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  1. Hi All For those who are interested, I have made some progress on this project, and have uploaded an installer with the command line tool and IDE plugins for XE2-10.4 - it's still very much an alpha version (not feature complete or stable) but at least shows the direction I'm heading in. I have added some quick notes on how to get started with dpm https://github.com/DelphiPackageManager/DPM/blob/master/GettingStarted.md The installer can be found here https://github.com/DelphiPackageManager/DPM The IDE plugin is still a bit rough around the edges but reasonably stable. Note that installing design time packages is still being worked on. Most of my open source projects have package binaries under the releases tab (the getting started notes show what to do with them). It's still some way from being ready for production use, we are still working on a website/package repository. If you are a library author, please do take a look. Creating packages is not at all difficult.
  2. Daniel

    Welcome, users of C++Builder

    ... unregister from this community. A bit drastic, but there is not other solution yet.
  3. Darian Miller

    FireDAC Add On discountinued? (Good by Embarcadero?)

    DevArt subscriptions default to 1 year of support and upgrades. You have the option to buy 2 or 3 years up front at a discount. It's a perpetual license, but you won't get any updates after your subscription expires if you don't renew. Renewals are typically 40-50% of the price of the initial subscription, but you are correct, they don't display that cost. I assume you can get a close guess of what the cost of annual renewal will be by comparing the 1 year to the 2 year initial price, and add about 10%. (Rough estimate) Before purchase, I sent them an email and specifically asked what the renewal price was. I purchased pgDAC Pro last year for $500, which is the current list price. I can renew the annual subscription today for $250. It's getting close to be a real good time to buy tools and components. As I posted on my blog last year, many component vendors offer Black Friday discounts: https://www.ideasawakened.com/post/black-friday-discounts-from-delphi-related-third-party-vendors DevArt is apparently using the same URL as last year and this page contains discount codes good from Nov 23-29th, saving 20-50% off. https://www.devart.com/blackfriday.html I'll probably do a 2020 blog post with Black Friday deals once more are announced from various vendors.
  4. dummzeuch

    WinUI in Delphi (planned for 10.5?)

    Hm, when will Microsoft start to rewrite Office to use WinUI? Until that happens, I am skeptical whether this will be worth the effort. But I am only a disgruntled old white man^d^d^d^d^d^d^d^d^dVCL developer.
  5. FPiette

    Can 32bit dll with Form/Frame be used in 64 bit project?

    Long time ago, I wrote an application which hosted forms from another application, both are exe files. The host application run the child application and find the handle of the form to be embedded, then it change his parent. Windows will make the child window appear in the host application as child! In your case, you write both applications. The host is 64 bit and the child is 32 bit wrapping the 32 bit ActiveX. You can even ease the communication between the two instead of using API to enumerate process and windows to find what you need and transfer data between the two applications.
  6. Dalija Prasnikar

    Outdated Delphi Roadmap

    Yes. It can have huge impact. If some feature is scheduled for improvement, that means it will be looked at, but the more work feature needs, the more chances is that some parts will not be done right or some accidental bugs might creep in. Also public API can change only at major releases. If some API gets designed in a wrong way, it must stay like that until the next major release. I personally don't use floating point much, so I don't know how broad are required changes to improve performance and whether this will be some compiler tweaking or changes involved require significant API changes, too. In any way, it is always hard to predict different use cases and most important pain points, so having feedback from people that are experts in the area and that know what they need is crucial. Subscription is needed for regular users, but there are also exceptions for cases where people are invited because they can provide valuable feedback in certain areas.
  7. Even though we are a Delphi forum, we have a considerable number of users of the C++Builder among us. Without shifting the basic focus of this forum, we are aware of the long and close connection between Delphi and C++Builder and therefore want to give its users space for their questions. https://en.delphipraxis.net/forum/41-general-help/
  8. Attila Kovacs

    FireDAC Add On discountinued? (Good by Embarcadero?)

    @Juan C.Cilleruelo I think it's about half the price, but get an offer. And if you do so, don't miss this (if you have purchased FD separately back in the days) : Do you offer competitive upgrades? Yes, we do offer competitive upgrades, with the proof of purchase of competing product (invoice, order confirmation etc).
  9. Markus Kinzler

    FireDAC Add On discountinued? (Good by Embarcadero?)

    AnyDAC (the predecessor of FireDAC) was a split off from CoreLabs (now DevArt) database components.
  10. Markus Kinzler

    FireDAC Add On discountinued? (Good by Embarcadero?)

    The database access components from DevArt are a good alternative to FireDAC.
  11. Angus Robertson

    TCP Client in thread

    Not sure what this has to do with this thread. Suggest you look at the OverbyteIcsProxySslServer.dpr sample. The ICS proxy component can be used as a forward or reverse proxy with logging. Angus
  12. Dalija Prasnikar

    WinUI in Delphi (planned for 10.5?)

    64bit IDE is not question of easiness. It is also question of 3rd party libraries and design packages support. You cannot mix 32bit and 64bit DLLs so having 64bit IDE would mean everyone would need to provide their components and plugins as 64bit versions, too. Also, because you cannot mix 32bit and 64bit DLLs in a process, there is question of other parts of the Delphi IDE - this is not just Editor, but also compiler, linker, debugger... not everything is written in Delphi and porting any of the necessary parts to 64bit may not be straight forward. Easy part of 64bit transition is about Delphi applications, even though depending on your code you may have smooth or bumpy ride, too. I didn't have to do any adjustments for my code, because I never used any hacks around integer - pointers casting and I always had bitness explicitly specified for any data types I have used. So, generally most of transition to 64bit should be easy, but it also depends on specific projects and other libraries, plugins and interactions they might have and use. Scaling is bit different story... VCL Styles originally didn't have High DPI support, and when they were added to IDE theming in Rio they were still without High DPI support... now they have High DPI support, but tweaking the IDE to fully work under High DPI does require some work. This part would be the same with or without VCL Styles. I would first make IDE high DPI aware and then add styles... but that is me... why are some things done the way they are, I have no idea.
  13. Anders Melander

    WinUI in Delphi (planned for 10.5?)

    Looking into my crystal ball I see that in a few years Microsoft will introduce something even better and we will be left with yet another UI layer. One can hope that they've learned from their mistakes but their track record isn't too great.
  14. Remy Lebeau

    Can 32bit dll with Form/Frame be used in 64 bit project?

    Right idea, but wrong solution. A DLL Surrogate can be registered to act as a proxy, allowing a 32bit DLL server to be accessible to a 64bit process. Not sure if this will work for your ActiveX control since it uses a UI, but it might be worth investigating. For that to work correctly, you would need to make a BPL package, not a plain DLL. But the same 32bit/64bit restriction applies to packages, too. No, a 32bit DLL/BPL cannot be used directly in a 64bit process. If the above doesn't work for your control, you may have to separate out your UI into its own 32bit program, and have your main 64bit program communicate with it using an IPC mechanism.
  15. Remy Lebeau

    Open android gallery with intent

    Well, I don't have 10.4.1 installed (or the sources for it), so there you go, just shows how little I know
  16. Anders Melander

    Setting Scroll Bar Width problem

    procedure TMyForm.ButtonScrollPageUp(Sender: TObject); begin PostMessage(MyGrid.Handle, WM_SCROLL, SB_PAGEUP, 0); end; procedure TMyForm.ButtonScrollPageDown(Sender: TObject); begin PostMessage(MyGrid.Handle, WM_SCROLL, SB_PAGEDOWN, 0); end;
  17. We are pleased to announce Black Friday and Cyber Monday 30% discount on any of our EurekaLog products using the coupon code found below. The sale starts on a day before Black Friday (November, 26) and ends at the end of day after Cyber Monday (December, 1). Enter this code when paying for the item on our web site: BFCM2020 Existing customers with valid or expired licenses can log in and purchase upgrades, new licenses and extensions here: https://www.eurekalog.com/login.php Use the login credentials we sent you for your first purchase. If you lost or forget your password - use reset password feature.
  18. These days I've received the offer to renovate Delphi Professional Subscription, but this time don't come with the FireDAC Add-On, like past years. Asked my local reseller in Spain about this, he said to me that FireDAC Add On is discontinued. Does anyone know anything about this? Local reseller tells me about migration to Enterprise version, but there is not a special offer to upgrade from Professional version. He tells me that I need to buy a new subscription license, and I think this is very, very expensive, taking into account the type of product that I'm developing and selling. I think that Embarcadero is eliminating lower versions of his licences, converting Delphi into a luxury tool for development. This is not in concordance with the quality of his last versions. I'm currently using 10.3 Update 2, after tried to install, with a great effort of time and resources the 10.4. Version 10.4 was significant, for me. The worst experience in years with Embarcadero. Nothing is working, but when at last I got an installation running (Patchs and Update 2) I notice that Mobile functionalities are not installed. I've informed Embarcadero of this problem and he said to me that there is a problem with my license and that they are studying how to resolve it. Because of this, I continued developing with the 10.3 version. If Embarcadero is going to be as expensive per licence, I think this is the moment of study the possibility of migrating to another environment. Evolution is a need, but not at any cost!
  19. Alexander Elagin

    FireDAC Add On discountinued? (Good by Embarcadero?)

    Use UniDAC, which is not too expensive and is a good independent alternative to FireDAC. It also supports Lazarus and older versions of Delphi. Switching from FireDAC is not difficult. https://www.devart.com/unidac/