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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/28/18 in all areas

  1. Daniel

    Visual tweaks

    As a first step, avatars next to posts are smaller now. Group-name for regular members is hidden now.
  2. osterhaegar

    New GExperts Feature: Favorites menu

    You're welcome. You once told me to stop complaining and submit a patch. And you were right. (And you are allowed to mention my name. 😉 )
  3. pyscripter

    How to make a component available to all platforms

    From the documentation: http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Tokyo/en/64-bit_Windows_Application_Development. The RAD Studio build system automatically embeds an RC_DATA resource in the Win32 package binary named PLATFORMTARGETS, which is a bitmask of the pidXXX constants in System.Classes.pas and reflects the package project's targeted platforms. The IDE reads this resource when the package is loaded and uses the resource data to decide, for example, whether or not to disable the component(s) in the palette when an unsupported platform is active. Targeting multiple platforms with a component package implies a contract between the component developer and the IDE. The IDE assumes that if a component package project targets multiple platforms and the developer distributes the Win32 run-time package to customers (and all the associated compilable and linkable files), the developer will also distribute all the necessary compilable, linkable, and run-time bits for the other targeted platforms as well. Individual components can use the ComponentPlatformsAttribute class attribute to override the data in PLATFORMTARGETS, using a bitmask of the same constants in the Classes unit. For example: type [ComponentPlatformsAttribute(pidWin32 or pidWin64)] // Only supported on Win32 and Win64 TMyComponent = class(TComponent) private ... end; So to get the components to be usable with other plagorms, all you need to do is before you compile the Design package to add the other platform to it. They won't be used but just being there makes the build system to include the appropriate resource flagging the package as usable for the platforms. I have tested this and it works!
  4. osterhaegar

    Delphi Version in profile

    Hi, I just joined (Thanks @Daniel for the new forum.) and tried to fill something sensible into my profile. It allows me to select the "Delphi version I use", which I simply can't, because it would be basically "All of them" (OK, everything >= Delphi 7). Maybe this should not be a single setting but a list? Daniela
  5. sakura

    Solved: Dark Theme for DP

    Couple smaller improvements in previous post. ... 🐈 ...
  6. sakura

    Solved: Dark Theme for DP

    Here an easy script for a dark theme, which seems to work pretty well (TamperMonkey): // ==UserScript== // @name [DPE] Dark Theme // @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/ // @version 0.1 // @description try to take over the world! // @author You // @match https://en.delphipraxis.net/* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function() { try{ 'use strict'; const $ = jQuery; const stylesheet = document.styleSheets[document.styleSheets.length - 1]; stylesheet.insertRule('BODY, HEADER, .ipsButtonBar, .ipsComment_meta, .ipsType_sectionHead, .ipsButton, .ipsQuote_citation, IMG, VIDEO, PRE, NAV.ipsBreadcrumb, PRE IMG, .ipsEmoji, .ipsTag, .ipsTag_prefix, .ipsBadge, UL.ipsPagination_mini { filter: invert(100%); }'); stylesheet.insertRule('HEADER IMG { filter: invert(0%);'); stylesheet.insertRule('PRE { background-color: #AAA !important'); stylesheet.insertRule('article::before { filter: invert(100%); height: 3em; content: " "; display: block; }'); } catch(e) { } })(); ... 🐈 ...
  7. Markus Kinzler

    Forum layout / engine

    We have a corporate community identity😁
  8. dummzeuch

    New GExperts Feature: Favorites menu

    I have stolen yet another idea for a new GExperts feature, this time from Dave Nottage‘s Codex Delphi Expert. (But the code is all mine, including any bugs you might experience.) It’s the Favorites sub menu in the File menu: The content of this sub menu… https://blog.dummzeuch.de/2018/10/27/new-gexperts-feature-favorites-menu/
  9. dummzeuch

    New GExperts Feature: Favorites menu

    Now these entries are even sorted. I didn't even realize they were unsorted until a certain somebody (@osterhaegar) asked me why they weren't and sent me a patch.
  10. Markus Kinzler

    Forum layout / engine

    Would be possible. My key didn't allow that. In the areas I have access I see all.( no problem being part of the staff. ) Beside an api key there're ouath tokens taking respect if the user rights. I will test it.
  11. The intention behind "I made this" is to give community-members a place to present and discuss their projects. This sub-forum is not a place for commercial advertising - advertisements will be deleted.
  12. Juan C.Cilleruelo

    Which type will hold better a TBCDField value?

    Thank you all! Working again! The final solution was finally, use Currency. I can take this TFields AsCurrency and this works well. The problem comes from a modify in all the program. I had all the measures for the furniture in millimetres. This is a good thing for woodworking, but I have now a new customer that need my program for modelling complex things for 3D printing and he needs until hundredths of millimetres (two decimals). Solved.
  13. AlexBelo

    OTA Interface Search 1.2

    David, thank you for your tool and information. I'm still using RAD2007. Compiled version from your site http://www.davidghoyle.co.uk/WordPress/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/OTAIntfSearch-1.2.zip is quite enough to me at moment. Perhaps one day I'll port my own expert (debug time array inspector) to modern RAD version using your tool. -- Alex
  14. David Hoyle

    OTA Interface Search 1.2

    I've updated by Open Tools API Interface Search tool to fix some bugs and add a new feature. https://www.davidghoyle.co.uk/WordPress/?p=2039
  15. Thanks Daniel and the Team for opening this door, i feel welcomed and comfy with all those new functions (compared to german dp) Hope all will be sweet in here aswell! I will stick around.
  16. Fritzew

    Which type will hold better a TBCDField value?

    If you are using TBCDField you can simply use Currency, because these Fieldtype is designed to work with currency as the internal DataType. Look in the Source from Data.DB.......
  17. Fritzew

    Which type will hold better a TBCDField value?

  18. Fritzew

    Which type will hold better a TBCDField value?

    From the Docs: So I think Currency will the correct type to choose
  19. I want to say a big Thank You to Daniel for providing a dedicated place for the MMX Code Explorer Community. This is much more that I would have been able to create by myself. Besides the website https://www.mmx-delphi.de/ this will be the most prominent place to announce new versions, answer questions and discuss new features.
  20. Baron Software

    Welcome to the MMX Code Explorer Community

    Thank you Uwe for taking the thankless job of updating software products thrown away. I have taken over TrackPro to keep it viable for future growth.
  21. Neutral General

    Chrome/TamperMonkey for Design

    Sorry for my double post. I just wanted to share my own custom version of sakuras script: At the beginning of the script are a couple constants you can set either to true or false to control which features of the script you want to use. // ==UserScript== // @name [DPE] CSS Overrides // @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/ // @version 0.1 // @description try to take over the world! // @author You // @match https://en.delphipraxis.net/* // @exclude *?do=edit // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function() { try{ 'use strict'; // Header const enable_compact_banner = true; const enable_compact_searchbar = true; // thread overview const enable_modified_topic_banner = true; const enable_compact_fluidlist = true; const enable_additional_highlight = true; // Threads/Posts const enable_small_userinfo = true; const enable_compact_comment = true; const enable_compact_code = true; const enable_compact_survey = true; // Other const enable_goto_latest_post = true; const enable_scroll_to_content = true; const $ = jQuery; const stylesheet = document.styleSheets[document.styleSheets.length - 1]; if (enable_compact_banner) { $('HEADER .logo').attr('style', 'height: auto;'); $('HEADER .logo IMG').attr('style', 'margin-bottom: -30px;'); } // fluid list if (enable_compact_fluidlist) { $('LI.ipsDataItem').attr('style', 'padding: 2px 0'); $('DIV.ipsDataItem_icon').attr('style', 'padding: 0 10px;'); $('DIV.ipsDataItem_main').attr('style', 'padding: 0;'); $('UL.ipsDataItem_stats').attr('style', 'padding: 0 10px 0 0;'); } if (enable_goto_latest_post) { $('LI.ipsDataItem_unread DIV.ipsDataItem_main A[href*=topic]').each(function() { const href = $(this).attr('href'); if (href.indexOf('?') < 0) $(this).attr('href', href + '?do=getNewComment'); }); } if (enable_modified_topic_banner) { const ipsPageHeader = $('DIV.ipsPageHeader'); ipsPageHeader.attr('style', 'padding: 5px;'); const topicControls = ipsPageHeader.next(); const topicControlsLinks = topicControls.find('A'); for (var idx = 0, link; link = topicControlsLinks[idx]; idx++) { const div = $('<div class="ipsPos_right ipsResponsive_noFloat ipsResponsive_hidePhone" style="margin-left: 5px;"></div>'); link.style = 'padding: 5px; line-height: 1.5em;'; div.append(link); ipsPageHeader.prepend(div); } topicControls.remove(); } if (enable_small_userinfo) { $('UL.cAuthorPane_info').attr('style', 'transform: scale(0.6); padding: 0; margin: -40px;'); } if (enable_compact_comment) { $('DIV[data-role="commentContent"]').attr('style', 'padding: 0; font-size: small;'); } // Code if (enable_compact_code) { $('PRE.ipsCode').attr('style', 'padding: 5px !important; font-size: small;'); } // Survey if (enable_compact_survey) { $(':root').attr('style', '--grid-gap: 0px;'); $('span.ipsFaded').attr('style', 'margin-left: 5px;'); } if (enable_additional_highlight) { // Highlight subforum in post listing (fluid list) $('.ipsDataItem_meta > a[href*="?forumId="]').css({ color: '#4D7395' }); // Highlight user in post listing (fluid list) $('.ipsDataItem_meta > span > a[href*="/profile/"]').css({ color: '#4D7395' }); } // Compact search bar if (enable_compact_searchbar) { $('.nav-bar').attr('style', 'height: 30px;'); $('.secondary-header-align').attr('style', 'height: 30px;'); $('.ipsNavBar_primary > ul > li > a').attr('style', 'line-height: 30px;'); $('.ipsfocus-search').attr('style', 'height: 30px; line-height: 30px;'); } stylesheet.insertRule('.ipsDataList.ipsDataList_zebra > .ipsDataItem { height: 45px; }'); // scroll to start of content if (enable_scroll_to_content) { if (window.location.href.indexOf('?do') < 0) { $('html,body').animate({scrollTop: $('#elContent').offset().top},'slow'); } } } catch(e) { // I don't wanna hear about it } })();
  22. Marco Cantu

    Directions for ARC Memory Management

    That is part of the plan... we have some experimental demos, could evolve into a full feature
  23. sakura

    Chrome/TamperMonkey for Design

    // ==UserScript== // @name [DPE] CSS Overrides // @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/ // @version 0.1 // @description try to take over the world! // @author You // @match https://en.delphipraxis.net/* // @exclude *?do=edit // @exclude */discover/ // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function() { try{ 'use strict'; const $ = jQuery; const stylesheet = document.styleSheets[document.styleSheets.length - 1]; // fluid list $('HEADER .logo').attr('style', 'height: auto;'); $('HEADER .logo IMG').attr('style', 'margin-bottom: -30px;'); $('LI.ipsDataItem').attr('style', 'padding: 2px 0'); $('DIV.ipsDataItem_icon').attr('style', 'padding: 0 10px;'); $('DIV.ipsDataItem_main').attr('style', 'padding: 0;'); $('UL.ipsDataItem_stats').attr('style', 'padding: 0 10px 0 0;'); $('LI.ipsDataItem_unread DIV.ipsDataItem_main A[href*=topic]').each(function() { const href = $(this).attr('href'); if (href.indexOf('?') < 0) $(this).attr('href', href + '?do=getNewComment'); }); // thread view const ipsPageHeader = $('DIV.ipsPageHeader'); ipsPageHeader.attr('style', 'padding: 5px;'); const topicControls = ipsPageHeader.next(); const topicControlsLinks = topicControls.find('A'); for (var idx = 0, link; link = topicControlsLinks[idx]; idx++) { const div = $('<div class="ipsPos_right ipsResponsive_noFloat ipsResponsive_hidePhone" style="margin-left: 5px;"></div>'); link.style = 'padding: 5px; line-height: 1.5em;'; div.append(link); ipsPageHeader.prepend(div); } topicControls.remove(); $('UL.cAuthorPane_info').attr('style', 'transform: scale(0.6); padding: 0; margin: -40px;'); $('DIV[data-role="commentContent"]').attr('style', 'padding: 0; font-size: small;'); // Code $('PRE.ipsCode').attr('style', 'padding: 5px !important; font-size: small;'); // Survey $(':root').attr('style', '--grid-gap: 0px;'); $('span.ipsFaded').attr('style', 'margin-left: 5px;'); stylesheet.insertRule('.ipsDataList.ipsDataList_zebra > .ipsDataItem { height: 45px; }'); // scroll to start of content if (window.location.href.indexOf('?do') < 0) $('html,body').animate({scrollTop: $('#elContent').offset().top},'slow'); } catch(e) { } })(); ... 🐈 ...
  24. Uwe Raabe

    Directions for ARC Memory Management

    An option for ARC/non-ARC would double the testing effort at least. Given that over the years I learned how to mix objects and interfaces when necessary, I for myself feel quite comfortable with the non-ARC approach.
  25. Lars Fosdal

    Directions for ARC Memory Management

    From my perspective, I am very glad to see that the Linux compiler will use the same memory management model as the Windows compilers. That makes it a lot easier for us to write cross-platform server code, something we have been pondering for a while.