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You may not understand how Delphi works. In Delphi, all of your third-party components are DLLs running in the IDE's process. That's how RAD works, for better or worse, and it means that problems in third-party components will often cause havoc in your IDE. If you are unwilling to start from scratch with no third-party components and do some basic trial-and-error you will never know if the problem you are having is Delphi or not. I can say I do simple and complex searching in the IDE every day many many times as I work and I do not have any problems with those features. The most likely difference between my setup and yours is going to be what components we have running in the IDE, so, it's a good place to start.
Signotaur Code Signing Server - Looking for beta testers
Vincent Parrett posted a topic in Delphi Third-Party
Hi All We have developed a client/server product to handle code signing. This makes it simple to code sign from any machine and avoid the dreaded token password prompts. It also supports file based certificates for those who still have valid ones! The client is a single exe (with a similar command line interface to signtool.exe) - 64 bit windows 10/Server 2016 or later (may run on earlier versions but not tested). The server is supported on Windows 10/Server 2016 or later (may run on earlier versions but not tested). Linux support for the server is planned (we have it building but have not tested yet). The server has a web interface for configuring it (adding certificates, managing users etc). We have tested with Safenet tokens (with our own cert) and with Yubikey tokens (with self signed cert). It should work with any token that provides a 64bit pkcs#11 2.4 library dll. We are especially interested in hearing from people with Yubikey tokens (since we have only tested with self signed cert). The token needs to be available to the server machine, either plugged in directly or via usb passthrough for vms, or via virtualhere. We’re still working on docs but it’s pretty simple to get up and running with it, we’ll provide some instructions with the download info etc. If you are interested in testing this product email support @ finalbuilder.com - let us know what kind of token you have. -
I have been given this system to look at in order to place a Delphi app inside a web browser: https://thinfinity-vui-v3-docs.cybelesoft.com/ Has anyone else tried to do this? Has anyone tried to use thinfinity?
Do you need an ARM64 compiler for Windows?
Dalija Prasnikar replied to Lars Fosdal's topic in Cross-platform
Just the fact that the code has been working for over 25 years means that it will have very little issues when it comes to exception handling. Only hardware exceptions are the problem, which for VCL means mostly dereferencing nil and dangling pointers and floating point exceptions (which are now masked by default). I doubt that there are many places in VCL that would need code changes for exception handling. -
Backup the FirebirdSQL database from ext server locally
Frickler replied to msd's topic in Databases
IBX2 for Lazarus can do that. DevArt IBDAC can't. -
$FFFF can both be const and not ?
Uwe Raabe replied to dormky's topic in RTL and Delphi Object Pascal
Despite its name the TTARRAY declaration is a set and not an array, but sets are limited to elements with ordinal 0..255. -
function RunProcess(CommandLine: String; Var ErrMessage : String; WaitForProcess : Boolean; CreationFlags : Word): Boolean; Var ResultCode : LongWord; StartInfo: TStartUpInfo; ProcInfo: TProcessInformation; begin Result := False; ResultCode := 1; FillChar(StartInfo, SizeOf(TStartUpInfo), #0); FillChar(ProcInfo, SizeOf(TProcessInformation), #0); StartInfo.cb := SizeOf(TStartUpInfo); StartInfo.dwFlags := STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; // StartInfo.wShowWindow := SW_SHOWMINIMIZED; UniqueString(CommandLine); try try IF NOT CreateProcess(nil, PChar(CommandLine), nil, nil, FALSE, CreationFlags, nil, nil, StartInfo, ProcInfo) THEN BEGIN ErrMessage := SysErrorMessage(GetLastError); Exit; END; except on e : exception do begin ErrMessage := e.Message + #13#10 + SysErrorMessage(GetLastError); Exit; end; end; if not WaitForProcess then ResultCode := 0 else begin WaitForSingleObject(ProcInfo.hProcess, INFINITE); GetExitCodeProcess(ProcInfo.hProcess, ResultCode); end; finally Result := (ResultCode = 0); //-------- CloseHandle(ProcInfo.hProcess); CloseHandle(ProcInfo.hThread); end; end; Set CommandLine to somehing like @corneliusdavid comment
You can read the sources of Indy to look how it works (with the OpenSSL 1.0.2u, the Indy develop with RAD Studio use this version). Look at guthub repo for more upgrades (https://github.com/IndySockets). Another way is to look how ICS works (https://wiki.overbyte.eu/wiki/index.php/ICS_Download or via GetIt).
I'm not sure about the latest version of Firebird, but as with Interbase, only gbak utility can make archives on a remote disk. Therefore, CreateProcess and Waitforsingleobject for Gbak.exe can be used in Delphi
Backup the FirebirdSQL database from ext server locally
corneliusdavid replied to msd's topic in Databases
You need to have the client tools installed on the remote machine, then use gbak like this: gbak -b -user SYSDBA -password masterkey server:/path/to/database.fdb client:/path/to/backup.fbk -
You will find the backup file at the FB-Server PC!
Flow control symbols have also been added: Technical details.
Structural highlighting has also been added. Technical details.
Putting Delphi Application inside web page
Ian Branch replied to Robert Gilland's topic in Delphi Third-Party
Yep. Use it all the time. So do my Customers. It means that I only need to maintain one App and it can be accessed via LAN, WAN, RDP or WEB. It is accessed on the WEB via any Browser. The only issues I have had was more of issues with portable devices/tablets and some compatabilities that need to be accepted or worked around. Particularly mousing. -
Do you need an ARM64 compiler for Windows?
David Heffernan replied to Lars Fosdal's topic in Cross-platform
That makes sense if you write programs that only run on computers that you buy. I write programs that run on computers that other people buy. I suspect that others do likewise. So I'll need a compiler for any architecture that a large number of customers and potential customers use. Whether Windows on ARM64 will fit that description anytime soon, I've no idea.