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  1. I still think it is likely a bug in the program, not in Windows itself. Like if the program had opened the StorageDevicePolicies key for some unrelated purpose, and then accidentally used that opened HKEY handle as a base when writing its settings to its own subkey rather than using the predefined base HKLM handle.
  2. I can reproduct it using the "GetIt package installer": When installing a package which requires an IDE restart (i.e. "Bookmarks" or "Navigator"), or when installing the latest patches, I always get the exception. See attached video. GExperts Crash.mp4
  3. Also note, aehimself, that StrToFloat will cause an exception if scGPDBEDit82.Text is not a valid floating point number. To avoid that, you could use https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/Alexandria/en/System.SysUtils.StrToFloatDef If the conversion fails, the default is returned instead.
  4. You can't perform arithmetic with a Double and a String as operands. You have to first convert the String to a Double/Extended first. Use StrToFloat() or equivalent for that. And then you can convert the result back to a String using FloatToStr() or equivalent. Try something more like this: DBEdit43.Text := FloatToStr(0.000844 * StrToFloat(scGPDBEdit82.Text));
  5. PeterBelow


    Records are value types, so adding a record to a TDictionary<recordtype> adds a copy of the record to the internal storage, and Remove then clears up that copies memory. So there are no leaks, but adding a record and getting it back later always makes a full copy of the record, which can be a bit hard on performance.
  6. When the installer is running ("RAD Studio Platform Selection"), there is no "installer" process, just bds.exe. So it *is* the IDE but in a special download mode. When all is installed and "Start working" is clicked, the bds.exe is terminated and a new instance of bds.exe is started. That is the time when the error message appears. I already detected that the old instance is killed using Windows API "ExitProcess"; and my guess is that this will not unload the GExperts dll nicely.
  7. Serge_G


    I should say it's a problem of dataset(s). For me, your fastreport design is not good. In my mind you have to rework your datasets but this mean you have to give us more information than 2 screenshots ie. involved tables structure By the way : 1 - you have a french forum for this https://www.developpez.net/forums/f1771/logiciels/solutions-d-entreprise/business-intelligence/autres-outils-decisionnels/fastreport/ 2- your question need a cystalball !
  8. Stano

    You know something about it

    Sorry, google translator You can do a lot with Delphi IDE. I use one delphi subuser with different sets of installed components. Run command: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\21.0\bin\bds.exe" -pDelphi -rMyEnvironmentXYZ ensure that a brand new branch ../Embarcadero/MyEnvironmentXYZ is created instead of ../Embarcadero/BDS/22.0 in the registries. It's almost as if you installed a new delphi, normally the introductory wizard will start which theme you want to use, the IDE is completely reset almost like after a clean installation without any additional settings, you don't have any additional experts installed or any external components. Next, I will set it up so that all packages and their dcp and other compiled files are stored somewhere in Document/MyIDEworkspaces/MyEnvironmentXYZ. You have to play with it for a while and learn how to set everything up. Next, I copy the components that I want to use in the given XYZ environment to Document/MyIDEworkspaces/MyEnvironmentXYZ/daco/daco, and even after installation, all compiled files are placed in these directories. Next, I just zip the Document/MyIDEworkspaces/MojeProstredieXYZ directory and export the branch ../Embarcadero/MyEnvironmentXYZ from the registers, and after reinstalling the entire Widnows/delphi, you can easily transfer it to another computer if you have the same version of Delphi. I've been using it for years because I sometimes need to recompile old projects years later and it works like a charm. I think it's safer than trusting some tool, but I'm not saying that the migration tool shouldn't work. But exactly when I need to restore an environment after 12 years, it's better if I know exactly step by step how I did it, than if some tool did it for me, which I then lose and can't find...
  9. Attila Kovacs


    Are the Master and Detail dataset the same? Or am I blind.
  10. Vincent Parrett

    Are the jcl and jvcl libraries still alive?

    Yeah I know, pretty sure I was one of them. I've used a lot of version control systems over the years in my day job and git is certainly not my favourite - like it or not it has won the version control wars (for now). FWIW inhouse we use Mercurial (with tortoisehg) - which while similar to git, is simpler - with real error messages! I chose to learn enough git to get by, and with good tools like Fork I get by ok. The days of developers only needing to know one version control systems are long gone, just like the days of only needing to know one programming language.
  11. Lars Fosdal

    Async Tasks in VCL Projects

    You've put good advice in that article, @Uwe Raabe. Just my two cents... A lot of people say multi-threading is hard. It is only hard if you have not learned to do it properly, like any other thing in life. Debugging multi-threading apps, on the other hand... Make sure you log a lot - with the thread context in the log. IMO, the debugger is not yet properly equipped to deal with multiple threads, unless you count using lots and lots of breakpoint tweaking. The Parnassus Parallel Debugger plugin may solve some of that, but it is not yet out for Delphi 11, and it has stability issues in 10.4.