInRemoteSessions to true to test if enabling DoubleBuffering in RDP would help. (turning on DoubleBuffering manually doesn't have effect if SingleBufferingInRemoteSessions is still set to false) If it doesn't help, then it must be something else.
  6. dummzeuch

    Overview of the generated files after build/compile

    Not that I am aware of.
  7. Attila Kovacs

    Delphi 12 is available

    rotfl, so much about multiline strings i'm begging since ages for a directive excluding blocks from the formatter..... @Marco Cantu it would give you a break too
  8. Der schöne Günther

    How can I make TTimer run in the main tread ?

    No, it doesn't. What makes you think so?
  9. ICS still supports Delphi 7 and later, so needs AnsiStrings. I am trying to modernise some code, but can not break old functions that people have used in applications for 20 years. I'm expecting some bad feedback as people upgrade to ICS V9.1 which has some non-backward compatible SSL/TLS changes, new units and conceptual changes. SVN notes have all the details. Angus
  10. I was referring to base64. That takes binary input (so bytes) and outputs text (so string). For sha1 the yes the input and output should be binary, that is bytes. The you'd have helper functions to take hash output and write in friendly hex format. At no point should there be AnsiString. I mean I hope you aren't proposing AnsiString as a place to hold bytes.
  11. It makes no sense to me that a base64 function could ever accept string input. Input base to be bytes. This is also kinda weird. Shouldn't it be the native type for text, string.
  12. Remy Lebeau

    Delphi 12 IDE: unchecking a component is NOT SAVED

    You can update the "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Embarcadero\BDS\23.0\Known Packages" Registry key. Find the entry for the package, and either: modify the entry's Data value to prefix it with an underscore ("_"). remove the entry (optionally move it to the "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Embarcadero\BDS\23.0\Disabled Packages" key)
  13. Cloud logging, or local? If local, see this, which includes a mention of Device Lens. See this discussion: As @Rollo62 mentioned, Grijjy Cloud Logger has not had an update in a few years, however I suspect it's still viable as a cloud logging solution.
  14. The bug is in your code - not all binary data can cleanly be put in a string directly. The output of the hash function is in TBytes and the encode function can take TBytes as input. That string() cast you inserted between them is causing issues depending on the binary hash value.
  15. Please try this instead procedure TForm1.Button3Click(Sender: TObject); var s: AnsiString; ServerKey: string; begin s := AnsiString(edit1.Text); ServerKey := Base64Encode(SHA1ofStr(s)); Memo1.Lines.Add(ServerKey); end;