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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/10/21 in Posts

  1. Anders Melander

    RAD Studio 11 Alexandria is now available

    Please do. The name helps no one and just adds confusion. I don't know why they thought it would be smart to name versions. I have to google it every time someone refers to a version by name.
  2. Dalija Prasnikar

    RAD Studio 11 Alexandria is now available

    Africa, Egypt. There was the largest library in ancient world.
  3. Hi All FinalBuilder with Rad Studio 11 support is now available from our website - release notes https://www.finalbuilder.com/forums/t/finalbuilder-8-0-0-3035-released/7115 Automating your Build process is simple with FinalBuilder. With FinalBuilder you don't need to edit xml, or write scripts. Visually define and debug your build scripts, then schedule them with windows scheduler, or integrate them with Continua CI, Jenkins or any other CI Server. Thousands of Software Developers rely on FinalBuilder to automate the build, test and release process. If you are not using FinalBuilder to automate your builds, you are missing out 😉
  4. OK, it is not official, but I will share some internals here. You can change the titles of the Welcome Page items to clickable links with a secret registry setting: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Embarcadero\BDS\22.0\WelcomePage] "ActivateLinkOnTitle"=dword:00000001
  5. Joseph MItzen

    Delphi FireDAC .Post on Firebird table

    That's... not normal. This is as strange to me as the Delphi user on the old forum who said he never uses Delphi strings, only Pchars. You're not supposed to have control; the database is supposed to have control. You declare what you want and the RDMS query optimizer decides the best way to retrieve it. I can guarantee you there's no query optimizer designed with your "another way" in mind.
  6. Der schöne Günther

    RAD Studio 11 Alexandria is now available

    Really looking forward to this one 😊 Not sure why they're so hyped about those TreeView checkboxes, I care much more for Remote Desktop improvements and High DPI 👍
  7. Yes. Usually in separate repository, but sometimes in the same as the project which is using them. Anything I can lay my hands on... my book manuscripts, documentation, illustrations and images, 3rd party source code, my own source code or all kinds, recipes, to do lists, basically all kinds of documents that can (or cannot) change with time.
  8. Angus Robertson

    RAD Studio 11.0 Support

    ICS V8.67 has packages for Delphi and C++ 11.0, currently only available from SVN and the overnight zip, with a final release due next week. http://wiki.overbyte.eu/wiki/index.php/ICS_Download There was a major new OpenSSL 3.0 release this week, just finishing testing and integration with V8.67. Currently, many older ICS icons appeared incorrectly with a magenta background in Delphi 11.0 due to transparency being ignored, these will be fixed for the final release. Angus
  9. Lars Fosdal

    RAD Studio 11 Alexandria is now available

    Based on previous experiences, I used the 10.4.2 LicenseManager to remove all the licenses, then re-registered during installation of Alexandria. Both 11 and 10.4.2 had a valid license after that. But, YMMV.
  10. Uwe Raabe

    Delphi 11: Text size too small!

    No, it is standard and I can actually see it in Delphi 11 - directly right to the encoding drop down.
  11. David Schwartz

    Delphi 11: Text size too small!

    Did you watch the webinar today? In the webinar they spent some time talking about the new HIGH DPI settings. If you have a 4k monitor that's more like 27" vs. 55" and your Windows settings are designed to compensate for things, the IDE is may be ignoring the system's compensatory mechanism and doing things itself. I have a 4k 55" monitor and things look fine in Windows because everything is able to run at "normal" -- ie, uncompensated -- resolution. So it looks the same as 4 HD monitors running at HD DPI settings But on a small monitor, it's too tiny to read. I have to go into the Windows Settings and tell it to compensate. So the question about your SYSTEM SETTINGS IS 100% DEAD-ON. This is more about your system than Delphi because this NEW version of Delphi probably overrides whatever your Windows settings are. And there are settings in Delphi as well.
  12. Darian Miller

    RAD Studio 11 Alexandria is now available

    Apparently some combinations of licenses and configurations don't work correctly... it's not 100% failure. I'd like to see that actual percentage though as I couldn't get my named network license to install either.
  13. David Heffernan

    Delphi 11: Text size too small!

    Certainly your settings could be relevant.
  14. mvanrijnen

    RAD Studio 11 Alexandria is now available

    ah full 4k support, time to ask the boss for new monitors 🙂
  15. FredS

    RAD Studio 11 Alexandria is now available

    That might require a 'new feature' request 🙂
  16. FredS

    RAD Studio 11 Alexandria is now available

    Try clicking 'Advanced' then select the active license..
  17. For me the biggest headache in that scenario is e-mail. It's stored on a server and in a backup, but since nobody but me apparently ever bothers to delete or at least archive old stuff, every server crash that kills the email means restoring many gigabytes of email before new emails can be received. On my work PC, all I really need is the OS + the email client + Delphi and TortoiseSVN. The most work would be to install all necessary components in the IDE. That's mostly automated though, but there are always glitches. Everything else is on the server (and backed up) or is test data that can be easily replaced (usually data from the server copied locally for performance reasons).
  18. I would think a little bigger. Here's an easy thought process. Set your computer on fire. (If you are on a team in an office - consider a natural disaster destroyed your office location.) Now, get all new equipment and see how painful it is to get back up and running without having to recreate any previous effort. Can you do that today? There are multiple ways to minimize this pain. The most common way to protect part of your investment is to use version control on your source code. An additional tool could be snapshotting your VM and keeping the backups offsite. Keep in mind the 3-2-1 (or 3-2-3) backup strategy. Ideally, you would hit a few buttons to rebuild your systems and not even lose your current edit session. But the amount of effort and expense that you are willing to put in pretty much dictates the amount of effort it will take to rebuild.
  19. Not really. https://jlericson.com/2021/08/24/git_rewrite_1.html https://jlericson.com/2021/09/06/git_rewrite_2.html
  20. I also use Google Drive as a scratch pad for various purposes. Autosave and versioning rules!
  21. Fr0sT.Brutal

    StrToDate cannot handle dd-MMM-yy format

    +1. I was expecting BtoA(AtoB(A)) == A for any A
  22. Code, scripts, configurations, schemas, graphics, etc in git Any kind of Office 365 Docs in Teams/SharePoint (where they also are versioned) System documentation in Confluence and Ardoq. Executables are archived and placed in staging folders on the file server by the build server.
  23. Usually I put as much as possible in svn. We have even some projects where we put the executables and dll files and all the files needed for a deployment into the svn. That is great because a tester can just update his working copy and test the newest build. Or he can go back and tell us when a bug was introduced. For the team it is also great. No need to sync images, dlls, configs or other data through some other tool. Just Update your working copy and you are good to continue your development. If you are worrying about the repository size on the server, remember that SVN stores delta files even for binary files. Maybe not as gracefully as for real text files, but disk space is much cheaper then developer time.
  24. Daniele Teti

    C++ Code Insight in 10.4.2

    Any news on this? Did you got it to work?
  25. Hans J. Ellingsgaard

    Delphi FireDAC .Post on Firebird table

    A primary key is a ground rule of relational daatabases.