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Dellphi 12: IDE's F6 Search box still faulty
Uwe Raabe replied to PeterPanettone's topic in Delphi IDE and APIs
I believe that not reporting an issue most likely lead to nothing. -
We are pleased to announce the release of SonarDelphi v1.0.0. SonarDelphi is a free and open-source Delphi language plugin for the SonarQube code quality platform. GitHub: https://github.com/integrated-application-development/sonar-delphi Release: https://github.com/integrated-application-development/sonar-delphi/releases/tag/v1.0.0 Background If you're thinking "I've seen this before", you're probably right! SonarDelphi was originally open-sourced by Sabre Airline Solutions in 2012. It's bounced from maintainer to maintainer on GitHub (including Embarcadero). This project is a greatly improved version that has been actively developed (and extensively rewritten) by IntegraDev for the last 4 years. Features Powerful semantic analysis 120+ analysis rules Custom rules via templates or a programmatic java API Import NUnit test reports (compatible with DUnitX) Import test coverage reports (compatible with DelphiCodeCoverage) Feedback and contributions are welcome!
Delphi 12: The Install Packages window still has no Filter box
Tommi Prami replied to PeterPanettone's topic in Delphi IDE and APIs
Trying to find right package form the list, some of witch have quite similar names, is total pain in the but. When lkot of components installed there are tons of packages to go through. At worst case, you don't know thew exact name of the package, then you have to actually read all, and not just add some keywords like "tms aur" to get to tms aurelius (if it has package, don't know, just an example) Voted for this one, that is still open: https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-14203 -
And remember the help pages being offline for weeks on end (last year I think) !? It's unfathomable they can't keep their online stuff working in a reasonable manner. It just makes you feel they can't keep their shit together, so why trust them to make a toolset you can trust to always work when you need it.
Not that I disagree with you, but what is the purpose of your post? You obviously registered here just to have a place to vent your frustration but unless you state what your concrete problem is (was?), you are just shouting into the void.
As per the recent updates, the iconv related functions and types have been removed and replaced with cross-platform RTL functions. That's how i managed to migrate the code... but needed to be tested. function IcsIsValidAnsiCodePage(const CP: LongWord): Boolean; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} begin Result := IsValidCodePage(CP); end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF POSIX} var Encoding: TEncoding; CodePageStr: AnsiString; I: Integer; begin Result := (CP <> 1200) and (CP <> 1201) and (CP <> 12000) and (CP <> 12001); if Result then begin // Find the corresponding character encoding for the code page for I := Low(IconvCodepageMapping) to High(IconvCodepageMapping) do begin if IconvCodepageMapping[I].C = CP then begin CodePageStr := IconvCodepageMapping[I].A; Break; end; end; // Try to get the encoding for the code page try Encoding := TEncoding.GetEncoding(AnsiString(CodePageStr)); Result := Assigned(Encoding); except on E: EEncodingError do Result := False; end; end; end; {$ENDIF} However, codes for posix should work with android platform, but we can use the TEncoding.GetEncoding method to attempt to get an encoding for the given code page. {$IFDEF ANDROID} var Encoding: TEncoding; begin Result := (CP <> 1200) and (CP <> 1201) and (CP <> 12000) and (CP <> 12001); if Result then begin try // Attempt to get the encoding for the code page Encoding := TEncoding.GetEncoding(CP); Result := Assigned(Encoding); except // Handle encoding error on E: EEncodingError do Result := False; end; end; end; {$ENDIF}
Open File expert and Uses Clause Manager don't understand environment variables
dummzeuch replied to merijnb's topic in GExperts
Applied in revision #4097. Thanks for your contribution. And sorry I forgot about that patch. -
Delphi 12: The Install Packages window still has no Filter box
PeterPanettone posted a topic in Delphi IDE and APIs
This is also a shortcoming that has been annoying for many years: The Install Packages window still has no Filter box in Delphi 12: -
Delphi 12: The Install Packages window still has no Filter box
Brian Evans replied to PeterPanettone's topic in Delphi IDE and APIs
Some third-party libraries install a lot of packages - for example, the full Developer Express VCL Components 23.2.1 installs eighty-eight packages in Delphi 12. Something to search or filter the list would be useful when checking if another library and any of its optional packages are installed or not. Would be most used when migrating projects to newer versions of Delphi. -
Sorry, I was a millisecond too late
Here he is, himself https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izI0Vah2CRs&t=3s accompanied by Nick Hodges https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=spring4d+tutorial#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:910b8dff,vid:j9qvJiDz7ME,st:0
Spring4D dictionary and record values
Stefan Glienke replied to Tommi Prami's topic in Delphi Third-Party
More features, better performance, fewer bugs (and if there are any not having to wait for the Delphi version that fixes them), less binary code bloat. -
Open File expert and Uses Clause Manager don't understand environment variables
merijnb replied to merijnb's topic in GExperts
While updating to 12 I found out this feature request is still open, so I patched my GX_OtaUtils and build a new DLL locally. Can I get these changes into the trunk somehow for the future? I've attached a the newly patched version on sourceforge again. -
Spring4D dictionary and record values
David Heffernan replied to Tommi Prami's topic in Delphi Third-Party
Owns values, means "collection is going to call free on every vamue when it is no longer held in the list". Which implies it needs to be an instance of a class. A record is not. -
Looking forward to Delphi 12 Athens support
Primož Gabrijelčič replied to RCrandall's topic in OmniThreadLibrary
Although not officially released, OTL supports Delphi 12. Just download the latest version from the github and you're good to go. Official release will follow in two weeks. Primož -
How does that not work, exactly? Both Count() and Items[] take NativeInt now, you should not need the type-cast. That being said, why not use the Last() method instead? LastCol := Cols.Last.ColNumber + 1;
What's New: Delphi RTL and Data Improvements - Delphi RTL - List, Arrays, and Collections Improvements
With Delphi 12 the Index type of TList as well as Count has changed from Integer to NativeInt. While this has no effect in 32 bit, with 64 bit it definitely has. Check all descendants of TList if there are any declarations of properties (f.i. Items) or methods with Index type Integer which act as overloads for the base declarations. Then change these Integer types to NativeInt.
Thanks for the info Dave, really appreciate it. It really should be EMB that maintains a service status page and keeps THERE CLIENTS up to date on service issues. In my opinion it presents an incredibly poor view to there customers, they can't even maintain a forum, now the same with quality portal.
Bringing the IDE automatically to the foreground?
Anders Melander replied to PeterPanettone's topic in Delphi IDE and APIs
It makes better sense when you've read the documentation... https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winuser/nf-winuser-setforegroundwindow And as is usually the case with things like this, Raymond Chen has words: https://devblogs.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20090220-00/?p=19083 -
Show the declaration.
None of these features have been implemented. Feel free to submit a feature request on sourcefoge (makt it one for each feature). Feature requests for the formatter should include two unit files: An input and the desired output. They both should compile. But don't hold your breath for an implementation. Hm, actually, I think removing that blank line should have worked. Maybe it's a bug.
Some interesting articles by Yaroslav Brovin (the author of FGX Native and former FMX developer). http://yaroslavbrovin.ru/new-approach-of-development-of-firemonkey-control-control-model-presentation-part-1-ru/
Dellphi 12: IDE's F6 Search box still faulty
PeterPanettone replied to PeterPanettone's topic in Delphi IDE and APIs
Do you believe that reports about simple fundamental issues lead to change? -
I'll start this by saying I'm a small firm and was not a large customer of Emcrapdero, but am a firm believer in how you treat your smallest customer speaking volumes about your values as a company. We're all in this to make a living, but the lack of customer service speaks volumes as to why Delphi isn't making the in roads that it could or why C++ Builder is avoided. Further, when your IDE company treats their customers like a number then their smaller partners also suffer because there are a million languages out there with a million frameworks and that "number" can pivot to different tech if/when it is required. So maybe my almost $10k is meaningless, but it's another hit to the armor and the chickens will come to roost if they continue operating like this.