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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/20/21 in all areas

  1. David Heffernan

    What it's like to be a Delphi Developer

    I love the parts where he says RAD Studio is awesome and Visual Studio is terrible.
  2. Lars Fosdal

    What it's like to be a Delphi Developer

    In some aspects VS is terrible. It is just a different terrible than the terrible RAD Studio.
  3. Alexander Sviridenkov

    Little teaser

  4. Image32 is a 2D graphics library written entirely in Delphi Pascal. It provides an extensive range of image manipulation functions and includes a polygon renderer that supports a wide range of filling options. Documentation: http://www.angusj.com/delphi/image32/Docs/_Body.htm Examples: http://www.angusj.com/delphi/image32/Docs/Examples.htm Download: https://sourceforge.net/projects/image32/
  5. dwrbudr

    Looking for SVG support in Delphi?

    I could provide resvg bindings if you like and a compiled DLL files (32 and 64bit)
  6. mvanrijnen

    Logging from RAD Server

    unit MyUnit; interface {$IFDEF RADSERVER_PACKAGE} uses ..... EMS.ResourceAPI; type THSLoggerRADServerDebugTargetQueue = class(THSLoggerBaseTargetQueue) protected function HandleTargetItem(const AItem: THSLLoggerItem): Boolean; override; public end; {$ENDIF} implementation {$IFDEF RADSERVER_PACKAGE} { THSLoggerRADServerDebugTargetQueue } function THSLoggerRADServerDebugTargetQueue.HandleTargetItem(const AItem: THSLLoggerItem): Boolean; var line: string; begin inherited; ..... TEMSEndpointEnvironment.Instance.LogMessage(line); .... end; {$ENDIF} end.
  7. UniSoft

    SVG Library

    SVGIconImageList https://github.com/EtheaDev/SVGIconImageList
  8. Lars Fosdal

    Logging from RAD Server

    There is documentation, but it is meagre on examples of use. http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/Sydney/en/EMS.Services.TEMSLoggingService
  9. Lars Fosdal

    What it's like to be a Delphi Developer

    Lots of good advice and my kind of humor, Joe! Great interview!
  10. angusj

    SVG Library

    Image32 will happily convert SVG to PNG/BMP/JPEG. http://www.angusj.com/delphi/image32/Docs/Overview.htm http://www.angusj.com/delphi/image32/Docs/Units/Img32.Fmt.SVG/_Body.htm
  11. I was working with various kinds of financial data, weather data and power data (prices, volumes, etc), and thousand separators usage was variable. Spaces, commas, dots, the lot. It was a hodge-podge of formats since very few standard exchange formats existed at the time. Even vendors that you had contractual agreements with, would change the format on the fly, without notice. "Yeah, we changed the format. Nobody told you?"
  12. The common trait is that both floats and dates have separator character challenges. For floats, the only reliable solution is to KNOW the input format and do the necessary stripping/replacement before passing the string to the converter. In some of my older input parsers, I stripped spaces, then checked for the presence of , and . and did the following processing - if only one exists, don't touch it - if more than one of a kind exists, remove them all - if both exists - remove all but the last one Which still is hopeless if the 1,000 is 1000 and not 1 with three decimals.
  13. I'd mark deprecated all functions that use global FormatSettings and this variable itself. Otherwise it's quite hard to track and kill all hidden usages
  14. I think he speaks from a point on timespace in a distant future.
  15. Additional Info: SVGIconImageList has a wrapper for Image32, so Image32 can be used as one of four rendering engines for SVG icons. Since it proved to be the best of the four, @Carlo Barazzetta has made it the default. See: https://github.com/EtheaDev/SVGIconImageList
  16. corneliusdavid

    Copy Encrypted InterBase Database to another machine

    Sriram, Thank you so much for your detailed response. I had indeed read every link and technical resource I could find, even scanned all through David I's book. I found and learned lots of information but never found anything about using InterBase as the database for installed RAD Server modules--I just assumed it would be possible as it seems like the natural choice for RAD Server modules. In my opinion, this seems wrong (or greedy). They promote RAD Server which uses encrypted InterBase and they promote the use of InterBase for your applications. But when you install RAD Server and InterBase together, fully licensed with RAD Server, you can only use RAD Server, you can't use the fully capable, licensed, running InterBase without purchasing another license. I could understand restricting InterBase use only through RAD Server modules but I guess that might be technically difficult to enforce. Thanks again!
  17. When Thousand separators come into play, it starts to get almost impossible, (At least in here). 1,006.66 or 1 006,66 or 1 006.66 etc... And if sometimes there are no decimals. How to fix US version without decimals 1,006 and Finnish ones with them 6,66. As far as I know there can't be universal routine to rule them all. US I think thousand separator is Comma, here it is decimal separator. THis is one of the places there would have been nice to have global standard, and only one 🙂 -Tee-