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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/28/21 in all areas

  1. Dream on. It would be: "There are mostly gray headed/bald Delphi developers in your area"
  2. They could use this information combined with the location to show "There are redhead / brunette / etc coders in your area" popups
  3. Martin Sedgewick

    Love your competitor :-) ..... ?

    lol. sounds like someone needed an excuse for their own bugs! I am sure Bill Gates never had time to do this, all his time was on creating the Covid Vaccine! "Honestly, Guv`nor, my code is perfect, it must be Windows" I am about to attach this as evidence to all my bugs so they can be closed.
  4. Sounds like bullshit to me. No random crashes that we didn't cause ourselves that I can remember, and I've used every Delphi version there is, on most of the Windows versions there has been.
  5. David Heffernan

    Are there any experiences with www.experts-exchange.com ?

    EE hasn't been relevant for 10-15 years
  6. Name: Victoria Age: 28 Preferences: hardcore C, sometimes vanilla JS. No Python! Group coding: probably.
  7. It appears in my search results from time to time but only annoys me by its paid contents, I've never seen any useful answers in displayed fragments
  8. Most of the experts there seem to be self-appointed.
  9. David Heffernan

    Are there any experiences with www.experts-exchange.com ?

    Who would contribute to such a site? What would be their motivation? People wouldn't do it for free. Nobody wants to give away their expertise and have it sit behind a pay wall while somebody else profits. Stack Overflow killed EE with a completely different model.
  10. Der schöne Günther

    Are there any experiences with www.experts-exchange.com ?

    I like how it took them years to realize that expertsexchange.com was generally read as "expert sex change".
  11. Wtf...? Btw I never experienced random crashes of my applications, not one since Windows 2000. I mean of course I did, but all of them was the fault of my code, not the OS silently attempting to kill it. And I would be REALLY surprised if it was true (especially now since Embarcadero / Idera has MS links if I'm not mistaken).
  12. Pat Foley

    FMX TListView with dynamicappearance. Create progress bar as bitmap.

    1. Use FlowLayout and set properties of children controls. 2. Put a Progress bar over another.
  13. Edwin Yip

    MAP2PDB - Profiling with VTune

    I guess map2pdb enabled the birth of the following new open source stack tracing library ;) https://github.com/thatlr/Delphi-StackTrace
  14. I would guess it is because coffee is assumed.
  15. Tom Chamberlain

    Using VMWare: what files remain on host?

    We only install the IDE (+ 3rd party components/tools) and leave the source folders and source control on the host, build DCU/EXE/DLL's to the host share the so other VM's (2019 and Ubuntu) can access them. For dot update 10.2.1 -> 10.2.2 just a simple backup copy of the VM before the upgrade. We try to skip releases so 10.2 -> 10.4 was a clean VM and fresh install of the IDE, all mapped to the same source share on the host.
  16. Serge_G

    Getting bitmap from an ImageList source

    Take in mind that in the another imagelist (let say the source one) I have various images and the goal is to have the destination list filled with only one of these. I found the problem deeply looking in the code used in the helper. (helper I merged) uses FMX.MultiResBitmap; procedure TForm18.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); const SCALE = 1; var pBitmap : TBitmap; sbitmap : TCustomBitmapItem; vSource: TCustomSourceItem; vBitmapItem: TCustomBitmapItem; vDest: TCustomDestinationItem; vLayer: TLayer; begin Images.ClearCache; Images.BeginUpdate; if Images.Destination.Count > 0 then Images.Destination.Clear; vSource := ImageList1.Source.Items[0]; sbitmap := vSource.MultiResBitmap.ItemByScale(SCALE, True, True); pbitmap:=TBitmap.Create(100,100); try for var l := 0 to 3 do for var c := 0 to 3 do begin var r: TRect := TRect.Create(100*c,100* l, 100*c+100,100*l+100); pBitmap.CopyFromBitmap(sbitmap.Bitmap, r, 0, 0); // add source bitmap vSource := Images.Source.Add; vSource.MultiResBitmap.TransparentColor := TColorRec.Fuchsia; vSource.MultiResBitmap.SizeKind := TSizeKind.Source; vSource.MultiResBitmap.Width := Round(pBitmap.Width / SCALE); vSource.MultiResBitmap.Height := Round(pBitmap.Height / SCALE); vBitmapItem := vSource.MultiResBitmap.ItemByScale(SCALE, True, True); if vBitmapItem = nil then begin vBitmapItem := vSource.MultiResBitmap.Add; vBitmapItem.SCALE := SCALE; end; vBitmapItem.Bitmap.Assign(pBitmap); vDest := Images.Destination.Add; vLayer := vDest.Layers.Add; vLayer.SourceRect.Rect := TRectF.Create(TPoint.Zero, vSource.MultiResBitmap.Width, vSource.MultiResBitmap.Height); vLayer.Name := vSource.Name; end; finally pBitmap.Free; end; Images.EndUpdate; end; And now I can play
  17. Need more precision than Single and Double can provide? Then maybe this will help: https://blog.grijjy.com/2021/05/05/high-precision/
  18. Anders Melander

    MAP2PDB - Profiling with VTune

    As it seems that the most recent version of VTune also suffer from the performance problem I mentioned earlier, I 've now added a note about the problem to the repository readme and uploaded the files that can be used to fix it. https://bitbucket.org/anders_melander/map2pdb/src/master/#markdown-header-performance-problems-with-intel-vtune