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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/15/24 in all areas

  1. Now I stop having too many bad thoughts about the whole Tiobe-System, thank you, its all right again and I start liking it
  2. I usually prefix functions like this with "Try", so instead of function GetTheValue(parameters ...): SomeType; it's function TryGetTheValue(parameters ...; out Value: SomeType): Boolean;
  3. FreeDelphiPascal

    Delphi TOIOBE index lifted in May 2022?

    Delphi just entered Top10 Tiobe this month!
  4. Does your C++ Builder 5 use any features that are "Enterprise" edition only? if so you would need to make sure you have access to these in the Trial edition. C++ Builder 5 used String = AnsiString - all modern editions use String = UnicodeString. This can be need a bit of work if you are using low level processing of the String types. Often this change is hardly noticed. You would need to decide if you are going to stick with the "Classic" compiler (which does still come with 12.2) or move to the Clang compiler which immediately gives you access to modern C++ constructs but can also highlight non-standard (ie not quite standard) coding practices that worked under the classic compiler but don't work with modern C++. My view is that it's worth the effort to move to the modern tool chain.
  5. Nicolò Blunda

    SplashForm freeze

    Thanks. But I call SplashForm.Close in the MainForm.Show event, NOT MainForm.Close (none sense...). And this works fine, showing SplashForm (freezed) until MainForm is visible. Otherwise, SplashForm colses before the long "blind" time, until MainForm is showed..
  6. You're better off doing something like function myfunc(const InVal: String; out OutVal: Double): Boolean; Return True if the value was set and false if not. There are other ways to handle this but the worst way is a magic value in Double. There's no reason to do that when it is so easy to indicate explicitly whether or not the value is valid.
  7. I'm pretty sure that anyone asking for help with something as basic as this isn't handling, or even aware of, NaN. Regardless, I personally wouldn't solve the problem with a magic value.
  8. dummzeuch

    KUSS - screnshot program with open source

    A github repository containing 3 zip files was not quite what I was expecting. For those who don't read Russian, here is the Google translate link. https://kuzduk-ru.translate.goog/kuss/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp
  9. Markus Kinzler

    Why Aren't You Using SQLite?

    FireBird (embedded) would be a futher option. The same database file can be used in the server and embedded (client) edition. Triggers are fully supported.
  10. Brian Evans

    Why Aren't You Using SQLite?

    I started with FlashFiler then migrated to NexusDB for both standalone and C/S versions of applications. The former was available years before SQLite came on the scene and the latter was the spiritual successor of the former. Never migrated to SQLite because using C/S tooling during development of even a standalone application makes things easier. Both a database development tool like Upscene Production's Database Workbench and the application itself can access the live database tables at the same time easing debugging and other tasks. Can then ship the application with the same database engine compiled into the EXE but hooked up directly instead of through C/S components. Originally used FlashFiler as the database engine for an application + database published monthly on a CDROM. With some modifications to the source to open read-only files as shared it worked well for years. Both FlashFiler and NexusDB are royalty free so no per user fees in either standalone or C/S configurations.
  11. pyscripter

    P4D Android external library

    To automatically deploy python modules you need to use these related projects: Embarcadero/Lightweight-Python-Wrappers: Lightweight Wrappers based on Python4Delphi to make it easy to import Python modules into Delphi components. (github.com) Embarcadero/PythonPackages4Delphi: General collection of Python Packages wrapped for use in Delphi and C++Builder (github.com) Embarcadero/P4D-Data-Sciences: A collection of lightweight Python wrappers based on Python4Delphi simplifying Data Sciences development with Delphi (github.com) The second one already contains the wrapped MoviePy python package.
  12. Another vote for Nexus Quality Suite | NexusDB. And, another downvote for AQTime. It's been terrible for years. I'm glad that SmartBear is finally abandoning it.
  13. Stefan Glienke

    What are the performance profilers for Delphi 12?

    I'll take that opportunity and talk about it for an entire session at the Delphi Day and the Delphi Summit (the schedule still lists me talking about spring4d but for once I pass on that topic) 😉
  14. Anders Melander

    Free profiler?

    ...or AMD uProf with map2pdb - if your system has an AMD processor.