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  1. Hello, everyone! English is not my first language, so please be kind to my mistakes ... but I'll try explain my problem. In my app need intercept swipe gesture. I read links in Apple Dev portal, more read codes on swift and objective-c different people on stackoverflow portal, and finally read delphi codes and delphi sources in RAD Studio ... But a week of torment has passed and nothing comes of it. Please tell me what is the problem? My code worked, but crashed after Result := True in shouldBegin function! I not understand why? What is it magic? If something like that is in the source code of the RAD Studio, why my app receive Access violation? I think problem in this line code: FSwipeRecognizer.initWithTarget(GetObjectID, sel_getUid('HandleSwipe:')); I guess because my app or system not see procedure HandleSwipe. My full code: unit Unit1; interface uses System.SysUtils, System.Types, System.UITypes, System.Classes, System.Variants, FMX.Types, FMX.Controls, FMX.Forms, FMX.Graphics, FMX.Dialogs, iOSapi.Foundation, iosapi.UIKit, iOSapi.CocoaTypes, FMX.Platform.iOS, Macapi.ObjCRuntime, Macapi.ObjectiveC, iOSapi.CoreGraphics, FMX.Helpers.iOS, iOSapi.WebKit, FMX.WebBrowser, Macapi.Helpers, FMX.Gestures, FMX.VirtualKeyboard.iOS; type TDelegateTouch = class; TForm1 = class(TForm) procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } FSGRDelegate: TDelegateTouch; public { Public declarations } end; TDelegateTouch = class(TOCLocal, UIGestureRecognizerDelegate) private FSwipeRecognizer: UISwipeGestureRecognizer; constructor Create; public { UIGestureRecognizerDelegate } destructor Destroy; procedure HandleSwipe(gestureRecognizer: UISwipeGestureRecognizer); function gestureRecognizer(gestureRecognizer: UIGestureRecognizer; shouldReceiveTouch: UITouch): Boolean; overload; cdecl; function gestureRecognizer(gestureRecognizer: UIGestureRecognizer; shouldRecognizeSimultaneouslyWithGestureRecognizer: UIGestureRecognizer): Boolean; overload; cdecl; function gestureRecognizerShouldBegin(gestureRecognizer: UIGestureRecognizer): Boolean; overload; cdecl; end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.fmx} procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin FSGRDelegate := TDelegateTouch.Create; end; { TDelegateSwipeTouch } constructor TDelegateTouch.Create; var UI: UIView; SGR: UISwipeGestureRecognizer; UIGest: Pointer; Int: Integer; ViewClass, FM1, FM2: Pointer; begin inherited; FSwipeRecognizer := TUISwipeGestureRecognizer.Alloc; FSwipeRecognizer.initWithTarget(GetObjectID, sel_getUid('HandleSwipe:')); //FSwipeRecognizer.setDelaysTouchesBegan(False); //FSwipeRecognizer.setCancelsTouchesInView(True); FSwipeRecognizer.setDirection(UISwipeGestureRecognizerDirectionLeft); UI := WindowHandleToPlatform(Form1.Handle).View; UI.addGestureRecognizer(FSwipeRecognizer); //UI.setMultipleTouchEnabled(True); end; function TDelegateTouch.gestureRecognizer( gestureRecognizer: UIGestureRecognizer; shouldReceiveTouch: UITouch): Boolean; begin Result := gestureRecognizer.isKindOfClass(objc_getClass('UISwipeGestureRecognizer')); end; destructor TDelegateTouch.Destroy; begin FSwipeRecognizer.release; inherited; end; function TDelegateTouch.gestureRecognizer(gestureRecognizer, shouldRecognizeSimultaneouslyWithGestureRecognizer: UIGestureRecognizer): Boolean; begin Result := NSObjectToID(shouldRecognizeSimultaneouslyWithGestureRecognizer.view) = NSObjectToID(gestureRecognizer.view); end; function TDelegateTouch.gestureRecognizerShouldBegin(gestureRecognizer: UIGestureRecognizer): Boolean; var RecognizerClassName: MarshaledAString; begin RecognizerClassName := class_getName(object_getClass(NSObjectToId(gestureRecognizer))); Result := RecognizerClassName = 'UISwipeGestureRecognizer'; end; procedure TDelegateTouch.HandleSwipe(gestureRecognizer: UISwipeGestureRecognizer); begin //if gestureRecognizer.state = UIGestureRecognizerStateEnded then begin ShowMessage('Test'); //end; end; procedure TForm1.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin FSGRDelegate.Free; end; end. P.S. Part of the code was taken from the FMX.Platfom.iOS module. My equipment iPhone 11 iOS 14.5, MacBook Pro 13 Big Sur 11.2.3 with XCode 12.5, RAD Studio 10.4.2. Thanks everyone for the answers.
  2. Hi, I believe it is getting on for 18 months since a Community Edition of Delphi was released... I'm working on getting a completely free App into the AppStore - an App with absolutely no tracking - but App Store Connect is now warning me for TestFlight that "starting April 26, 2021 iOS apps submitted to the App Store must be built with the iOS 14 SDK or later, included in Xcode 12 or later." I'm really grateful to Embarcadero for the Community Edition. But I find it really hard to keep up with Apple development. And I wonder whether there are any workarounds for getting my App to build on Xcode 12 instead of Xcode 11.5. (I can live without debugging on iOS. I just want to be able to generate an IPA file that can be submitted via TestFlight.) IDE Delphi Community Edition 10.3.3 MacOS Catalina I wonder whether a new Community Edition is coming? If anyone has managed to get 10.3.3 to compile for iOS14, please help! I daren't update my iPad from 13.5 unless I know it will really work. Best wishes!!
  3. Hi, I'd like to use custom fonts for my multi-device app. I chose the roboto font, and for Android deploy there is no problem. The problem is with the iOS deploy, I addedd the roboto .ttf files at the Deployment page and I edited the "info.plist.TemplateiOS.xml" adding this section: <key>UIAppFonts</key> <array> <string>Roboto-Black.ttf</string> <string>Roboto-BlackItalic.ttf</string> <string>Roboto-Bold.ttf</string> <string>Roboto-BoldItalic.ttf</string> <string>Roboto-Italic.ttf</string> <string>Roboto-Light.ttf</string> <string>Roboto-LightItalic.ttf</string> <string>Roboto-Medium.ttf</string> <string>Roboto-MediumItalic.ttf</string> <string>Roboto-Regular.ttf</string> <string>Roboto-Thin.ttf</string> <string>Roboto-ThinItalic.ttf</string> </array> However when I install and run the app in the iPhone the app show the default font. What I'm wrong?
  4. My app pop up "Access violation at address 000000001BB022128, accessing address 000030312E353820" error in iPhone. Android works perfectly without this error. This error pops up when 1. Run the app 2. Press the home button (my app still running in background) 3. Run other apps 4. Go back to my app 5. Error popup. It is quite strange that my development device iPhone 6S never shows this error. All my other testing devices, from iPhone 7 ~ iPhone X, pop this error! This error exists since XCode 11. I updated it to XCode 12.4 hope that this error can be solved, but no luck! My development environment is 1. Delphi 10.4.1 2. iOS 13.7 3. XCode 12.4 4. macOS Big Sur 5. My app uses a location sensor component and timer components to activate the location sensor when loading up the App. (I want to try it in iOS 14.4 but cannot successfully get the iOS 14 SDK add to the SDK manager. Files in Z:\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\SDKs\iPhoneOS14.4.sdk\usr\lib are in 0 byte. I tried it from XCode 12.0 to 12.3. All failed. I think it should be a bug in Delphi IDE. Only my old iOS 13.7 SDK is still working.) Does anyone know what causes this access violation error? Please help! BR. Leo
  5. Hi there, I had some time to check out the great OpenSsl library from Grijjy / @Allen@Grijjy, and I found that its working even without binding any libraries to it. The original FMX sample showed some issues, so I just created a brand new Rx10.4.1 project and moved the main unit to it. Beside the Grijjy Foundation, I've put no static linked files yet in the deployment, to check this library out step-by step. Of coarse for Win32 I need the enclosed DLL's in the EXE folder, that's no surprise. It puzzled me that for Android and iOS, as well as for Macos, I don't need to add any library at all to the library tree/deployment Even in Allens post, there is the note, I've misinterpreted that it should be added directly to the projects library tree, or by deployment manager or some other hacky means: Also Embarcadero has notes about OpenSsl, Which leads to the conclusion at least iOS would need some external download of static libraries. In the libraries const section, I can spot the different static/dynamic names, but where and do they bind to ? const {$IF Defined(WIN32)} LIB_CRYPTO = 'libcrypto-1_1.dll'; LIB_SSL = 'libssl-1_1.dll'; _PU = ''; {$ELSEIF Defined(WIN64)} LIB_CRYPTO = 'libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll'; LIB_SSL = 'libssl-1_1-x64.dll'; _PU = ''; {$ELSEIF Defined(ANDROID64)} LIB_CRYPTO = 'libcrypto-android64.a'; LIB_SSL = 'libssl-android64.a'; _PU = ''; {$ELSEIF Defined(ANDROID32)} LIB_CRYPTO = 'libcrypto-android32.a'; LIB_SSL = 'libssl-android32.a'; _PU = ''; {$ELSEIF Defined(IOS)} LIB_CRYPTO = 'libcrypto-ios.a'; LIB_SSL = 'libssl-ios.a'; _PU = ''; {$ELSEIF Defined(MACOS32)} LIB_CRYPTO = 'libssl-merged-osx32.dylib'; { We unify LibSsl and LibCrypto into a common shared library on macOS } LIB_SSL = 'libssl-merged-osx32.dylib'; _PU = '_'; {$ELSEIF Defined(MACOS64)} LIB_CRYPTO = 'libcrypto-osx64.a'; LIB_SSL = 'libssl-osx64.a'; _PU = ''; {$ELSEIF Defined(LINUX)} LIB_CRYPTO = 'libcrypto.so'; LIB_SSL = 'libssl.so'; _PU = ''; {$ELSE} {$MESSAGE Error 'Unsupported platform'} {$ENDIF} I've put my test code as a wrapper around the original code, basically just adding the new project files. It seems the magic happens, because the libraries were sitting all side-by-side to the calling unit. The OpenSSL_Api unit find these local files in the same folder, and is able to bind them correctly. I didn't know that this is possible, I thought they have to be in the same project folder, and at least cross-platform make another hazzle to bind depending on the OS. Good to know that its enough to provide library+unit together, that gives much more room to cleanup libraries. I've put my wrapper code enclosed for testing, while the originally library files from Grijjy should be placed in the Src folder. The missing files you can get from here. I hope Allen don't mind. T381_GrijjySsl.zip
  6. zburns


    Has anybody built an app with Rad Studio, and done a WatchOS bundle? Just wonder what the process is and if it is possible.
  7. Hi there, this is another chapter of my daily issues with Apple: Suddenly the update of IPA to AppStore of an formerly running app failed, when using the Transporter. I usually keep my Transporter open for days and weeks, maybe that causes sometimes an issue. From my research for this error I found a few possible reasons and solutions in the web, where I've tried to re-boot my VM first. Solution: 1. Just relaunch Transporter app, or quit and re-enter it again. (not tested, but sound reasonable). 2. Try completely shutting down your device and then turning it back on and trying. (I've tried this one). 3. Check the matching case of the SKU for new apps: E.g. "com.company.appName" wasn't accepted. If changed to "com.Company.AppName", matching the AppStore entry, it works. Sometimes solutions can be so easy, but I hardly see the easy one's very often 😥
  8. Hello everyone, Please tell me, how do I use “Pushkit “? How do I register a “Token”? And how do I send a notification
  9. Hi all, I've been trying to integrate Facebook Audience Network into my Firemonkey app for ads and I'm getting a very strange error when linking for iOS. I use the "fake loader" approach to linking the framework. const libFBSDKCoreKitBasics = 'FBSDKCoreKit-Basics.framework/FBSDKCoreKitBasics'; //required as it's a dependency for the FBAN library libFBAudienceNetwork = 'FBAudienceNetwork-5.2.0.framework/FBAudienceNetwork'; function LibFBCoreKitBasics: Pointer; cdecl; external libFBSDKCoreKitBasics name 'OBJC_CLASS_$_FBSDKURLSessionTask'; function LibFBAN: Pointer; cdecl; external libFBAudienceNetwork name 'OBJC_CLASS_$_FBNativeAdView'; The error when I try to link, is this: ld: file is universal (4 slices) but does not contain a(n) arm64 slice: ..\Libraries\FBAudienceNetwork-5.2.0.framework/FBAudienceNetwork for architecture arm64 I've Googled and the only reference to this kind of error is related to armv7 when trying to link frameworks into a 64bit app that only contain 32bit versions. So I try building a 32bit version of my app in Delphi and see: ld: file is universal (4 slices) but does not contain a(n) armv7 slice: ..\Libraries\FBAudienceNetwork-5.2.0.framework/FBAudienceNetwork for architecture armv7 Which doesn't make any sense! It looks like the FBAudienceNetwork framework is essentially empty with neither 32 or 64bit code which can't be true as it's 1.7Mb and fresh from the official download page. I've tried different versions of the framework but get the same error each time so I've ruled out a corrupted download. I've tried linking through the "Linker Options" in the project settings instead but get the same errors. Linking the FBSDKCoreKit libraries works using the same approach. Does anyone have any ideas or know why I'm getting this error? Thanks in advance!
  10. Martifan

    CoreAnimation Error

    Hello, I have a problem like this: after switching from background to foreground, the application freezes for 8-10 seconds, and then continues to work and gives an error in the logs: CoreAnimation: warning, deleted thread with uncommitted CATransaction; set CA_DEBUG_TRANSACTIONS=1 in environment to log backtraces, or set CA_ASSERT_MAIN_THREAD_TRANSACTIONS=1 to abort when an implicit transaction isn't created on a main thread. what is the problem and how to solve it? thanks in advance
  11. PavelX

    iOS libcrypto.a, libssl.a

    Hi, Do any of you known from where I can download libcrypto.a, libssl.a for iOS device 64? Thank you in advance, Pavel
  12. Martifan

    silent phone mode

    Hello Please tell me how to check the silent mode on the iPhone or not? any ideas thank you in advance
  13. Martifan

    TMapView Draw route

    Hello everyone, please tell me how to draw a route between point A to point B? on delphi, iOS
  14. I have this problem,I have to make sure that my IO App made with Delphi Rio can appear in the list of apps with which to share a web link.For example if I am on safari and I am visiting a site I want to share this link with my app. I tried adding the management of CFBundleDocumentTypes and CFBundleURLTypes in the info.plist file but unfortunately my app does not appear in the list.Instead, there is the possibility to send the link to whatsapp, email, notes, and many other apps.Once opened my app must capture the link and use it internally.Do you know how I can do it?ThanksMassimiliano
  15. Hi there, I want to use the TRestClient components mainly under mobile platforms (iOS, Android), and I want to enhance and ensure the security concept for a new app. So far that means I need to verify the certifications under all conditions, same like browsers do. Since I have seen issues with apps which doesn't check certificates properly, but since Rx10.2.2 there should be all the events in place now. The client throws an event OnValidateCertificate, which could be used to verify a certificate, I think that is the right one, not really the OnNeedCertificate event, as noted in the blog from Marco above. This event returns certain infos in the TCertificate object, which are helpful to identify and verify the certificates: TCertificate = record CertName: string; SerialNum: string; Expiry: TDateTime; Start: TDateTime; Subject: string; Issuer: string; ProtocolName: string; AlgSignature: string; AlgEncryption: string; KeySize: Integer; function IsEmpty: Boolean; end; Unfortunately there is no real simple way to check the certificate status provided, e.g. from a test-site like BadSsl.com. It seems that this can be achieved only by heavy OpenSSL and touching the OCSP protocol, maybe then the app can be able to check the full status correctly and completely. While on the other side the native browsers can do this easily, as a side-effect more or less. From my understanding of the System.Net libraries, their basic idea is to use the underlying OS SSL systems, which works well for the HTTPS connection part. But I cannot really find any simple way to make use of the underlying OS for checking certifications, even if everything for checking certificates, like OpenSSL, should be in place in the OS. So I think about using the browsers of the OS, which have such support integrated, and should be perfect candidate to check the status (Safari, Chrome). But there is also no easy way to get data from the browsers from an app either, or is there any documented way I haven't seen yet ? Moreover, even if there would be a way to get that data: Would the access to the system browser be considered as "safe", from a high security standpoint ? There could be still a man-in-the-middle attack taken place, although the risk is IMHO quite low. Is there any simple Delphi/FMX "certification checker" out there which I haven't seen yet, or do I have to re-invent the wheel ? Maybe some security experts have tips to flatten the way, to reach a high security certification of the apps.
  16. Hi there, I'm sure most of you were aware of @Dave Nottage and his very helpful (live-saving) Kastri(Free) projects. Now with the presentation of the Memorizer, there are certain discussions about issues in the cross-platform world. Same as Dave I try to postpone permission requests to the bitter end, just before touching the hardware. For camera, sensors, etc. thats usually no issue. The problems may start when using local notifications, or related permissions, like Bluetooth and location. The local notifications permissions are fired right at startup, and thats annoying. You can imagine if you need a few permissions at startup, then they all will appear, and the user has to click them away before showing any useful screen. But for local notifications permission this might be maybe the right way too, because in mobile you also can run in foreground or background. So I would like to discuss the possibilities and pros and cons we have, for the permission settings from a users point-of-view. 1. Ask permission right after startup (as is now) - this is annoying to the user, especially if several requests appear one after the other - works in all cases, also for background mode, as it forces the user to decide - its a little like the old "Android way", permit all before use anything, but Androids style has changed meanwhile (for good reasons) - sometimes the app runs in background, and has no other chance to notify, than by local notification So the local notification permission shall be given at startup, to ensure this works. 2. Ask permission short before usage (in foreground) - thats what I like too, users shall decide each function before they use it. - but when moving to background w/o giving permission before, this might fail. A user cannot give permission while in background mode, the function simply fail or crash. 3. Ask permission short before going to background - this is not possible, because the app cannot do much when changing the states, especially no long-lasting alerts. 4. Allow permission in a special setup dialog - This is the "windows" setup philosophy, I think very much out of fashion in mobile: Force the user to visit setup first. - This will solve the issue in 2.), but I really try to to avoid this forcing of "setup" style design. Are there any other ideas or use-cases ? So far I think 1.) (as is) has its need too, and its not easy to cover all use-cases with one solution in mobile, there are too many options. Beside that, Android and iOS might have different philosophies as well, howto get them all under one umbrella ?
  17. @Dave Nottage Hi Dave, thanks for your nice article about a major problem in the Apple environment. Yes, Apple always keeps us busy with such unnecessary work. Since I had fallen into such nasty boobie trap in some older version before, I changed my way howto deal with these updates. So I may provide another (pseudo)-solution to this topic: Solution 3: ( prerequisites before starting any update ) Use your XCode environment for development in a VM virtual machine, like VmWare Fusion Make a backup of your VM image, BEFORE any update of the VM (if you prefer snapshots, thats fine too, if you cleanup later, but I prefer to make complete, FULL clones of the whole VM) In the VM backup also the current SDK's are backed up of course, if you ever need them again later With these FULL clones you can switch fast and easy between older and newer XCode, SDK and PAServer setups That doesn't solve the basic problem, of course, but makes it much easier to handle different SDK environments, in case of any "crash" might happen wit the new version.
  18. Martifan

    IPhone style

    Hello, how can you find out what style is in the iPhone? (Black or white) P.S. Example if possible on Delphi Thanks in advance
  19. Martifan

    Authorization using Apple ID

    Hello, please tell me any ideas, how can you implement authorization using Apple ID? thank you for advance
  20. Hi there, I'm looking for a scripting engine in my projects, and since I had last time contact with scripting this is some years ago. I would like to check out the pros and cons of the solutions, to find the best fitting match for me. Since paxCompiler seems gone by Apex, this is maybe out of sight now, but I'm not so sure about that. DwScript is not available on mobile, as far as I know. DwScript is somewhat available in different forks (so it seems), not sure which one is the right one to choose. Maybe the list of engines is nit final, please let me know if there is something missing. What I'm looking for is a script engine that has the following features (I've put the most important in bold) usage for some base analysis and event control lightweight very stable well supported and documented Pascal supporting multiple languages would perfect, but not a main criteria (JS, C++, C#, Basic) Multiple platforms Win, Macos, Linux, iOS, Android is a must have supporting full language support is nice to have, but not a must (I can skip the special stuff I would say). performance (not that critical, but should be able to process dynamic protocols behaviour reasonable well ) memory footprint good, active community Free to use in commercial products I hope you can bring some light in this dark forest of possibilities, and share some experiences.
  21. Hi there, I used a TListview with Text and Detail already some versions ago, mainly for iOS and Android. Representation is like Text / Detail line side by side, while the detail can be multiline text. Usually this looked centered, well arranged I used a CrLf as linebreak by default, and all the time that worked well. Now I realize that the display looks different, since it shows an empty line at the center: / Detail line 1 Text / <empty line> / Detail line 2 When I moved from CrLf to Lf as linebreak, the display seems OK again. So CrLf seems to add two linebreaks, instead of only one (which is understandable on non-windows platforms). So I ask myself, since this was OK earlier with CrLf too, has something changed in the linebreak separation of text in iOS ? Unfortunately I cannot really say since when this was going wrong, for sure Rx10.1/2/3 was OK. Maybe only in the newer versions, I guess, this happened.
  22. Hi there, are you able to work with yor projects on Patch 3 on mobile (Android, iOS) ? I've tried a while, but then moved back to Patch 2, which works more or less on Android with API-level 29. That was my main goal why I ported my apps to Patch 3. What are your experiences with that patch on different platforms ?
  23. lefjucabro

    Record and process audio

    Hello there, I am trying to develop an iOS app with Rio. This app must record audio and process it in real time to display some graphs. I am a newbie with FMX platform and iOS, there are lot of informations I don't get There is iOSapi.AVFoundation unit which contains a lot of types (TAVAudioSession, TAVAudioRecorder) but I cannot understand how to use them. For what I understand, I have to define an audio format (2 channels stereo, 16 bits), get the buffer size, create a recording task and then launch recording. In a thread I read samples and fill them into a TMemoryStream for processing. Do you think is this correct ? Do you have any idea how can I do this ? Kind regards Lefjucabro
  24. Hi there, I'm still fighting a little with Rx10.4 Patch 1, to get my projects smoothly running. Since debugging is somewhat broken for me, I regularily got out-of-system-ressources message, and also had some other exception that I haven't not seen before. The apps are running, but I think I better don't put them productive already. Unfortunately the Apple deadline for storyboard comes closer. Since Rx10.3.3 was quite stable for me, I came to the thought above. I think that should be possible to let .storyboard generate by Rx10.4, and then include this somehow in Rx10.3.3. Probably including in the Deployment and fumbling in the "%storyboard%" entry in the plist is good enough, but I doubt that its so easy.. I'm loosing a lot of time right now by testing and trying to get my projects as stable as before, maybe someone got similar idea and already tested this to prevent Apples deadline. Would be nice if you could share your experiences. By the way: Also the Rx10.4 .storyboard has some issues, as my logo did appear much too small, but that would be acceptable in the worst-case. Also changing background color has the known issues, which needs to re-boot the phone before getting fixed. I had not enought time to check it more deeply yet, but I just replaces the original icons by my own of same size. Maybe thats not good enought, and I need some special graphics format ?
  25. Hi there, I have a very nasty problem again with BLE background mode. Since I have the feeling that I have read all available articles and references about this topic worldwide, I still got no clue howto get this working. All is working as expected under forground mode. I hope that I can find some help or new ideas from here, because my head is going to be empty right now. My setup is: Rx10.3.3, XCode 11.4.1, iOS13.4.1, modern iPhone/iPad devices, all running fine with debug and release My task: I need to connect external Bluetooth LE peripherials, which works well in foreground. They send data string (20 bytes) via unspecific custom characteristics, and I receive a HEX string, all that is fine. With integrated logging functions in the app, I can monitor all behaviour in fore- and background. Also debugging in fore- and background is no problem. The devices send new datastring every < 2 sec., and the other every < 12 sec., anyway, both get killed after a while. Maybe there are some restrictions in the datarate, I have read somewhere that peripherals > 2 sec. might considered to be killed (?), but I cannot find anything about that in the official docs (also not much in the forums, seems only one case). The connected devices stay connected, I cannot see any unusual behaviour, moreover I test with three different hardware types, all behave same. So the issue seems not to be caused by the peripheral hardware. I use the following settings: Background modes: audio, bluetooth-central (audio is used for Tts text-to-speech also in background, but its not used currently when receiving the data sting). Info PList NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription (deprecated, but shouldn't it be there for older devices ?) I didn't see any hint that this might be harmful. NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription (defining both should be any problem, right ?) Permissions FMLocalNotificationPermission = true; Location: I do not use that, since Apple rejected this once, for adding an "unused background operation". Some time before I added this background location as workaround to keep background mode permanently running. I've made also some experiments before to add bluetooth-peripheral mode, as workaround to keep background mode permanently running. Both workarounds should be not necessary, but I was searching for a stable way to keep background active. I touch the location in foreground, so that the Location permission alert appears to the user,, since I think that location might be relevant for Bluetooth as well, same as is under Android. But I don't use Location in foreground, but in the past it seems that location permission alert seemed to help keeping background active.. When I take the location out completely, then also the Bluetooth LE permission alert seems not to appear every time, so sometimes BLE stays unavailable, and I need re-install to fix that problem. Thats why I touch the location in foreground, to enable location, and then I don't use the location any more, but BLE works with that approach in foreground. Device capabilities: I don't set specific BluetoothLE capabilities (UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities - bluetooth-le), as I never had to, and it works in foreground. Application events, I handle all of them, and especially at WillEnterBackground I stop some unneeded timers and delay the Threaded ringbuffer for receiving and processing the data, by TThread.Sleep(500);. (I used this sleep method before, and it seem to work well under older iOS, but I never checked that too deeply). on BecameActive I restart the timer and threads With TThread.Sleep(500); I throttle the thread which processes the incoming data (there is no data overflow, datarate is too small). I can see the processed incoming data, also in background, the ReadCharacteristic appends the data to the ring buffer, and then every 500ms the thread still seems to run and process this. In background I stop running timer, and I can see data from the periperal coming in. So far, so good, but longer operation (> 1min, > 10min) might kill the app in background. With kill I mean, its not only in background stopped, but the app is killed and restarts fresh. There is no other resource shortage, enough memory, etc., no need to be killed IMHO. I don't see any place where my app could get stucked, so that Apple might push me out of business, I tried to implement all measures to keep everything lightweight, asynchronously, only the threaded ringuffer sleeps for 500ms every cycle. I can see the data package running through the process handler, even debugging in background is possible. Please let me know if you have some helpful hints here, because I got stucked a while now by this issue, I'm at my wits end right now.