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FYI - Several Embarcadero services are currently unavailable
Dalija Prasnikar replied to Keesver's topic in General Help
I have multiple Delphi version installed and working on my machine, including Delphi 11 and 12. They all work fine. Installing new version didn't break my old versions. So the question is what you have done to have your Delphi 12 installation break Delphi 11 installation? -
FYI - Several Embarcadero services are currently unavailable
Uwe Raabe replied to Keesver's topic in General Help
If you did not install from the ISO in the first place or have already changed to online mode before, open a command prompt in the Delphi bin folder and execute getitcmd c=useoffline You can as well change the SeviceKind setting to Offline in the registry in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Embarcadero\BDS\23.0\CatalogRepository (for Delphi 12). There you can specify the path to the gof file from the ISO under ServicePath. Up to here, all this is to tell the Feature Manager where to look for the installation files. Then start the IDE and select Tools - Manage Features. There you can select Help and install it. -
FYI - Several Embarcadero services are currently unavailable
Vandrovnik replied to Keesver's topic in General Help
Several hardware problems at the same moment? My imagination offers me something like this: (image found on the web, not from Emba!) -
FYI - Several Embarcadero services are currently unavailable
Ian Barker replied to Keesver's topic in General Help
It is dead hardware. Not ransomware. I think, in many countries it is a requirement to report a Ransomware attack (in the US I think it might be the FBI or Homeland Security - I'm not sure). It's definitely a hardware outage. -
FYI - Several Embarcadero services are currently unavailable
ioan replied to Keesver's topic in General Help
I don't buy it, I don't think this is just hardware failure. My conspiracy theory is that it started with hardware failure and then they realized that the backup didn't backup for 20 years. No matter what hardware failure you have, it doesn't take two weeks to get it back up and running. -
Get real - extended support for both ended four years ago. The market share of Windows 7 is at around 3% If you want to support ancient operating systems then use ancient Delphi versions. According to you Visual Studio 2022 (Supported Operating Systems) would be just dead
an IDE with themes which you cannot remove them an IDE that doesnt installs on Windows 7, windows server 2008 R2 is Just Dead. The only delphi you can work is Delphi 5, Delphi 7 They try to find great names like "Athens" i bet the next verison will be Zeus or Apollon or who knows what BS
"anything i like " ... for those who work it is not enough, it should be "anything I must do" and I would like to challenge you to develop a 64 bit application with Delphi 7 or perhaps an app for Linux or Android. And let's forget about all the concepts of security or anything else. It's true that frills are often not needed, but you just need to set up your environment to make you work at ease. However, everyone is free to work as they wish, and fortunately developments continue regardless of certain opinions. I don't think the fact that the new IDE doesn't run under Windows 7 or Windows 95 where Delphi 7 runs is such a serious problem. Any professional working with tools to bring home pay needs the right tools, and many times these tools need to be updated (and after 22 years of Delphi 7 and 15 years of Windows 7 ..... may be it's the right time).
Error on loading data from the server getit-104.embarcadero.com
Remy Lebeau replied to Didier Cabalé's topic in Delphi IDE and APIs
Did you read the discussion I linked to earlier? You would have to modify the Registry directly. However... At the moment, not the online version, no. Several key systems, including GetIt, are completely down (and have been for over a week now!) due to a hardware outage: https://blogs.embarcadero.com/we-are-experiencing-a-hardware-outage/ If you really need access to GetIt right now, the best you could do is put GetIt into offline mode and let it work with its local cache/ISO, including any local packages you install into it manually. -
FYI - Several Embarcadero services are currently unavailable
Celso Henrique replied to Keesver's topic in General Help
How long does it take to buy a new server and restore a backup? -
Using a TImage for each image will probably consume far to many resources if you have a fair amount of images - or large ones. I would just use a TImageList, a TPaintBox and a TScrollBar: Store a thumbnail of the images in the imagelist. Use the scrollbar to control which image(s) to show. Draw the currently visible image(s) from the imagelist to the paintbox.
It is very unusual to want to create an XML file and then at some later time set the values. What purpose does an XML file with no values in serve? How you create an XML file from data values that you have is (probably) your question. The answer to this may depend on where the values are coming from. The Embarcadero XML mapper tool (available on Getit - EXCEPT AT THIS MOMENT IN TIME (JAN 2024) GETIT IS BROKEN) allows you to take <at design time> an existing *.xsd schema and create a transofrmation that can then be used in your code so that <at run time> a TClientDataset can generate an XML file from the data it contains. I am aware that I am not helping with the "using OmniXml" part of your question but I mention the above in case it helps.
FYI - Several Embarcadero services are currently unavailable
Uwe Raabe replied to Keesver's topic in General Help
Part of the services are available again. The rest is expected to follow shortly. -
FYI - Several Embarcadero services are currently unavailable
Vincent Parrett replied to Keesver's topic in General Help
There are very few people left at Embarcadero that worked there in the 80s or 90s. A more likely explanation is that the people who know how all that stuff works are no longer there.. so people are afraid to touch it 🤔 -
FYI - Several Embarcadero services are currently unavailable
Attila Kovacs replied to Keesver's topic in General Help
I don't know if this can help and perhaps you have already done this, but according to FB4 documentation, to use embedded version to connect to one database from several applications, you need to set the parameter "ServerMode" as "Classic" in firebird.conf (this was the default behaviour of FB2.5 embedded now changed in FB4 in "Super"). https://ib-aid.com/download/docs/fb4migrationguide.html (read section "1.5 Installing Embedded") firebird.conf comments: # ============================ # Settings for Architecture Configuration # ============================ # # Controls the method Firebird engine uses to work with databases and # related Firebird server startup parameters. # # The values are: # Super / ThreadedDedicated - databases are opened exclusive by single server process, # attachments share single DB pages cache inside process # SuperClassic / ThreadedShared - databases are opened by single server process, # but it does not prevent opening them in other processes (embedded access), # each attachment has its own DB pages cache # Classic / MultiProcess - for each attachment to server a separate process is started, # each database may be opened by multiple processes (including local ones for # embedded access), each attachment (process) has its own DB pages cache # # Type: string # #ServerMode = Super
[SOLVED] Delphi 12, FireDac, SQLite : capability not supported
weabow replied to weabow's topic in Databases
[SOLVED] I've put on app boot a on the main form : TFDPhysSQLiteDriverLink, with the property : EngineLinkage -> sIFDEStatic Maybee an idea do do that from code ? -
Script Errors galore when launching Delphi
instrumentally replied to instrumentally's topic in Delphi IDE and APIs
Changing the values makes no difference. Here is the solution: -
Then please stop using it. Referring to a release by name instead of the version number which everybody recognizes, is just confusing, and everyone, Embarcadero in particular, should just stop doing it. It's pretty annoying having to Google it when someone refers to the name instead of the version number. I haven't bothered with the names since Ivory (see what I mean?). It's bad enough that the version number and build number haven't been in sync since marketing took over and made the numbers "hip" with D2xxx and later XE*
I have published initial release of NX Horizon Event Bus for Delphi as Open Source on GitHub. Features: implements the publish/subscribe pattern, decoupling publishers and subscribers events are categorized by type any Delphi type can be used as an event supports four types of event delivery: synchronous, asynchronous, synchronous in the context of the main thread, and asynchronous in the context of the main thread provides generic record and reference-counted class wrappers for easier usage and management of existing types as events simple in both implementation and usage fast full thread safety https://github.com/dalijap/nx-horizon
ANN: Open Source Event Bus NX Horizon
Dalija Prasnikar replied to Dalija Prasnikar's topic in Delphi Third-Party
I was already working on my event bus when I discovered DEB. I would still work on mine even if I knew about DEB sooner, because I also wrote about it in my book and I cannot reason about other people's thought process It is also published as part of book code examples, but it is a feature that deserves separate repository not tied to the book. When it comes to why DEB would not fit my purpose (if I ignore the book part), is that it has more complicated code and more features that don't necessarily bring anything of value to me (for instance, using attributes for setting subscriptions), but on the other hand have big impact on performance. My even bus also supports all types as messages, so there is additional performance boost and avoiding unnecessary memory allocations when message fits into integer or small record type. And at last, my even bus has waitable subscription, so you can wait that all dispatched messages are being fully processed. This is critical feature for more complex cleanup scenarios - yes, it can also be achieved through other means, but it is easier when it is built in feature, and I use it a lot. And the most personal reason is that my code is more compatible (similar setup and calls) with my old thread-unsafe observer framework, and I can more easily and gradually refactor old code to using new one. -
ANN: Open Source Event Bus NX Horizon
Dalija Prasnikar replied to Dalija Prasnikar's topic in Delphi Third-Party
Here is simple example: Declare event in some independent unit C type TMyEvent = type string; Unit A procedure TFormA.ButtonClick(Sender: TObject); begin NxHorizon.Instance.Post<TMyEvent>('New Caption'); end; Unit B type TFormB = class(... procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); protected fMyEventSubcription: INxEventSubscription; procedure OnMyEvent(const aEvent: TMyEvent); end; procedure TFormB.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin fMyEventSubcription: := NxHorizon.Instance.Subscribe<TMyEvent>(MainAsync, OnMyEvent); end; procedure TFormB.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin if Assigned(fMyEventSubscription) then NxHorizon.Instance.Unsubscribe(fMyEventSubscription); end; procedure TFormB.OnMyEvent(const aEvent: TMyEvent); begin Label.Caption := aEvent; end; Since you are working with GUI, events should be dispatched either as MainAsync or MainSync and that will ensure they run in the context of the main thread. Also, because they run on the main thread, you can just unsubscribe and you don't need to WaitFor subscription to finish work as there will be no active work done in the background threads. I have put subscribing and unsubscribing in FormCreate and FormDestroy event handlers, but you can also put them anywhere else where you are doing form initialization or finalization. Or, you can subscribe and unsubscribe at some other point. -
This works for 10.3.x if you have some kind of PDF viewer installed on the device: uses Androidapi.JNI.GraphicsContentViewText, Androidapi.Helpers, Androidapi.JNI.Net; procedure OpenPDF(const AFileName: string); var LIntent: JIntent; LUri: Jnet_Uri; begin LUri := TAndroidHelper.JFileToJURI(TJFile.JavaClass.init(StringToJString(AFileName))); LIntent := TJIntent.JavaClass.init(TJIntent.JavaClass.ACTION_VIEW); LIntent.setDataAndType(LUri, StringToJString('application/pdf')); LIntent.setFlags(TJIntent.JavaClass.FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION); TAndroidHelper.Activity.startActivity(LIntent); end;
FYI - Several Embarcadero services are currently unavailable
Ian Barker replied to Keesver's topic in General Help
Servers... plural. That's the problem. If it was a single server that had gone bang, I think it would have been considerably easier. I don't know the full details, but it was a cascade of events and multiple affected servers and hardware. -
FYI - Several Embarcadero services are currently unavailable
gioma replied to Keesver's topic in General Help
In fact, this is not my problem. Delphi 11 has permanently "broken" since I also installed Delphi 12. Moving to Delphi 12 is MANDATORY because Embarcadero has completely abandoned Delphi 11 with all its bugs. I REPEAT: The problem with Delphi 11 is that the more you use it, the more it corrupts, until it becomes almost unusable! For a development team having to move from Delphi 11 to Delphi 12 is risky as you don't know what other issues may emerge that can make your application unstable. Without forgetting the fact that it is also expensive, as all third-party components must be repurchased.