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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/30/21 in Posts

  1. dummzeuch

    Bookmarks dead?

    A mess like this is the reason why I am usually not thrilled when Embarcadero buys some tool or some components/library and takes over maintenance.
  2. Angus Robertson

    RAD Studio 11.0 Support

    ICS V8.67 has packages for Delphi and C++ 11.0, currently only available from SVN and the overnight zip, with a final release due next week. http://wiki.overbyte.eu/wiki/index.php/ICS_Download There was a major new OpenSSL 3.0 release this week, just finishing testing and integration with V8.67. Currently, many older ICS icons appeared incorrectly with a magenta background in Delphi 11.0 due to transparency being ignored, these will be fixed for the final release. Angus
  3. Tom F

    Bookmarks dead?

    Do you think we should we just give up on ever getting an updated Bookmarks plugin (formerly from Parnassus) that works in Alexandria? It's now two months late. It's very clever of Embarcadero to keep these kinds of major features as optional plugins rather than integrated into the IDE. Because Embarcadero can claim they released a major update, even if some major features (like Bookmarks) aren't available. I wouldn't treat my customers that way. I'll omit a long rant about Embarcadero, since that's been discussed here before. I just want my Bookmarks. And I'm tired of checking the GetIt Package Manager for it. I'm disappointed. And I'm concerned that these kinds of failures may reveal that Embarcadero's development processes are underfunded and broken.
  4. How about this Project?
  5. You can do that by using FFMPEG. Your delphi program run FFMPEG executable, passing the argument for output file format and input file format. Select input thru a pipe that your Delphi program will create a stuff with the images. Before you ask : No I have no code to share.
  6. Der schöne Günther

    Windows 11 (ARM) - strange behavior

    What makes you think the CPU architecture of the machine that compiled the code is more probable than a simple regression in Delphi, from 10.4.2 to 11?
  7. That didn't answer my question: Why should they? "There's little cost" isn't a reason because there's even less cost in not doing it. IMO nobody will benefit from browsers supporting this format (apart from the authors ego 🙂 ).
  8. Why should they? I mean, what's the benefit? It compresses worse than PNG and WebP and only supports 32-bit RGB(A). I agree that "it's pretty" but that's irrelevant when they already have the other formats implemented. It's even irrelevant if they hadn't.
  9. Phosphoglucose Isomerase ? https://www.abbreviationfinder.org/acronyms/pgi.html
  10. Anders Melander

    how to respond on user drag of a column border in a listview

    The column headers of a listview is in fact a separate header control owned by the listview. The column resize notifications are only sent to the parent of the header control (i.e. the listview) so in order to get at them you need to hook into the WndProc of the listview and catch the HDN_BEGINTRACK and HDN_ENDTRACK messages. I'm guessing @Remy Lebeau has some code..?
  11. Lars Fosdal

    Bookmarks dead?

    Timely info from EMBT: <crickets>
  12. Uwe Raabe

    Bookmarks dead?

    It is probably in quarantine due to a COVID infection...
  13. Stefan Glienke

    Bookmarks dead?

    Someone should have invited David Millington or the dev at Embarcadero that is now responsible for those plugins to the Delphi 11 beta so they could have worked on those plugins at the time when many other IDE plugin devs did. /s
  14. Pat Foley

    Bookmarks dead?

    Where's the RestDebugger fit on your favorite additions to Delphi. Thanks for your DelphiCon presentation on it. We can only assume the Booksmarks are floating off shore on container ship... Hopefully they can unship and ship by Christmas. 🙂
  15. Sherlock

    Bookmarks dead?

    Well, first of all, none of the libraries are closed source, every licensee may/can/should take a look at the RTL or VCL code. Furthermore there are some really smart fellows looking at that code, who develop some stuff I for one can't even begin to understand. So I'm pretty sure the comments don't come out of the blue and are not simply made to disrespect. They are heartfelt cries of pain and sorrow.
  16. Vincent Parrett

    Bookmarks dead?

    You seem to think we should all be grateful for what we get and be quiet, you forget that ultimately we are all paying customers, many of us having sunk significant amounts of money into delphi over the years (not to mention staking our careers on it). As paying customers, we have a right to expect better, and to complain and criticise when it's warranted - and sadly lately with Delphi it is warranted. I've paid for way more versions of delphi than I have actually been able to use (due to quality issues - including D11). As for the hard working team, well they are anonymous - name 5 people on the team (and I don't mean the product managers).. I'll wait.... Back in the day the dev team were on the newsgroups, interacting with their customers, now you would be hard pressed to name one of them that posts here. I have no idea if the 'team' (1 person, 5, 10? who knows) even reads these forums or if they even have any idea how their customers feels about what they are delivering. Some days I have to drag myself back to working on my delphi projects.. today I fired up delphi to debug a problem with FinalBuilder, the IDE crashed on the first run - not an uncommon occurance. I've used delphi since 1995, I have millions of lines of code invested in it - so I persist - but I very much doubt that potential new customers would do the same - I know I wouldn't if I were one of them.
  17. Lajos Juhász

    Bookmarks dead?

    Ok, at DelphiCon2021 David Millington answered that the bookmarks are coming soon, besides the HDPI issue they are working how it will be integrated in the IDE (whatever that means).
  18. Vandrovnik

    Bookmarks dead?

    They can create "Bookmarks HDPI" without the compatibility with older versions, if it is easier for them...
  19. Sherlock

    Bookmarks dead?

    Finally they have to eat their own can of worms...
  20. dummzeuch

    Bookmarks dead?

    They didn't even fix all high DPI issues of the IDE itself. But yes, having to do that for a plug-in might show some more.
  21. Lajos Juhász

    Bookmarks dead?

    Marco Cantu already mentioned it DelphiCon 2021 on Tuesday that they're working both on the IDE and VCL as they discovered some issues with highDPI (without any details of course).
  22. hsauro

    Bookmarks dead?

    Apparently it’s delayed due to high res dpi issues. It’s good that Embarcadero is having to develop it and discover the problems others have encountered with high res dpi. We might get some fixes as a result.
  23. Silver Black

    Bookmarks dead?

    That's a real shame. In CE 10.3 it was there, in the GetIt Package Manager. And it's still there. So now it's not for CE anymore.
  24. Lars Fosdal

    Bookmarks dead?

    My faith in EMBT is faltering, and I am the optimist among us...