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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/05/20 in Posts

  1. Hello, just a small note that I released a generic circular buffer library under open source license (Apache 2.0) here: https://github.com/MHumm/CircularBuffer Feel free to use it or to contribute to it. Cheers TubroMagic
  2. Lars Fosdal

    10.4.1 Released today

    My installation did the uninstall and asked if I wanted to keep the current registry settings, which I confirmed. Colors and environment variables, etc, were as expected after the new installation. Same with SDKs and Connections. I did have some issues with Parnassus - where I had to delete the old Parnassus_Sydney DLLs for the installer to run as the old ones did not work with the new IDE. Then I got some missing Parnassus warnings when loading workspace, before I could reinstall with GetIt. After installation, the DLLs were where I expected, and everything worked as expected - apart from a floating bookmark window 😛
  3. Lars Fosdal

    looking for UI design ideas for tracking a process

    Individual ticket display - It depends a lot on the type of user. I know that our users that are non-PC aficionados, are uncomfortable with tree views. If the series of stages are sequential, I'd consider a segmented progress bar, combined with a panel with information on the status of the current stage in progress. Just to stay in line with my original example
  4. Rollo62

    CPP or C++ Category

    I would add still some more reasons: 4) @David Millington is working so hard to find ways in better integrating and interacting C++Builder with the Delphi eco-system. We all should honour his effords to flatten the ways to C++ by opening a sub-forum here too. 5) The Delphi ecosystem might gain from C++ in many cases too, like compiling & binding C++ libraries and make it available in Delphi. E.g. where speed or other concepts are an issue, Delphi might be UI and C++Builder might provide the core logic. 6) Divide and conquer 🙂 Together we might be stronger than alone. Edit: Some more ... 7) Component suppliers face often the issue to make their components available to Delphi AND C++Builder 8.) Maybe C++ developers see how cool Delphi is, and some might change from C++ to Delphi 😎
  5. Mike Torrettinni

    CPP or C++ Category

    I would welcome opening sub forum, especially if Embarcadero will not offer official forums, anymore. If in a year you see is not making any traction, you close it. At least you tried, but if it offers good resource for developers and it is active, it would be shame to not offer it. Set a threshold how many positive response you get here, 5, 10, 20... and then decide. My vote is for a subforum.
  6. Rollo62

    CPP or C++ Category

    I don't mind. Lets add JS and Python too. There's is much to learn when looking from another perspective. But seriously: Delphi and C++ is RadStudio for me = Ying and Yang. Whats so wrong about this ? I'm NOT looking deeper into C++ yet, because there is so little support and attention in the web. That might change.
  7. Rollo62

    CPP or C++ Category

    Because Delphi has a forgotten brother ? I would like to see more C++ here too. Its a small world.
  8. Lars Fosdal

    CPP or C++ Category

    Well, technically I use RAD Studio - that has the C++ bit - but that is sort of a remnant from when the .NET stuff looked like it was going somewhere. Not sure if it is possible to downgrade from RAD Studio Enterprise to Delphi Enterprise. I never use the C++ bit even though I always install it for good measure. Point being: There is a relationship that goes heavily from C++Builder to Delphi, but which is very weak the other way around.
  9. Sherlock

    10.4.1 Released today

    Wow! Macapi got a lot of attention in this release. All the stupid integers instead of boolean usages (you know: 1 is true and 0 is false) have been corrected to boolean. Plenty of work to correct that now in my application
  10. Anders Melander

    10.4.1 Released today

    Well that's what I get for actually reading the installation instructions.
  11. Sherlock

    10.4.1 Released today

    Yes. It has been this way for some time now. I just trusted them to stick to that plan. Perhaps that was a lucky guess.
  12. Anders Melander

    10.4.1 Released today

    No. It's just very easy to miss. Bad installer UI. The 10.4.1 release notes stated that there would be an option in the 10.4 uninstaller to keep the settings, but I didn't see any.
  13. dummzeuch

    10.4.1 Released today

    Interesting, I didn't even know this exists. Now that I do, I found that Steve Trefethen blogged about it in 2005: Command line option to display menu item names in Delphi 2006
  14. Arnaud Bouchez

    10.4.1 Released today

    We can report that a compiler regression about wrongly optimized result value was fixed with 10.4.1. https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-30088 Even if it has been reported in JIRA as "Expected behavior". 😞 https://synopse.info/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=32966#p32966
  15. Oh, another remark: If somebody would "donnate"! English translations for CircularBuffer I would submit the updated version to GetIt!
  16. I can understand the request to do so. I have already written in the project description that this would be a task one could/should do. As I'm busy enough with my other open source project (DEC - Delphi Encryption Compendium) I will accept such translations and update the code with them but won't invest the time in those at this time. As user Dummzeuch (a German by the way! ;-) ) stated: maybe somebody could contribute them. I guess there are enough Delphi developers out there who didn't contribute code etc. yet but only consumed so far what others contributed. That could be a start to give something back. As we're talking about contributing and my next topic is related to F. Piette: is there an easy way to write a Delphi source code parser (maybe using Delphi AST which I only know by name) to parse the source of ICS and generate output in the Wikipedia syntax so that for the still undocumented SSL ICS code the Wiki sceleton could be generated at least as a starting point to finally get documentation started? While I value the library and its many demos, a written documentation about the individual properties and methods is also worth quite something!
  17. Maybe one of the first things somebody could contribute, are English translations of the comments then. 😉
  18. Hi, I'm a huge fan of the Scintilla control and have used it as a base for our open source editor called The Hammer (sorry not in Delphi, but in DataFlex instead) At the time when I chose for Scintilla I needed a good control to replace the CodeMax control we were using before that. One of the features that I was looking for was code collapse. Tried to use SynEdit, then a patched version of SynEdit and while it worked, getting extra features like code collapse wasn't easy. In my opinion it all was a step back from CodeMax. The scintilla control OTOH is well supported and is under constant development. It's not that hard to get fixes upstream as long as you do your homework either. Hope this helps.
  19. Stefan Glienke

    We use DUnitX and it discovers all our silly mistakes before release

    If we just had some easy to use and nicely integrated into the IDE way to measure code coverage ...
  20. David Heffernan

    We use DUnitX and it discovers all our silly mistakes before release

    I know I go on about this but it's really important, in my view, to stress that the testing framework doesn't discover the bugs. It's the developer that writes good tests that discover the bugs. You need a testing framework to help manage the test code. But the strength of the test is always the quality of the test code rather than the framework. There are plenty of libraries that ostensibly have test suites but are full of bugs because the test suites are incomplete.
  21. Der schöne Günther

    We use DUnitX and it discovers all our silly mistakes before release

    This might come across as ignorant, but I never really got behind what DUnitX does better than DUnit. For sure, it does things differently. But better? What are the advantages? Why should I consider migrating all DUnit test projects to DUnitX?
  22. FredS

    10.4.1 Released today

    Never worked for me. A Reg backup and Beyond Compare work with a little effort..
  23. sjordi

    10.4.1 Released today

    I confirm again that the Migration Tool is useless. Just reinstalled 10.4.1 from a clean VM and installed my tools, etc.. then ran the migration to copy the 10.4 settings over 10.4.1 All paths are still not configured, toolbars are out of the box, not the ones I had in 10.4 Useless.
  24. Scott

    10.4.1 Released today

    I got burnt by this too 😞
  25. ConstantGardener

    10.4.1 Released today

    https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-30755 ...and some new bugs/regressions. TSpeedButton dont show the correct font anymore. You can change it to any font/Size and so on, but the font stay's the same.