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  1. Kazantsev Alexey

    Code Completion Colours (Twilight)

    1. Run any resource editor (ResourceHacker, for example) and open ModernTheme260.bpl 2. Extract resource "WIN10IDE_LIGHT" to file *.vsf 3. Open saved file in the Bitmap Style Designer ($(BDSBIN)\BitmapStyleDesigner.exe) 4. In the tree-structure "Objects" find node "SysColors" and item "clHighlight" 5. Change the "clHighlight" to you prefered color 6. Save modified style and close Style Designer 7. Using resource editor replace resource "WIN10IDE_LIGHT" in ModernTheme260.bpl by the modified style file. p.s. This issue planed to fix soon.
  2. PeterPanettone

    Flow Diagram as a ProcedureList option

    I could also imagine the Flow Diagram View as an additional IDE main view tab after Code, Form Designer and History:
  3. Ugochukwu Mmaduekwe


    NumCPULib4Pascal is a Cross Platform Pascal library to query the number of CPUs (Logical (logical processors) and Physical (cores)) on a machine. Usage Add NumCPULib to uses clause: uses NumCPULib; var lcc, pcc: Int32; begin // count logical cpus (aka logical processors) lcc := TNumCPULib.GetLogicalCPUCount(); // count physical cpus (aka cores) pcc := TNumCPULib.GetPhysicalCPUCount(); end; What is the difference between the existing System.CPUCount and NumCPULib4Pascal? 1. System.CPUCount only reports the LogicalCPU Count (aka logical processors), it has no option to report the PhysicalCPU Count (cores). 2. System.CPUCount will not report the correct value on windows systems with more than 64 logical processors. NumCPULib4Pascal fixes this by querying GetLogicalProcessorInformationEx on these OSes. GitHub Repository NumCPULib4Pascal
  4. Trying to analyse the structure of a table using TFDMetaDataQuery with MetaDataKind set to mkTableFields. This returns just about everything I need apart from (as far I can see) a field's default value. I can see it returns TFDDataAttributes and that this includes an attribute caDefault which advises if a field has a default value, but I can see now way of ascertaining what the default value is. The metadata structure can be found at: http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Rio/en/Metadata_Structure_(FireDAC)
  5. Stefan Glienke

    Strange IDE behaviour - 10.3.1 (not 10.3.2)

    Well then the issue is not only about that one but also about other toolbars because if you look carefully the rightmost button in the debug toolbar also has a different icon. What happens if you go into Customize and click Reset for those toolbars?
  6. Can't say. Are just the new registered members.
  7. Not sure if this is related, I asked a similar question before. In my case its not only about the IDE upgrade, but also about howto port projects best from one to the other version. I found especially re-creating new projects and resetting them manually with every setting, the best and most reliable way for me to get projects updated. Since new versions might have new features and settings especially in FMX (like info.plist, entitlements, version info, etc.), the IDE does not always make the right choice when opening old projects into new IDE.
  8. Lars Fosdal

    Generic Command Line Parser for Delphi 10.3.x

    Except for supporting multiple parameters per option, parameters with spaces, default values, as well as the implicit conversion of ints, floats and enumerated types? Help would require declaring each command-line option, and help could include short text, long text, as well as examples. I had to stop somewhere, and since my apps mostly are services or GUI apps, documenting the command line was low on the priority list. As for Version, I suppose there would be as many requirements for what to display (file version, product version, file name, product name, copyright, libs, attributions, etc,) as there are users of the code. Also - how would you handle those for a GUI app? Other extensions could be to say that an option was mandatory, and if it should be a secret parameter that should be included in the help or not. It would be trivial to create a specific TFileNameOption that checked that a filename only contained valid characters. How about a TDateTimeOption? Cross-option validation? All is possible, and you have the source code and permission to change and build on it.
  9. Uwe Raabe

    looking for design ideas for an easily editable list

    What about a TClientDataSet connected to a TDBGrid or TDBCtrlGrid?
  10. dummzeuch

    Generic Command Line Parser for Delphi 10.3.x

    Yet another one. 😉 I guess sooner or later everybody ends up writing his own, because the built in one is/was not up to par and none of the publicly available ones was popular enough. (When I wrote mine in 2006 I searched for an existing solution that fit my needs and found none.) Here is mine: https://osdn.net/projects/dzlib-tools/scm/svn/blobs/head/dzlib/trunk/src/u_dzCmdLineParser.pas It allows to register options with and without parameters as well as parameters and can generate help for them. The latter was the feature I was missing with any existing solutions I found.
  11. Kazantsev Alexey

    Code Completion Colours (Twilight)

    Export is not required, it's the same theme. Changed the drawing method.
  12. Kazantsev Alexey

    Code Completion Colours (Twilight)

    Set "Dark" IDE Theme.
  13. PeterBelow

    handling predicate conditions

    I usually test for pre and postconditions like this: procedure TBlobDB.CreateNewDatabase(aDBStream, aIndexStream: TStream; aTakeStreamOwnership: boolean); const Procname = 'TBlobDB.CreateNewDatabase'; begin if not Assigned(aDBStream) then raise EParameterCannotBeNil.Create(Procname,'aDBStream'); if not Assigned(aIndexStream) then raise EParameterCannotBeNil.Create(Procname,'aIndexStream'); This is for errors that are supposed to be found and fixed during the testing phase or (for library code) in unit tests. For user input the input is validated before it is used by the program, if this is at all feasable. The end user should never see an exception coming from parameter validation at a lower level, in my opinion, since the UI context may not be evident at that point and it may be unclear to the user what he did wrong.
  14. Dave Nottage

    Install Android SDK manually?

  15. Trevor S

    looking for design ideas for an easily editable list

    I suggest considering the TVirtualTreeview control https://www.jam-software.com/virtual-treeview/ It can be configured to behave like a Listbox or checklistbox and supports inline editing of the text.
  16. David Schwartz

    registering D6

    That worked! Thanks!
  17. stijnsanders

    registering D6

    I rember something about old Delphi versions acting up when you've done some of the most recent windows updates. If I recall correctly, you need to delete a key "LM" under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Borland\Delphi\6.0 and then start Delphi to re-create that value with the right data.
  18. Richard_Stevens

    Code Completion Colours (Twilight)

    10.3.2 defaults for this are fairly unreadable (see attachment)... does anybody know if can I change this anywhere? Thanks Richard