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Showing content with the highest reputation since 05/10/23 in Posts

  1. Hi everyone, more than twenty-one years ago, I started the German-language part of this forum and could not even begin to imagine what it would become. Thanks to the tireless support of many moderators as well as your thirst for knowledge and willingness to answer other people's questions, it has become a pillar of the virtual Delphi community - even far beyond the German-speaking world. Since 2018, this English-language part of the forum has also been available, with considerable support from Lars. With an online presence of this size comes the obligation to take proper care of it. I have always been very happy to do this, but over twenty-one years is a very long time and life and its priorities change. I can't help but realize that my daily/weekly time has become less available and the time has come for me to hand over the management of the forum to someone else. Thankfully, Thomas B. ("TBx") has agreed to take over the Delphi-PRAXiS and continue it in good hands - together with Lars, of course. You know Thomas as a longtime moderator of this forum and now he will take over my previous role. I myself will of course remain part of the Delphi community - not least because I continue to work a lot with Delphi in my job. I will also remain a part of this forum. Thank you all for over 21 great years!
  2. Alexander Sviridenkov

    Unit dependency viwer

    Unit dependency viewer for Delphi - small tool created using HTML Component Library and ForceAtlas2 algo. https://delphihtmlcomponents.com/graph.rar Video:
  3. Full release notes for V9.0 will follow next week, meanwhile these are the main changes: New samples Samples/Delphi/SslInternet/OverbyteIcsSnippets.dpr - Small samples of codes for FTP, HTTP, sockets and email. Samples/Delphi/OtherDemos/OverbyteIcsNetMon.dpr - Internet Packet Monitoring Components, display packets and traffic using Npcap and raw sockets. Samples/Delphi/OtherDemos/OverbyteIcsNetTools.dpr - Network Tools Demo, uses all the main IP Helper functions, also TTIcsNeighbDevices, TIcsDomainNameCache, IcsDnsQueuy, TDnsQueryHttps, TIcsWhoisCli, TIcsIpChanges, TPing and TPingThread. Samples/Delphi/PlatformDemos/IcsHttpRestTstFmx.dproj - FMX HTTPS REST and OAuth, Send SMS and DNS over HTTPS functions demo. Samples/Delphi/PlatformDemos/IcsSslMultiWebServ.dproj - FMX Advanced multi host web server demo. Samples/Delphi/SslInternet/OverbyteIcsMQTTst.dpr - MQ Telemetry Transport message queuing service. Note this sample needs the VirtualTree component to be installed. Major sample updates for new components Samples/Delphi/SslInternet/OverbyteIcsHttpRestTst1.dpr - Uses TSslWebSocketCli for WebSocket Client, New embedded TOAuthLoginForm window using TOAuthBrowser for OAuth2 logins. Select client SSL certificate from the Windows Certificate Store. Samples/Delphi/SslInternet/OverbyteIcsSslMultiWebServ.dpr, OverbyteIcsDDWebService.dpr - Uses THttpWSSrvConn for WebSocket Server. IcsHosts can use server SSL certificate from the Windows Certificate Store. IcsHosts can now request a SSL certificate from the remote client. WebSocket server support. Uses TIcsDomainNameCache for multiple reverse DNS lookups. Samples/Delphi/SslInternet/OverbyteIcsPemTool.dpr - Can now export an SSL certificate from the Windows Certificate Store with its private key. Samples/delphi/OtherDemos/OverbyteIcsBatchDnsLookup.dpr - Uses TIcsDomainNameCache for multiple lookups. Samples/Delphi/SslInternet/OverbyteIcsSslMailSnd.dpr, OverbyteIcsSslMailRcv.dpr, OverbyteIcsMailQuTst.dpr - New embedded TOAuthLoginForm window using TOAuthBrowser for OAuth2 logins. Samples/delphi/OtherDemos/OverbyteIcsNsLookup.dpr - Uses single or multiple DNS servers, including built-in list of public servers, also sync requests. New Components TIcsDomainNameCache and TIcsDomNameCacheHttps - Cache forward and reverse DNS lookup requests, using several methods. TIcsMonSocket - Internet monitoring using raw sockets. TIcsMonPcap - Internet monitoring using Npcap NDIS driver. TIcsIpChanges - Monitors IP address changes dynamically. TIcsNeighbDevices - Builds historic LAN MAC device and IPv4 and IPv6 address table using ARP, neighbourhood and IP range scanning with reverse host lookup. TOAuthBrowser - OAuth authentication browser window VCL/FMX form. TSslWebSocketCli - WebSocket client protocol. TIcsMQTTServer and TIcsMQTTClient - MQ Telemetry Transport message queuing service, client and server. Major Component Upgrades TDnsQuery - Add synchronous methods and more response properties. Check multiple DNS server hosts including public DNS lists. TSslWSocketServer - IcsHosts can use server SSL certificate from the Windows Certificate Store. IcsHosts can now request a SSL certificate from the remote client. TIcsFtpMulti - Send NOOP command periodically during multi hour transfers so connections are not closed accidentally. New classes and Functions THttpWSSrvConn - WebSocket server protocol. Internet Helper Functions - Unit OverbyteIcsIpHlpApi.pas includes IpHlpConnsTable, IpHlpAdaptersInfo, IpHlpAdaptersAddr, IpHlpIpAddrTable, IpHlpIpNeighbTable, IpHlpIPForwardTable, IpHlpIpPathTable, IpHlpGetDnsServers, IpHlpIfTable2, IpHlpIPStatistics, IpHlpUDPStatistics and many other functions. TIcsMonFilterClass - Filter network traffic on protocols or IP addresses. TIcsTrafficClass - Maintains network traffic statistics by protocols and IP addresses. Angus
  4. Today, almost all computer security relies on asymmetric cryptography and X.509 certificates as file or hardware modules. And the RSA algorithm is still used to sign the vast majority of those certificates. Even if there are better options (like ECC-256), RSA-2048 seems the actual standard, at least still allowed for a few years. So we added pure pascal RSA cryptography and X.509 certificates support in mORMot 2. Last but not least, we also added Hardware Security Modules support via the PKCS#11 standard. Until now, we were mostly relying on OpenSSL, but a native embedded solution would be smaller in code size, better for reducing dependencies, and easier to work with (especially for HSM). The main idea is to offer only safe algorithms and methods, so that you can write reliable software, even if you are no cryptographic expert. 😉 More information in our blog article about this almost unique features set in Delphi (and FPC): https://blog.synopse.info/?post/2023/12/09/Native-X.509-and-RSA-Support
  5. Since December Stack Overflow and other sites in the network have been spammed with AI generated answers which are usually incorrect while sounding plausible. To handle this problem moderators working with other users and Stack Overflow staff enacted the policy that bans all AI generated posts. Such posts are deleted and users can be suspended (usually for a week) for posting them. To get the better picture about the impact, we are talking about thousands of users and even more posts. See: https://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/421831/temporary-policy-chatgpt-is-banned However, last week the company enacted another policy which still allows moderators to moderate AI generated content, but effectively does not allow them to to use any means necessary for detecting such posts. In other words they can remove posts mostly if user admits post is AI generated. Allowing AI posts on sites will effectively kill the sites and elected moderators have decided to take an action and go on strike, along with other users of Stack Overflow and other sites in the stack Exchange network. Strike is scheduled to start tomorrow on Monday, Jun, 5th. Unofficial announcement of strike on Stack Overflow (there will be another announcement on the main Meta tomorrow) https://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/424979/what-has-happened-to-lead-moderators-to-consider-striking If you have Stack Overflow or other Stack Exchange account please support the strike and sign the strike letter at https://openletter.mousetail.nl/ Signing is made by automatic authentication with Stack Exchange network account through browser if you decide to sign. You will have to enter display name you want to be displayed on the letter as some people have different display names on different sites. Thanks!
  6. Anders Melander

    Delphi 12 is available

    Then please stop using it. Referring to a release by name instead of the version number which everybody recognizes, is just confusing, and everyone, Embarcadero in particular, should just stop doing it. It's pretty annoying having to Google it when someone refers to the name instead of the version number. I haven't bothered with the names since Ivory (see what I mean?). It's bad enough that the version number and build number haven't been in sync since marketing took over and made the numbers "hip" with D2xxx and later XE*
  7. Ali Dehban

    ChatGPT plug-in for RAD Studio.

    Hello, everybuddy. Recently I made a plug-in for Delphi to use ChatGPT inside the IDE. The main service is ChatGPT but it's actually multi-AI support, you can get responses from three different sources, compare and decide. I hope this can be helpful and accelerate your work. Repository: https://github.com/AliDehbansiahkarbon/ChatGPTWizard Key features: - Free text question form. - Dockable question form. - Inline questions(in the editor). - Context menu options to help you to find bugs, write tests, optimize code, add comments, etc... - Class view. - Predefined Questions for class view. - History to save your tokens on OpenAI ! - Fuzzy string match searches in the history. - Animated letters(Like the website). - Proxy server options. - Supports Writesonic AI (https://writesonic.com) - Support YouChat (https://you.com) Short Video 1: Short Video 2 - Inline Questions: Full Video (ver. 2.0):
  8. Jonah Jeleniewski

    SonarDelphi v1.0.0 released!

    We are pleased to announce the release of SonarDelphi v1.0.0. SonarDelphi is a free and open-source Delphi language plugin for the SonarQube code quality platform. GitHub: https://github.com/integrated-application-development/sonar-delphi Release: https://github.com/integrated-application-development/sonar-delphi/releases/tag/v1.0.0 Background If you're thinking "I've seen this before", you're probably right! SonarDelphi was originally open-sourced by Sabre Airline Solutions in 2012. It's bounced from maintainer to maintainer on GitHub (including Embarcadero). This project is a greatly improved version that has been actively developed (and extensively rewritten) by IntegraDev for the last 4 years. Features Powerful semantic analysis 120+ analysis rules Custom rules via templates or a programmatic java API Import NUnit test reports (compatible with DUnitX) Import test coverage reports (compatible with DelphiCodeCoverage) Feedback and contributions are welcome!
  9. Ian Barker

    Call for Delphi 12 Support in OpenSource projects.

    I think it could have been better worded - it's not that there are different levels of beta testers as such. It's more that the betas are released to a progressively wider audience. Early betas are generally released to a hand-picked cadre of users who either have a very specific situation which has a significant bearing on elements of the beta or are long-term 'advanced' users such as MVPs along with key tech partners. As the betas become more stable that audience is widened to more people who can receive value from a beta which while useful might still have potential instabilities which some could find challenging. This iterates with a wider and widening group until we begin to roll out to a broader general audience such as key accounts and known large projects, culminating in a general beta which goes out to people who have a maintenance subscription. There are different types of forums where the level of engagement is tempered to suit the type of beta customer. For example, MVPs often discuss things of a very esoteric technical nature with a more profoundly explicit type of conversation which, while entirely professional, might be more akin to a collection of colleagues and friends discussing a SNAFU in a particularly blunt way. These kinds of conversations don't sit so well among conversations with, perhaps, a 'regular' customer who is merely trying to see if the new beta solves an issue they have had with their project. I want to emphasize that this is not to bring about a kind of elitism and I try *really* hard for Embarcadero to be approachable by anyone - and I do get emails from all sorts of people, so I think that message is starting to be understood. I am here, I am listening. We are listening. The differentiation is more to ensure the level of interaction is appropriate for the expectations of the persons participating. MVPs are chosen for a multitude of reasons. Tech Partners are also the same - and some MVPs work for Tech Partners, but many Tech Partners do not have that kind of relationship with us. The same is true of customers who are neither MVPs or TPs and are trying out the beta thanks to their maintenance subscription. Administering the betas such as managing the beta keys and validating the requests to join the beta can be an intensely onerous experience which can place demands on internal staff at a time when they are already working close to capacity preparing for the eventual full release. Because of that, and in recognition that a valid premium or maintenance subscription should bring additional benefits such as access to betas, our current preference is not to simply push out a beta to one and all. We are also constrained by legalities such as getting sign-off on sub-licensed materials, EULAs, ensuring any OSS is properly credited and made available. That's not even an exhaustive list of what has to be done. We obviously want to ensure that as many people as practical can participate in the beta because the more that try it the more likely we are to shake out bugs or other issues before we release to GA - but we also do not have unlimited resources and we simply cannot currently let everyone on the planet join the beta. I know not everyone agrees. We are trying to listen more and more to your feedback, good or bad - we want to know the whole truth - because that's the best way to give you what you want and to make RAD Studio a product you love, and which genuinely adds value to your work. I promise you that everyone I work with is remarkably passionate about creating and sustaining a quality product that you will keep on choosing to create applications that help you achieve your goals and successes too. Ian.
  10. Arnaud Bouchez

    mORMot 2.1 Released

    We are pleased to announce the release of mORMot 2.1. The download link is available on https://github.com/synopse/mORMot2/releases/tag/2.1.stable The reference blog article was just published at https://blog.synopse.info/?post/2023/08/24/mORMot-2.1-Released Here is an extract of the release notes: Added (C)LDAP, DNS, (S)NTP clients Command Line Parser Native digest/basic HTTP servers authentication Angelize services/daemons manager TTunnelLocal TCP port forwarding SHA-1/SHA-256 HW opcodes asm 7Zip dll wrapper OpenSSL CSR support PostgreSQL async DB with HTTP async backend (for TFB) LUTI continous integration cross-platform farm Changed Upgraded SQLite3 to 3.42.0 Stabilized Mac x86_64/aarch64 platforms Lots of bug fixes and enhancements Any feedback is welcome! 🙂
  11. Alexander Sviridenkov

    ANN HTML Library 4.7 released

    What's new video: Demos used in video: Map Viewer (OpenGL canvas., SVG, PDF, etc) https://delphihtmlcomponents.com/MapView.zip Fast blur: https://delphihtmlcomponents.com/blur.zip HTML Editor (VCL), print preview window https://delphihtmlcomponents.com/htedit.zip Office file viewer and print preview window https://delphihtmlcomponents.com/FileBrowser.zip What's new: Core Precise text rendering and measurement for all windows canvases: now text has the same layouot in GDI, GDI+, DX and Skia canvases on screen and printer and doesn't depend on scaling. Skia canvas for VCL. PDF export using Skia canvas - works from any canvas, not only Skia OpenGL canvas - useful for fast rendering of very large SVG (don't use as default canvas - it requires window handle). GDI canvas: improved graphics rendering speed. CSS var() support. function htmlpars.GetHTMLEncoding - determine codepage of HTML (TBytes). function for converting stylesheet to dark theme - TCSSStyleSheet.LighttoDark Support for UTF8 encoded inline SVG images. Optimized SVG paths seialization (smaller size) Optimized drawing of large SVG Support for individual glyph positioning in SVG text (DX attribute). THtCustomPath: CurveTo record now do not have initial point, all curves are defined by 3 points. HtPanel/Editor: support for horizontal mouse wheel HtPanel/Editor: Smooth scrolling in both direction HtPanel/Editor: Fast zoom in / zoom out in OpenGL canvas. Library now contains fastest native blur implementation (10-50 times faster than other). See htcanvas.FastBlur() Fast Base64Encode function (5-10 times faster than standard): htutils.Base64EncodeNoLF() THtBitmapData bitness conversion and masking methods are optimized using SIMD, f.e. Convert24to32. TSVGElement has GetStats methods for retrieving number of primitives, points, etc. Added support for system colors from CSS 4 color module: canvas, canvastext, field, fieldtext, etc. Bitmap images are now supported in GDI+, DX and Skia canvases. FontAwesome is upgraded to version 6.4. Now it contains regular (fa) and solid (fa-solid) icons. Support for CSS variables. Optimized displaying of documents containing many SVG images - like converted PDF documents (2000+ pages). Support for outlined and filled text (SVG). Support for relative image paths ('.\..') Improved flexbox layout. THtImageConverter now have CanvasClass propery - used in HTMLtoPNG conversion. HtPanel: OnScroll event New core classes documentation - /docs/HTML Library.chm/pdf https://delphihtmlcomponents.com/help/ New demos - MapView, Blur, Skia Editor Words suggestions/prediction while typing - see Words prediction section in Editor manual. New icons in context toolbar. Context and selection toolbars has acrylic background. All toolbars (selection, spellcheck) can be closed by pressing Esc. Add/edit image button in context toolbar Copy image button in selection toolbar Print preview button in context toolbar Add Symbol button in context toolbar. Spellcheck button in context toolbar. Windows ISpell implementation - htspellwin unit. Simply add it to uses list for spellcheking and word correction. Inline word correction - click on misspelled word to see suggestions. Windows spellecher is also used for autocorrection, suggection selection is based on Levenshtein distance. Cancelled autocorrections are remembered - words are added to exceptions list. Inline image cropping - use shift + resize handles Reports and Scripts New preview window for VCL and FMX (OSX, Linux) - float toolbar, smooth scroll and zoom, page selection and reorder, text search, text editing and moving. Preview window store its maximized/normal state and position for normal state even when maximized. Support for var parameters of all types. Fixed repeat - until bug. Default indexed properties now workind for object proprties, f.e. property Strings: TStringList; Obj.Strings := 'test'; Script can have own debugger instance
  12. If you need an integration for MarkDown files into Delphi apps, you can find some interesting open-source projects that I'm working on. MarkDownHelpViewer Project The MarkDownHelpViewer, is an Open-Source project to provide a Delphi-integrated help system using markdown files for online "help" creation. The project includes a ready Viewer with its setup to be installed on the user's machine (in practice the equivalent of hh.exe for the help in .chm format (see image) and an "interface" file to add to your own application that hooks the viewer to the "HelpContext" or "HelpKeyword" set on the Delphi components. Besides this also a component that can be used internally to the Delphi application to display help files. Here is the link to the project: https://github.com/EtheaDev/MarkdownHelpViewer This is a "Preview" of the viewer showing the help from the "wiki" of the InstantObjects project: There's also a small demo in the project that explains how to integrate the help with your Delphi application, including the ability to use a MarkDownViewer component right inside your application: The MarkDownShellExtensions Project In addition to the viewer, I recommend to use the MarkDown file editor, which comes with my other project available here: https://github.com/EtheaDev/MarkdownShellExtensions with which it is possible to edit the MarkDown files and immediately see the preview of the final result: Combining the two projects you will be able to offer your Delphi applications a fully integrated and easy to maintain Help system for the end user: when you need to update the images of your application because the GUI has changed, it will be sufficient to update the image on disk and update the associated markdown file, without the need for further updates, in order to always have the help updated to the latest release. Furthermore, the MarkDown format allows it to be easily published (for example as a "wiki" on Git-Hub) and is easily maintainable because it can be subjected to version-control. Those two projects are based on other Open-source projects, like: 1: SVGIconImageList: https://github.com/EtheaDev/SVGIconImageList 2: HtmlViewer: https://github.com/BerndGabriel/HtmlViewer) 2: SynEdit: https://github.com/SynEdit/SynEdit 3: VCLStyleUtils: https://github.com/RRUZ/vcl-styles-utils 4: Delphi-Markdown: https://github.com/grahamegrieve/delphi-markdown
  13. Anders Melander

    Delphi 12 is available

    I have a client who wants to use DWScript to do structural load analysis of large models (thousands to millions of nodes). Since DWScript compiles to an AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) and then executes the objects in that tree, he was a bit concerned about performance. He had tried various other scripting systems and they were just too slow. So we did some benchmarking of a sequence of typical calculations in Delphi vs DWScript. As expected the Delphi compiled code was about 4 times faster than DWScript. The client thought that that was acceptable but I decided to try out the DWScript jitter anyway... As it turns out there might just be something to David's complaints about Delphi's math performance 😉 because with the jitter enabled DWScript was now more than twice as fast as the native Delphi code. Also, Delphi 64-bit was about 25% slower than 32-bit and 64-bit "optimized" was slower than "unoptimized". Not to take anything away from Eric Grange's amazing work on DWScript, but I would be embarrassed if my native code compiler was outperformed by a scripting system.
  14. There have been a large number of new features and enhancements implemented in the P4D library recently . This discussion document provides an overview of these developments.
  15. aehimself

    Delphi 11.3 : FORSAKEN

    Even at work, where we have DevExpress and a number of other, chunky components installed the IDE loads our big legacy project up in less than 20 seconds. Add 10-15 more seconds of compiling and I am in debugging. Compare that with VS2019, which needs ~1min until IntelliSense kicks in, 1,5 min of compiling, 10 seconds of after-compilation-thinking and finally the project launches. I'm sure there are faster IDEs out there, but Delphi really isn't that bad from startup perspective.
  16. Alexander Sviridenkov

    Coming soon

  17. pyscripter

    PyScripter reached 1 million downloads from Sourceforge

    PyScripter has reached 1.5 million downloads. This is just from Sourceforge and does not include downloads from Embarcadero, many other download sites and forks such as GuiPy. What is quite satisfying is that there is no country in the world without downloads. Greenland for instance, a vast country with a population of only 56000, has 7 downloads.
  18. I don't know what to think after reading that article. Here are my comments on it: - the classic way of truncating the last 2 digits with div and mod 10 (or 100) does not involve a costly div or mod instruction on modern compilers (*cough* even Delphi 12 now does it - apart from the bugs that came with it) - I think C++ compilers would detect doing a div and a mod instruction and the code they emit would be further optimized so it does not require the "workaround" that the Delphi RTL uses by calculating the modulo by subtracting the div result times 100 from the original value. - the pseudo-code he shows for detecting the number of digits is correct but this is never what gets executed - and you either rewrite this into a few branches (as you can see in the RTL), a C++ compiler might unroll the loop or some other trickery is applied The DivBy100 function was introduced by me in RSP-36119 and I already notified them that DivBy100 can be removed in 12 because now it properly optimizes a div by 100 - however, that affects performance only by like 0.5% or so. As David correctly pointed out the real bottleneck is the heap allocation - and not only a single one when you just turn an integer into a string and display that one but when you concat strings and numbers the "classic" way because then it produces a ton of small temporary strings. That issue even exists when using TStringBuilder where one might think that this was built for optimization. If you look into some overloads of Append you will see that it naively calls into IntToStr and passes that down to the overload that takes string. This is completely insane as the conversion should be done directly in place into the internal buffer that TStringBuilder already uses instead of creating a temporary string, convert the integer into that one, pass that to Append to copy its content into the buffer. This will likely be my next contribution as part of my "Better RTL" series of JIRA entries.
  19. David Heffernan

    Delphi 12 is available

    I don't care that much about the IDE. It's the compiler and the language that matters more to me.
  20. Angus Robertson

    ICS V9.0 announced

    ICS V9.0 has been released at: https://wiki.overbyte.eu/wiki/index.php/ICS_Download ICS is a free internet component library for Delphi 7, 2006 to 2010, XE to XE8, 10 Seattle, 10.1 Berlin, 10.2 Tokyo, 10.3 Rio, 10.4 Sydney and 11 and C++ Builder 2006 to XE3, 10.2 Tokyo, 10.3 Rio, 10.4 Sydney and 11. ICS supports VCL and FMX, Win32, Win64 and MacOS 32-bit targets. The distribution zip includes the latest OpenSSL 3.1.2 win32, with other versions of OpenSSL being available from the download page. ICS V9 is planned to be a long term support release with no new components or major features added, just bug fixes as needed, major changes will be for V10. V9.0 has been tested with Delphi 7, but I had to make changes to several new components due to missing language features and TWebBrowser does not exist, so V9.0 will be the last tested with D7. Delphi 2007 is easier to support for those building ANSI projects and will become the oldest version supported. An overview of the new samples and components was posted in this group a few days ago, and is included in the download page. The full release notes for V9.0 are at https://wiki.overbyte.eu/wiki/index.php/ICS_V9.0 All ICS active samples are available as prebuilt executables, to allow ease of testing without needing to install ICS and build them all. There are four separate zip files split into clients, servers, tools and miscellaneous samples which can be downloaded from https://wiki.overbyte.eu/wiki/index.php/ICS_Samples The Getting Started page at https://wiki.overbyte.eu/wiki/index.php/ICS_Getting_Started has also been updated with all the new components. Angus
  21. Anders Melander

    MAP2PDB - Profiling with VTune

    I have just released version 3.1.2 with the following changes since 3.0.1: map2pdb can now consume JEDI jdbg-files. A rare overflow bug in the MSF writer has been fixed. The map parser can now handle the slightly different files produced by beta versions of Delphi. The big change here is the ability to create pdb-files from jdbg-files. You can thank Stefan for being so annoying that I finally caved in and implemented it to get him to shut up about it. This means that it is now possible to profile Delphi's run-time packages by converting the jdbg-files bundled with Delphi and binding the produced pdb-files to the bpl-files. It's as easy as map2pdb -bind:rtl290.bpl rtl290.jdbg Because of a bug in the JEDI tool Embarcadero uses to convert from map to jdbg, some symbol names produced from Embarcadero's jdbg-files may look a bit strange. It's a minor issue that has no impact on the functionality and there's nothing I can do about it since the original map files aren't available. Get it while it's hot: https://bitbucket.org/anders_melander/map2pdb/downloads/ Here's an example from Stefan showing an application using the rtl290.bpl run-time package being profiled with VTune:
  22. It would make his project fit on 10 floppy disks instead of 35.
  23. And makes your app a target for anti virus products. And what what gain? You end up with the same executable loaded in memory. I've never understood the point of this tool.
  24. I always liked the concept of splines a lot, and here is now the reason why https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvPPXbo87ds This beautifully unveils all hidden secrets about it ( Ok, not all, hopefully more to come ).
  25. Firstly, let me say that my work on SynEdit has moved back to pyscripter/SynEdit for reasons explained here. The newest enhancement to SynEdit is accessibility support. Now, SynEdit fully supports screen readers such as Windows Narrator and NVDA. The support is much better than, for instance, in Visual Studio Code. The implementation is not based on the older Microsoft Active Accessibility (MSAA), but on the newer Microsoft UI Automation. Microsoft UI Automation has been around since 2005 and is available to all Windows versions, since Windows XP. In addition to making applications accessible, it can also be used by automated UI testing tools. Despite been available for almost 20 years, Delphi does not provide the relevant header translations (See RSP-41898), which complicated the implementation. I also could not find any other complete Delphi implementation of UI automation. So, the SynEdit implementation may serve as a guide to how to implement UI Automation in other controls. Further details can be found here.