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  1. Joseph MItzen

    enable/disable the internet connection?

    Thanks; as someone who has been using Linux as their primary OS since 2010, some of the things I've been reading here are horrifying. The OS is supposed to bend to your will, not the other way around!
  2. I think yes after the fix discussed in this thread.
  3. The Spring4D is the best. If you use Spring4D stick to it.
  4. aehimself

    enable/disable the internet connection?

    I don't know which one is funnier: the reply, or that an MSFT marked it as an answer 😄
  5. Anders Melander

    What is ProDellInterface27 in the Delphi IDE???

    There's only one L in ProDelInterface27.
  6. us C++ programmers have had this since the begining - it's very common to just use a pair { } and create a local variable that exists only for the extent of the braces
  7. The issue with the CMR implementation is that the theoretical benefit of having less overhead is eliminated by the amount of garbage the compiler produces in some scenarios. Version 2 in the Grijjy article works like unique_ptr in C++ but without the important feature that you cannot assign one unique_ptr to another one because well its unique (this is because the ref count is inside it and not shared across multiple references) as in Version 3 in the Grijjy article where the ref count is shared but requires a heap allocation - Version 4 does not because it uses the monitor field but that is a hack that might break if you use it on something that uses TMonitor. I have done some performance tests and because the Spring4d implementation does not use a full blown object behind the interface but a handcrafted IMT the overhead is less.
  8. David Heffernan

    Running Python scripts in threads

    Why are you looking to use threads? What problem are you trying to solve with threads? Are you aware of the impact of the Python GIL?
  9. Suggest you follow the recommendations previously suggested, like reporting logs without SSL, or using the OverbyteIcsXferTst sample instead. Some of the things you've reported simply can not happen, like opening old OpenSSL DLLs with the current ICS version, so something is seriously wrong. Angus
  10. mvanrijnen

    enable/disable the internet connection?

    There are some policies what you can set gpedit.msc Computer Configuration>Administrative Templates>Windows Components>Windows Update But i believe microsoft can always push updates with nondomain member computers. (have to look that up).
  11. haentschman

    Firebird Admin Tool

    Hi...😎 once...https://dbeaver.io/ What tool do you have with Interbase?
  12. Remy Lebeau

    New to JSON

    ParseJSONValue() is a 'class' function, so you don't need to instantiate an object to call it: JsonValue := TJSonObject.ParseJSONValue(memoRequest.Lines.Text); But more importantly: You are responsible for Free'ing the TJSONValue that ParseJSONValue() returns, so your example is creating a memory leak when it re-assigns the JsonValue variable. Try something more like this instead: var JsonValue: TJSONValue; JsonObject: TJSONObject; invoice: Integer; function GetValue(JsonObject: TJSONObject; const PairName: string): TJSONValue; var JsonPair: TJSONPair; begin JsonPair := JsonObject.Get(PairName); if JsonPair = nil then raise Exception.Create('Pair "' + PairName + '" not found'); Result := JsonPair.JsonValue; end; function GetObject(JsonObject: TJSONObject; const PairName: string): TJSONObject; begin Result := GetValue(JsonObject, PairName) as TJSONObject; end; begin ... invoice := 0; JsonValue := TJSONObject.ParseJSONValue(memoRequest.Lines.Text); if JsonValue = nil then begin // error handling ... end else try try JsonObject := JsonValue as TJSONObject; JsonObject := GetObject(JsonObject, 'b2GOutgoingInvoiceEnvelope'); JsonObject := GetObject(JsonObject, 'b2GOutgoingInvoiceProcessing'); JsonObject := GetObject(JsonObject, 'correctB2GOutgoingInvoice'); invoice := (GetValue(JsonObject, 'invoiceID') as TJSONNumber).AsInt; except // error handling ... end; finally JsonValue.Free; end; // use invoice as needed ... end; If you ever upgrade to XE6 or later, you can use the TJSONObject.FindValue() method instead: type TJSONObjectAccess = class(TJSONObject) end; var JsonValue, InvoiceJsonValue: TJSONValue; JsonObject: TJSONObject; invoice: Integer; begin ... invoice := 0; JsonValue := TJSONObject.ParseJSONValue(memoRequest.Lines.Text); if JsonValue = nil then begin // error handling ... end else try try JsonObject := JsonValue as TJSONObject; InvoiceJsonValue := TJSONObjectAccess(JsonObject).FindValue('$.b2GOutgoingInvoiceEnvelope.b2GOutgoingInvoiceProcessing.correctB2GOutgoingInvoice.invoiceID'); if InvoiceJsonValue = nil then raise Exception.Create('invoiceID not found'); invoice := (InvoiceJsonValue as TJSONNumber).AsInt; except // error handling ... end; finally JsonValue.Free; end; // use invoice as needed ... end;
  13. aehimself

    enable/disable the internet connection?

  14. FPiette

    enable/disable the internet connection?

    You system must be badly configured. I never have a force reboot using Win10 PRO: the system tells me a reboot is required but don't reboot by itself (You can also set the working hours so that the system still reboot but only in the non-working hours). I suggest you have a better look at all the related setting. And also make sure you have the latest Windows 10. Currently this is version 21H1.
  15. Fr0sT.Brutal

    enable/disable the internet connection?

    VM usually has much more convenient control over any network adapter. Moreover, there are means of disabling auto-update. And you can try the option I used since XP - just disabling a winupdate service
  16. David Schwartz

    enable/disable the internet connection?

    I want a simple form with a button that lets me switch the internet connection on and off. Is there an API call for that? I've got Windows 10 and I HATE IT!!! No matter what I tell it as far as not updating stuff, it just goes along its own merry way and is constantly downloading crap and then telling me, "Oh, sorry, we need to reboot. Back soon! Bye!" I don't use the internet that much, and it's running inside of a VM anyway, so I figure I'll just turn on the ethernet port when I need to reach out, then turn it off when I'm done to keep Gates, er ... gated.
  17. Saves you from declaring the type when it's working (eg. Currency).
  18. David Schwartz

    enable/disable the internet connection?

    I finally figured out how to shut off the auto-updates. It requires you to make changes to the system policies. So I don't have to shut off the internet connection to prevent it from downloading stuff automatically any more. Now I'd just like to know how to tell Windows 10 to stop doing undisclosed background processing after some amount of idle time. Maybe that's another system policy that needs to be edited... (It seems if you don't do anything for 10 minutes or so, it starts doing some housekeeping activities. It suddenly starts chewing up a bunch of CPU time which makes my computer fan start hissing, like a tea kettle coming to a boil.)