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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/01/20 in Posts

  1. Alexander Sviridenkov

    HTML Library 4.3 released.

    Major improvements: New context sensitive toolbar at editor bottom (eoContextToolbar option) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdWafp0xyPA Image selection toolbar. 40% faster style and layout calculation Support for inlined truetype fonts (@font-face... data:font/truetype;base64) Support for CSS tab-stop decimal and tab-interval CSS word-spacing and letter-spacing properties Magnifier when selecting text on Android and iOS Local links navigation (Click in HtPanel, Ctrl+Click in Editor) Subscript and superscript actions for selection and context toolbars. Linux: support for copy/paste formatted HTML and paste RTF Advanced charts (gradients and more: see Charts 2 section in Reports demo). Full list: https://delphihtmlcomponents.com/new43.html What is HTML Library: the only true native HTML/CSS/SVG engine for Delphi, all Delphi versions, all platforms, VCL and FMX. Rendering using GDI, GDI+, Direct2d, FMX canvas, text canvas and native iOS, OSX and Android canvases. CSS animations and transitions, animated GIF support for all platforms. RTL languages. WYSIWYG HTML editor, import from RTF and DOCX, export to PDF. Interactive HTML/SVG Reports with charts. FastReport, ReportBuilder, VirtualTreeView, SynPDF, Addict and DevExpress spellchecker integration. Pascal scripting engine. SQL library for parsing, analyzing and transforming SQL queries and working with database schema. Universal Email library for sending and receiving emails.
  2. Many open source projects have moved from the former top dog Slashdot to GitHub and in the process usually converted from Subversion to git. This also includes quite a few Delphi libraries like project Jedi (JCL/JVCL), SynEdit or Indy. I am not really comfortable with git, it just feels too complex for most projects and the GUI tools I have tried are clunky compared to TortoiseSVN. I see some advantages, but so far I’m not convinced. So, I have stayed with SVN and used that to access GitHub repositories through their git-svn bridge. This works fine, most of the time, unless you want to rename a file, which apparently is not possible for whatever reason. Now, contributing to such projects is another challenge. You need to create something called “pull requests“, which basically is a way of creating patches that are centrally managed by GitHub together with a discussion area for them. It took me a while to get my head around the process but I think I got it now. Read on in my blog post.
  3. David Heffernan

    Tbutton Flashing

    Flashing can be quite visually aggressive. It is often preferable to highlight a control in some other way.
  4. dummzeuch

    updated build script for Delphi 2007

    WTF? How did that happen? Sorry!!! Yes, I meant @Remy Lebeau
  5. Achim Kalwa

    remove ExplicitXxxx properties

    I know I am late to the party, but you might try the attached package for Delphi 10.4.1. It uses the hooking code from Andreas Hausladen's VclFixPack v1.4 to patch the TControl.DefineProperties method to a modified code, which does not write those Explicit* properties to the DFM file. Unpack the zip archive, open DControlsFix.dpk in Delphi 10.4.1, compile & install. There is nothing to customize. If this package is installed, the patch is active. If you like to get the default behaviour back, just uninstall the package. Use at your own risk 😉 DControlsFix.zip
  6. Does anybody know how to prevent the ExplicitTop/Left/Width/Height properties from being written to the DFM file? I never saw any use for them and always installed Andreas Hausladen's DDevExtensions which allows to remove them. But since Andy apparently doesn't have access to the latest Delphi version there is no DDevExtensions (and also no IDE Fix Pack) for Delphi 10.4(.1) and I would like to add that functionality to GExperts. I tried, but so far failed. Any hints?
  7. Couple IDE filtering feature requests, vote if care: https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-31176 https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-31177
  8. pyscripter

    Olevariant and memory leak

    function TObjSvr.ObjAddRef: Integer; begin OutputDebugString(PChar(Format('TObjSvr ($%08X) AddRef', [integer(Self)]))); end; function TObjSvr.ObjRelease: Integer; begin OutputDebugString(PChar(Format('TObjSvr ($%08X) Release', [integer(Self)]))); end; Υour are overriding ObjAddRef, ObjRelease, without calling the inherited method. and you expect to see no memory leaks?
  9. Reminds me of the time I tried to teach the great grandparents to use a mobile phone...
  10. In your class constructor, you should assign these events, something like: constructor TmyNetHTTPClient.Create() begin inherited Create; OnReceiveData := ReceiveData; OnRequestComplewted := RequestCompleted; end;
  11. Remy Lebeau

    Tbutton Flashing

    Not by default, but you can manually enable the BS_OWNERDRAW style on it, and then intercept WM_DRAWITEM messages sent to it. Then you can make it look however you want. Or, simply use a different Button control that supports custom coloring, like TBitBtn (which already has the BS_OWNERDRAW style) or TSpeedButton.
  12. Remy Lebeau

    "Simulating" a com port with data arriving

    Yup, that is the one I use, too.
  13. I don't know - we are using self hosted GitLab - which only runs on Unix (see system requirements) and multiple Windows Server Virtual Machines that have Delphi, GitLab runner and much more installed. My guess though is their hosting just contains GitLab and not anything Windows.
  14. Jacek Laskowski

    Problems changing database with pooled connection

    Try to use OutputDebugString() function from WinAPI and this tool for viewing output: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/debugview
  15. Jacek Laskowski

    Problems changing database with pooled connection

    Try debugging the difference in the firedac code, just before the error, how the manager's state differs?
  16. Mark Williams

    Tbutton Flashing

    AFAIK you can't change the colour or event the font colour of a standard TButton. You can derive your own button with a canvas (which I have done in the past), but its quite a lot of work and won't work decently with themes. Francois' suggestion of a timer is sound, but I would suggest internittently enabling/disabling the button to provide a flash effect/
  17. miab

    Zeos 7.3 entered the beta phase.

    ZEOS 7.3.1-beta svn6879 NEW: Resolved case conflict in field names. https://zeoslib.sourceforge.io/viewtopic.php?f=50&t=73319&p=157695#p157695 https://sourceforge.net/projects/zeoslib/ https://github.com/marsupilami79/zeoslib There have been a few fixes. Feel free to download, testing, use, submit comments. Michał
  18. Ouch! What was I thinking? And of course now I don't have access to my blog to correct this mistake.
  19. Coming from SVN I struggled for a long time with Git. Primarily because the terminology is different. Once I understood the terms properly it clicked and I haven't touched SVN since. Nor do I want to. I think you need to try some more then. There's always TortoiseGit. I have it installed but I very seldom use it. It just feels clunky compared to *everything else*. One thing you need to be aware of is that in Git a file rename (or move) is is just a delete followed by an add. So there is no move/rename per se. That these two operations (delete+add) constitutes a move/rename is detected based on the content of the file. Therefore you should never rename a file and change the content in the same commit.
  20. Dave Nottage

    "Simulating" a com port with data arriving

    Com0Com works great, thanks! I'm using it on Windows 10. Thanks also to everyone else for replying
  21. Remy Lebeau

    Indy package names

    My goals for Indy 11 include adding use of LIBSUFFIX on the packages, changing the structure of the source folders, and reducing the steps needed to compile and install the packages. A few years ago, Embarcadero sent me a document listing the available commands that GetIt had implemented at the time (I'm assuming the same set of commands still applies today). There are CompileProject and InstallPackage commands listed in that document.
  22. A.M. Hoornweg

    "Simulating" a com port with data arriving

    VMWare workstation will let you do this. Just add two virtual serial ports to the VM, in the field "connection" specify "named pipe". Both COM ports must use the same name for the named pipe (just call it "serialportpipe") and one port must be configured to be "server", the other must be "client". That way, the two COM ports are crosswired. Now you can start 2 applications, connect them up to the two COM ports and let them talk to each other.
  23. Anders Melander

    string helpers question

    The manual apparently There's a string.ToLowerInvariant for that purpose. The ancient Egyptians? I think they just used a larger chisel for emphasis That also makes it easier to write the feature specification: Just copy everything that .NET does. In some cases they even copied their documentation verbatim but failed to realize that it referenced stuff that they hadn't copied. I think a big problems with the string helpers is that they operate on zero based string indices. As if we didn't have enough opportunity off-by-one errors already.
  24. Stefan Glienke

    string helpers question

    Fun fact: .net framework also is missing this in its String.Contains but .net core added an overload where you can pass an additional option how to compare. Let's remember back when TStringHelper was introduced into Delphi... yep that must have been around the time when .net did not have the overload yet (was introduced in core 2.1)