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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/28/25 in all areas

  1. I believe many people prefer native desktop applications to the typical bloat of a web application. There are some exceptions, and I am an older guy with heavy bias, but I would pay double for a native desktop application over a browser based application for just about anything. If I wanted to use it on my phone, I'd take a scaled down version, targeted with features needed to be available on-the-go.
  2. Hi All I published a simple threadpool based timer - currently for windows only but architected to be extended for other platforms (PR's invited) https://github.com/VSoftTechnologies/VSoft.ThreadpoolTimer The timer does not rely on windows messages (like TTimer) - so can be used in console applications and services.
  3. Vincent Gsell

    Job Bruxelles hybride

    @Patrick PREMARTIN parlons de manière chiffrées : Moins il y a de concurrence sur le job mieux c'est ! pas vrai ?! Surtout laissons le comme cela et ne le traduisons pas 😉
  4. Dave Nottage

    Job Bruxelles hybride

    Même chose 😄
  5. Anders Melander

    Job Bruxelles hybride

    The pdf appears to be 🐸-encrypted 😉
  6. A new TOAuthOption type of OAopAuthNoCliSecret should fix it. Angus
  7. We are currently redoing our mail module using ICS because Clever Internet Suite seems to be gone for good and The Office 365 sync components we used got bought out and rolled into a completely different solution. But because our software is a commercial business software that gets used by various end users I registered a "public client" (for "Multiple Organizations") for usage with the "Real O365 Mail for companies and schools", not personal accounts. But the ICS components need a Client_Secret (there are hardcoded checks) but if you send one, you won't get a token: {"error":"invalid_client","error_description":"AADSTS700025: Client is public so neither 'client_assertion' nor 'client_secret' should be presented. Trace ID: 4b38379d-3e12-485c-aff2-e0f450495800 Correlation ID: ad9abfcf-dac7-461f-a58d-b73136e07ae2 Timestamp: 2025-03-27 20:24:31Z","error_codes":[700025],"timestamp":"2025-03-27 20:24:31Z","trace_id":"4b38379d-3e12-485c-aff2-e0f450495800","correlation_id":"ad9abfcf-dac7-461f-a58d-b73136e07ae2"} I patched out the check of if (FClientId = '') or (FClientSecret = '') then begin it seems I got a valid token, but I'm not sure what else broke, because there definitely seems to be code that still attempts to send an empty client_secret with requests.
  8. If you want to read more: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/entra/identity-platform/msal-client-applications But I think it should be enough to know that there are client types, that are only identified by ID but must not send a secret. The user of course still has to enter his credentials into the browser to authenticate, the client sends his ID, so the auth website can show "You are trying to give App XYZ access". Of course that's easy to impersonate, but that's what signed executables are for... It's all horribly complicated.
  9. Considering every major ERP vendor is moving to cloud, I would say that the trend is "no". However, these are typically enterprise sized ERP systems. There may be a niche for small shop owner ERPs - but there are already tons of these out there, and even some of those are cloud based. As soon as you exceed a single user, you are in database territory, and when you talk mobile apps, you definitively are in web service country. I would suggest that you really research your intended target audience to see if there is a gap where a desktop app could fill a need. I would also suggest that you narrow down and "modularize" your functionality, because the concepts of ERP systems and their near relatives are REALLY far reaching. You may suddenly find yourself in Tax, CRM, HR & Salary, document management, EDI and WMS territory.
  10. David Heffernan

    Job Bruxelles hybride

    No salary, and talk of XE12 a version that does not exist.
  11. dummzeuch

    Cannot register at German delphipraxis.net!?

    Da das hier geklärt ist, schlage ich vor, die E-Mail Adressen in den Posts wieder zu löschen, sonst hagelt es nur unnötig Spam.
  12. I remember Embarcadero doing a demo of WinUI back in 2022 https://blogs.embarcadero.com/delphi-winui-3-demo/ it looked much more complex than VCL or FMX and didn’t seem to be a productive system to use. Just doing a hello world program looks hard https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/apps/how-tos/hello-world-winui3 They could make the API easier but to what benefit. As someone mentioned earlier it looks like you can get the same UI look using FMX. So I’m not sure what’s the real advantage is. Plus how long will MS support it until they move on to the next thing. I think it’s better for Embarcadero to spend their resources on making what they have better.
  13. I can only imagine how bad AI will be in the future when it is pulling in this kind of garbage text and putting out even more garbage text. Some people dream of AI being able to design new levels of AI. But I think what will happen is AI will just churn out more useless gobbledygook in larger and larger quantities in a feedback loop until all the universe's data capacity is consumed by mounds of useless generated text that is grammatically reasonable but doesn't say a thing.
  14. Roger Cigol

    OtlParallel Memory Leak

    Yes: one of the worst things about thread safe / non-safe issues is that they do not always show themselves. A ThreadSafety issue can remain unnoticed during all your development and then you send it off to your customer and it falls over immediately. It has happened to me. Any thread work needs very careful design so that such bugs (which are the hardest to find) are avoided in the first place.
  15. Hello Folks! The Australian Delphi User Group (ADUG) is looking forward to welcome you at this year's symposium - online or in person. We are not only celebrating the 30th birthday of Delphi but also the community of the user group, which has been established in 1994 when Delphi 1 was still in beta and many of us used Turbo PASCAL or Paradox. More information on the symposium and how to register can be found here: https://www.adug.org.au/symposium/symposiums-2025-symposium/ See you all on the 9th May 2025. 🙂 Salut, Mathias (ADUG National Commitee Member)
  16. Thank you! I would never do that. Disagreement does not imply lack of respect. It was not meant to bother you. This is why I also put a smiley at the end of my sentence. The point was to bring attention to your posts which are hard to read because of your AI usage. AI can be helpful, especially for communication and I know people who are able to communicate their thoughts better with the help of AI. However, that involves using AI very lightly and mostly for translating and fixing text they actually wrote. When you give AI more freedom to write things for you, the effects will commonly be the opposite. I am finding your posts where you used AI extremely hard to read. They are long and unnecessarily wordy. Another problem (not that relevant here and now) is that when one can clearly recognize something being AI generated more than having some light AI touches, one cannot be sure whether you are actually discussing something with a person or merely an AI. Are the points and arguments used really the ones that the person has tried to make or it is just something AI put there? It is hard to have a conversation in such situations. Nobody is trying to prevent anyone from using AI. You are free to use it all you like. I am not sure what you mean by spying or using third party tools. I am neither spying on you, nor I am using any tools for AI detection. As a Stack Overflow moderator, I have seen first hand the huge amount of damage AI can cause. The amount of posted AI answers there (where vast majority of them are completely incorrect AI slop) is not measured in thousands. It is measured in tens and hundreds of thousands. There are users who posted hundreds and even thousands AI answers. Imagine how much more of such posts would be there if AI would be allowed there. The site would be overflowed with AI. The only reason why AI is forbidden there is to preserve the site as repository of knowledge and a place where you can go and get help from actual experts in their field. Unfortunately, the only means moderators have to fight such influx of AI answers is to remove all and every one where some AI usage is detected (even when it is used merely for translating). We cannot easily distinguish between post which were fully AI generated and ones that were merely improved by AI. On the scale of Stack Overflow, with only handful of moderators removing AI, we cannot judge the correctness of each and every answer. Unfortunately, it would. You cannot add feature without removing the time needed to do implement said feature, from something else. That means less improvements in already used frameworks (VCL and FMX), less bug fixes, less IDE improvements. Embarcadero is not Microsoft, nor Apple, nor Google. They need to pick what they will do carefully to maximize benefits to all customers, which means focusing on the things that cannot be easily provided by 3rd party.
  17. dummzeuch

    New forum?

    The 70% problem: Hard truths about AI-assisted coding
  18. Vincent Parrett

    New forum?

    Ummm.. if you are worried about being left behind, why are you still here, still using Delphi? Surely you should be hanging out with all the cool kids using flavor of the week? 🤷‍♂️