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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/25/19 in all areas

  1. I have started a new ICS release V8.60, not finished yet but available from SVN and the daily overnight zipped snapshot at : http://wiki.overbyte.eu/wiki/index.php/ICS_Download V8.60 is a major update added several new components and sample applications created by Magenta Systems Ltd and previously distributed separately to the ICS distribution. Bundling them with ICS makes installation and updating easier, and allows existing ICS samples to make use of some the new components, such as UTF-8 file logging. There are a lot of comments in the various SVN uploads which are included in the overnight zip file. New classes added include: TIcsBlacklist TIcsBuffLogStream TIcsFindList TIcsIpStrmLog TIcsMailQueue TIcsStringBuild TIcsTimeClient TIcsTimeServer TIcsWhoisCli and there are four new sample applications that illustrate their use: OverbyteIcsMailQuTst.dpr OverbyteIcsIpStmLogTst.dpr OverbyteIcsWhoisCliTst.dpr OverbyteIcsTimeTst.dpr Also there are major updates to OverbyteIcsSslMultiWebServ.dpr which now has almost all the functionality of my commercial web server. V8.60 will also include the Magenta File Transfer components, not finshed yet. Angus
  2. Stefan Glienke

    Rapid generics

    System.Generics.Collections does not cause that much of a code bloat since the refactorings in XE7 - however it still causes more than it should but that is the limitation of the compiler. I did some tests with Rapid.Generics and while they are optimized for some scenarios it was not a stellar improvement over System.Generics.Collections in 10.3. And while I was doing benchmarks of those and Spring4D collections I saw that isolated benchmarks are often very much affected by certain CPU specifics - on different CPUs depending on their (non documented) behavior of the branch predictor and of course in a microbenchmark chances are high that all code fits into at least L2 cache.
  3. Welcome Everyone! Welcome to this forum intended for ICS support. Feel free to ask your ICS questions here. Before asking, search this forum and also check http://wiki.overbyte.be Please stay on topic. Use other forums for subjects not directly related to ICS. --- François PIETTE The author of the freeware Internet Component Suite (ICS) The author of the freeware multi-tier middleware MidWare http://www.overbyte.be
  4. David Hoyle

    Access violation maybe from GExperts

    I disabled FixInsight (the latest version) the other day as I was getting IDE crashes on closedown. I raised the issue with TMS but have not heard anything. I’m glad someone else has managed to replicate it as I sometimes wonder whether its my old machine.
  5. David Heffernan

    Pack exe using UPX

    So far as I can see, EXE packers bring cons but no pros. They are simply tools for making your program worse.
  6. Arnaud Bouchez

    Pack exe using UPX

    1. It uses less disk, but more memory than a plain exe. 2. I have observed is that the combination of Delphi exe + UPX is often falsely detected as a potential virus threat by some antiviruses. For me, point 2 is a showstopper, since it is frightening for your users.
  7. Somehow I totally missed this, but in october 2017 Microsoft did a complete U-turn on deprecating OleDB database connectivity. They have even released new OleDB providers for MS Sql Server which will be maintained and updated with the most recent server features. https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/sqlnativeclient/2017/10/06/announcing-the-new-release-of-ole-db-driver-for-sql-server/ https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/connect/oledb/oledb-driver-for-sql-server?view=sql-server-2017
  8. Sherlock

    Access violation maybe from GExperts

    I should have thought of that myself! Thanks! It is not GExperts that has a problem here...it is FixInsight. Here is the call stack: So I should create a call there. Thanks for your help!
  9. Uwe Raabe

    Pack exe using UPX

    Good reading on this subject: Are there any downsides to using UPX to compress a Windows executable?
  10. Andrea Raimondi

    Pack exe using UPX

    I am very surprised by this question. The biggest problem that UPX has is that Windows is blind-sided and memory management for the application at system level becomes a mess. The same is true for all other packers, including stuff such as Ice Licence (is that still around!?). I have never used that stuff, never felt a need for it.
  11. dummzeuch

    Pack exe using UPX

    Which problem are you trying to solve? We have quite a few rather large executables, but that never posed a problem.
  12. timfrost

    Rio.1 does not save all layout settings

    I found this as: https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-23655 I suggest you vote for it (as I have)
  13. I have moved the discussion about the TStringHelper into a separate topic: https://en.delphipraxis.net/topic/738-mis-behaviour-of-tstringhelper/
  14. Stefan Glienke

    Delphi pitfalls: Enumerated types and for loops

    When used in a set, the ordinal value of the enum is basically the index of the bit used within the set and as they can only be 256 bit in size any ordinal value above 255 prevents an enum being used as a set. Personally I think you should rather avoid giving enums any ordinal values and only ever use them when using some interop with another system where they are used for.
  15. What about the people who you are asking for help? I would post on one site first, and if you don't get a good response, then post elsewhere, with link to the first place.