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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/29/24 in Posts

  1. David Heffernan

    What new features would you like to see in Delphi 13?

    Delphi produces native code, and therefore is fast
  2. Vincent Parrett

    Do I really need a certificate?

    Yeah the filezilla download page is a bit disengeneous with that download button, it does however say (much smaller than the button) "This installer may include bundled offers. Check below for more options." which leads to this page https://filezilla-project.org/download.php?show_all=1 where you can download an installer that doesn't trigger windows defender or malwarebytes
  3. Angus Robertson

    Could not load OpenSSL library.

    OpenSSL "1.0.2zi" is not a free public release, it is only available to organisations that pay OpenSSL for premium level support, which costs $50,000 per year. I'd guess there is a support contract involved that prevents such software being distributed outside those organisations. So it should not be published. Angus
  4. David Heffernan

    Delphi and "Use only memory safe languages"

    No it's not. Not really the point if a government agency will only accept work using tools that meet certain criterion. You can either follow the specification and have a chance of getting the work. Or argue about the specification and be completely ignored. That's just reality.
  5. Dave Nottage

    Thread does not synchronize two times in macOS

    Looks like a bug - In the TPlatformCocoa.ShowWindowModal method in FMX.Platform.Mac, it never calls CheckSynchronize inside of the loop. In Delphi 12, modifying FMX.Platform.Mac.pas starting at line 4855: while True do begin CheckSynchronize; // <--- Add this line Fixes it.
  6. Find Symbol works for me - with both clang64 or with classic 32 bit (not tried it with clang32). But I have to actually select the text (typically by dragging over it with the mouse) before using the search ! find symbol
  7. Stefan Glienke

    What new features would you like to see in Delphi 13?

    I said this before and I say it again - nobody should care how long the compiler churns on producing a release config build. Also: the FE is still written by Embarcadero and I don't know how much time is spent there compared to the LLVM BE and how much of that could be improved by tweaking some settings. Given their usual attitude of "making it barely work" and leaving optimizing for later until everyone and their cat/dog complains and then waiting even a few years longer until tinkering around the edges I can only imagine how well done the FE is. Also, keep in mind that the Windows compilers regressed heavily with all the new language features introduced in the past 15 years and that it was mostly due to the efforts of Andreas Hausladen that we gained back some of that speed in the recent versions while still being way behind what it could be imo. Currently reading through the thread (not done yet but just leaving my thoughts as I go through) and this comment was interesting: Interestingly later someone comments that if you compile a different project it turns around into the opposite - and then there is this statement: This is something I have actually seen with the non-Windows Delphi compilers: when I throw some generic-heavy code at them they take a ridiculous amount of time to compile - and some of the optimizations done by Andreas Hausladen actually resolved around generics. I would not be surprised if such an issue still exists either in the BE or in the LLVM code when generating debug symbols due to all the long full-qualified type names.
  8. Luis Enrique

    Can't complete installation of RAD 10.4

    Very funny and useful. Thanks
  9. This will only change the TField array item, but not the local variable FieldX as expected. A const or var array of TField is no replacement for a couple of var par: TField parameters. As soon as you construct that array parameter, the addresses of the local variables are gone, while their current content (which may be undefined here) is copied to the array item. Perhaps this may be a better approach (didn't try as I am too lazy to create a fake dataset with these fields): procedure ConnectFields(Query: TDataSet; const Fields: TArray<^TField>; const Names: TArray<string>); begin Assert(Length(Fields) = Length(Names), 'Number of fields and number of names must match'); for var ix := 0 to Length(Fields) - 1 do begin Fields[ix]^ := Query.FindField(Names[ix]); if not Assigned(Fields[ix]^) then raise Exception.Create(Format('Field %s not found.', [Names[ix]])); end; end; procedure Test; var Field1, Field2, Field3, Field4: TField; begin ConnectFields(Query, [ @Field1, @Field2, @Field3, @Field4], ['Field1', 'Field2', 'Field3', 'Field4']); ... end;
  10. Angus Robertson

    ICS V9.1 Highlights

    ICS V9.1 is almost ready for release. Although there are no new components, there are many other SSL/TLS changes that will affect existing applications, but make ICS easier to use and support for the future. Before the final release in a week or two, I'd appreciate some feedback from user installing V9.1 using the new packages, and update one or more old SSL/TLS applications, it may help future users if I can improve the documentation. Please read readme9.txt and these note about V9.1 carefully when upgrading existing applications, you may get build errors that need minor code changes. But new applications should need be easier to create. 1 - Delphi 10.4 and later now use the same install groups and packages, IcsInstallFmx, IcsInstallVcl and IcsInstallVclFmx, making support a lot easier. Version specific groups remain for Delphi 10.3 and earlier, with new groups D(X)InstallVcl for VCL only replacing the old OverbyteIcs(X) groups, again to simplify support. 2 - The old samples directory has gone and many of the older and little used samples have been archived to a separate download. The active samples used to test and demonstrate all ICS components are now split into the following paths, in the ICS root directory: demos-delphi-vcl - 45 VCL samples for Windows. demos-delphi-extra - four VCL samples that need third party components to build. demos-delphi-fmx - seven FMX samples for Windows, not yet tested on MacOS. demos-cpp-vcl - all old C++ samples that have not been tested for 10 years, need help. demos-data - data files for samples, such as web pages. All these samples can now be built for Win32 and Win64 platforms. 3 - To ease development, linking and future support, some new units have been added by splitting existing units with multiple components, unfortunately this means many existing projects will need one or more of the new units adding to their uses section. Apologies for the pain, but this should have been done a long time ago. The main change is splitting out much of the SSL/TLS related code from the massive OverbyteIcsWSocket unit to a new unit OverbyteIcsSslBase. 4 - Distribution of the ICS OpenSSL files has changed. Earlier ICS versions required the OpenSSL DLLs to be distributed with applications, and a root CA bundle file to verify SSL/TLS connections, and these needed to be loaded using code. There was little standardisation over where the OpenSSL DLLs were located, applications tended to keep their own copies alongside other executables, leading to multiple DLL copies and needing the public variable GSSL_DLL_DIR set to a specific directory before OpenSSL was loaded. Likewise, root CA bundle directories had to be distributed with applications and loaded with code. ICS V9.1 allows five different ways of loading OpenSSL: 1 - DLLs linked into application as resource files 2 - DLLs loaded from common directory C:\ProgramData\ICS-OpenSSL\ 3 - OpenSSL DCU linked into application using commercial YuOpenSSL 4 - DLLs loaded from location specified in public variable GSSL_DLL_DIR 5 - DLLs loaded according to path, may be found anywhere on PC Which method ICS uses to load OpenSSL depends upon several defines in the .\Source\Include\OverbyteIcsDefs.inc file, please see the readme9.txt file for details. ICS currently includes resource files for three different OpenSSL releases, 3.0`13. 3.1.5 and 3.2.1, which version is linked is controlled by a define. If the OpenSSL DLLs are linked into the application, they are extracted to a version subdirectory, ie C:\ProgramData\ICS-OpenSSL\3012\ so different applications can use different OpenSSL versions. This happens only once if the files have not already been extracted. When updating existing projects without using any new defines, the ICS old behaviour of methods 3, 4 and 5 above remain with no changes needed. 5 - A common IcsSslRootCAStore component is now created at application start-up, to avoid different components needing their own CA stores to verify SSL/TLS certificates, and for applications to load those stores. The three different CA stores included with ICS are now supplied as resource files, with a define determining which is linked into applications. Another define causes OpenSSL and this store to be loaded at application startup, so OpenSSL is available for all components, without it needing to be loaded again, perhaps repeatedly. Without new defines, a CA Store can be loaded manually into IcsSslRootCAStore. The ICS servers use CA Stores now use IcsSslRootCAStore and no longer load any files specified. 6 - All SSL/TLS servers need a certificate and private key to start, even when testing. Previously ICS supplied some self signed certificates for testing, and also created such certificates automatically if they were missing or if the server was about to order a Let's Encrypt certificate. Accessing such servers for testing using browsers raised various warnings. ICS now has it's own SSL root certificate 'ICS Root CA' and two intermediates, 'ICS Intermediate' and 'ICS Intermediate Short', the last of which includes a private key so can be used to automatically sign new certificates by ICS server applications, rather than just self signed certificates as before. If the 'ICS Root CA' certificate is installed in the Window Store and browser stores, it should stop certificate warnings appearing. ICS applications automatically trust the ICS root, so will give no warnings. The short intermediate has a maximum 100 day expiry, so new versions will be issued regularly. There is a single function CreateSelfSignCertEx that created signed certificates, and another IcsInstallIcsRoot that installs the ICS root into the Windows Store, so easy to use. It is possible to replace the ICS root with your own private root certificate and have servers create their own certificates against that root, for internal networks. 7 - The TSslHttpRest component now allows TRestParams to be created as content type 'Form-Data Body' to create MIME multipart/form-data parameters that may include new TParamType of RPTypeFile that specifies a file name whose binary content will be added to the parameters as a file upload, allowing multiple files and extra parameters. TRestParams are now built into a TStream rather than a string to allow larger parameter sizes, tested up to 8GB. The ICS web server samples have improved MIME decoding to accept massive uploads. 8 - Several client and server components have a new property NoSSL which if set will prevent those components using SSL/TLS for HTTPS or FTPS, even if the application is linked with OpenSSL code. Beware the IcsSslRootCAStore component must not be initialised by the application. 9 - Updating projects to V9.1: Applications that have TSslContext on a form will need to be opened so the new unit OverbyteIcsSslBase is automatically added to the users clause. Units that reference TX509Base or TX509List mostly for the OnSslHandshakeDone event, may need OverbyteIcsSslBase adding manually if they don't also have TSslContext. The other new units are OverbyteIcsHtmlUtils (for TextToHtmlText, IcsHtmlValuesToUnicode, IcsFindHtmlCharset, IcsFindHtmlCodepage, IcsContentCodepage and IcsHtmlToStr), OverbyteIcsDnsHttps (for TDnsQueryHttp and IcsDomNameCacheHttps) and OverbyteIcsSslUtils (for TOcspHttp). Applications that use IcsExtractURLEncodedValue, ExtractURLEncodedParamList or GetCookieValue may need OverbyteIcsUrl adding to projects. When updating projects using a TSslContext component, setting the new property UseSharedCAStore to True causes the properties CAFile, CALines and CAPath to be ignored, and the new IcsSslRootCAStore component will be used instead, being automatically initialised if not done at program start-up. Don't use UseSharedCAStore for server components. High level ICS components such as TSslHttpRest that have an internal TSslContext component all set UseSharedCAStore and ignore properties like SslRootFile to load a root CA bundle. If a specific bundle is required, it may be loaded to IcsSslRootCAStore. With V9,1, the global variables GSSLEAY_DLL_IgnoreNew and GSSLEAY_DLL_IgnoreOld are ignored since only different minor versions of OpenSSL 3 are supported. V9.1 can be downloaded from SVN at https://svn.overbyte.be/svn/icsv9/ or the overnight zip at https://wiki.overbyte.eu/wiki/index.php/ICS_Download Angus
  11. Stefan Glienke

    What new features would you like to see in Delphi 13?

    If it at least would produce binaries that are faster than what classic compiler for Windows produces ... But due to their currently super old LLVM version (hopefully they upgrade that once they are done on the C++ side which personally I could not care less about), they apparently had to turn off some important optimization steps which causes the binary produced by the Linux compiler to be approx as good as -O0
  12. Dalija Prasnikar

    What new features would you like to see in Delphi 13?

    Forget about that. While there is always a possibility that speed may be slightly improved, slowness is a feature of LLVM backend.
  13. Seems like an array should be the way: type TMyFields = array[1..4] of TField; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var LFields: TMyFields; i: Integer; begin for i := Low(TMyFields) to High(TMyFields) do LFields[i] := Query.FieldByName('FIELD' + IntToStr(i)); end;
  14. Nick Blunda

    Thread does not synchronize two times in macOS

    Thank you very much!!!!! Now it works fine. In Delphi 11 line "while True do" is at position 4796.
  15. Nigel Thomas

    Do I really need a certificate?

    I've used FileZilla for some time. I've just checked my latest installation: Version 3.66.5 Signature: VirusTotal: As @Vincent Parrettsuggests, the installer referenced by the OP may indeed bundle "sponsorship" software. Each time FileZilla updates it shows a sponsorship screen stating who sponsored the latest update - but it's only shown the once and is not intrusive.
  16. Nigel Thomas

    Do I really need a certificate?

    That's not a code-signing certificate, that's just a time-stamped certificate. A code-signing certificate looks like this:
  17. Ian Branch

    What new features would you like to see in Delphi 13?

    Case on Strings. i.e. case myStringVariable of 'A': do something; 'Test': do something; etc end;
  18. Vincent Parrett

    Hyper-V server as host for 3 VMS

    Yes, and we did do that - but shared resources are aquired at the start of the stage (which means the token is in use for longer than it needs to be), so we had to split up our builds into more stages and that resulted in longer build times. I spent ages on various iterations trying different things. I found the virtualhere client would occasionally fail to disconnect the device and then builds would hang till I restarted the vh server. I guess it could be a latentcy issue, usb is very sensitive to it and our token and build servers are in different locations (300+ km). I will have a good solution to this available in a few weeks, working on a new product that makes sharing the tokens trivial (remote code signing server) and being able to code sign from any build agent.
  19. PeterBelow

    ISAPI and regedit

    What root key do you use? HKEY_CURRENT_USER depends on the user running the process in question (IIS probably) and that may not be what you expect. And which access rights do you specify when you try to open the key in question?
  20. Remy Lebeau

    delphi version

    The information you are looking for is not compiled into the EXE/DLL itself. Tools like IDR exist to heuristically analyze an EXE/DLL and compare its signature to a database of known compiler versions. How to detect Delphi compiler version in which exe was compiled?
  21. Brandon Staggs

    What new features would you like to see in Delphi 13?

    I am inclined to give some latitude to the devs on dfm dpi issues because they are fighting a very legacy system that goes back to the 80s. Multi-dpi support in Windows is problematic because of the base Win32 api. It's not like Mac where they chucked everything and went to floating point values, which is the real solution, but has the downside of throwing out billions of dollars worth of working code. (On Windows I mean. On Mac, since hardly anybody used it to do real work, it was no big deal to do it in the 90s.) Anyway, doesn't the "Low DPI" setting for the form designer solve the dfm issue? True, it means editing the form is scaled by the OS, but the rest of the IDE should be in the correct DPI. Am I wrong about this?
  22. Vincent Parrett

    What new features would you like to see in Delphi 13?

    But we have GetIt 🤦‍♂️ Package management it something I have been harping on about for years (as have others). https://www.finalbuilder.com/resources/blogs/delphi-package-manager-rfc I am working on a solution this is where it's at right now - https://delphi.dev Still a work in progress - contributions welcomed.
  23. David Heffernan

    Migrate an old app in Delphi 2009 to modren C++

    Love the engagement here from the poster