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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/14/22 in all areas

  1. David Millington

    Parnassus Bookmarks for Delphi 11 Alexandria?

    Hi. I'm sorry we could not (or did not) update earlier. The delay is not to do with high DPI. The plugins should work fine with high DPI 🙂 The delay has been integrating and changing our build system. They were integrated as third party projects and we have been bringing them into our normal system (they'll still be shipped in GetIt as installable plugins for the foreseeable future.) We haven't wanted to promise a date, but (without promising) I would expect them to be available with 11.1.
  2. qubits


    Single person, two player, Thumb against thumb, Ball Basher for Robots. Juggle up to twelve sphere's of galactic matter in outer space. SpaceBallz Started out as a quick pong demo, but with Alexandria's grace, it turned into SpaceBallz!! A game in a class. I can do 12 balls for about 4 mins. It's a birthday present for Delphi. Sorry, I'm poor, have to take a hand made gift for now. Happy Birthday DELPHI!! ~q
  3. vfbb

    Skia4Delphi v3.0.0

    It is with great pleasure that we announce the new version of the Skia4Delphi library. The library has been completely rewritten in this major update and it looks amazing. v3.0.0 · Skia library version has been updated from Milestone 88 to 98; · New Skia based Canvas for FMX with GPU rendering support (optionally registered as default) accompanied by the following benefits a) Draw with anti-aliasing on any platform; (currently platforms that use TGPUCanvas like mobiles, and Mac computers when Metal is enabled do not use it) b) Increase the overall graphics performance of your application by up to 50%; (even drawing with higher quality) c) Resize images with better quality; (also based on Form.Quality) d) Support Right-To-Left rendering; e) Fix dozens of inconsistencies in drawings, especially in corners and strokes, such as dashes, and in texts with special emojis; f) Increase the performance of the library in general (controls, drawings, among others...). · Fully featured demo, with many more fantastic examples; · Added TSkLabel control with support for: multiple text styles (colors, sizes, fonts), justify alignment, font weight, families fallback, auto-size of width and height, limit number of lines, right-to-left texts, and more; · Added TSkAnimatedImage (replacing TSkLottieAnimation), with support for Lottie, Telegram Sticker, Animated GIF and Animated WebP files. · Added WrapMode property to TSkSvg; · Added full unicode support: grapheme iterators, BiDi regions, among others; · Added new features to SkParagraph; · Added SkTypefaceProvider; (custom fonts support in SkParagraph) · New codecs registered: a) VCL: svg, wbmp, webp and raw images (arw, cr2, dng, nef, nrw, orf, raf, rw2, pef and srw) b) FMX: bmp, gif, ico, wbmp, webp e raw images (arw, cr2, dng, nef, nrw, orf, raf, rw2, pef and srw) · Added support for SVG creation with the SkSVGCanvas class; · Exposed SkParticles (provides a way to quickly generate large numbers of drawing primitives with dynamic, animated behavior) · Added support for creating XPS documents (Windows-only); · Added Cross-Platform unit tests for console, VCL and FMX, with more over then 250 tests; · Added Android support for Delphi 10.3 Rio; · Added installation support via Chocolatey; · Improved the performance of Lottie animations; · Improved the performance of OverrideColor in TSkSvg; · Improved installation process; · Simplified Skia build with a simple native script; · Fixed library loading crash that occurred on some 32-bit Androids; · Fixed support for Android 32 bits in Android App Bundle (.aab) format; · Fixed iterators; (including path elements iterator) · Fixed image decoding issue; · Fixed Lottie files with static images embedded; · Fixed SVG locale-dependent (couldn't render when default decimal separator was not dot); · Fixed wrong draw of TSkCustomControl and descendents in FMX, when the property Angle was different than 0; · Fixed TSkPaintBox draw without clear the surface; · Fixed installation issue in RAD Studio Trial, Community Edition and Started versions; · Fixed installation issue in RAD Studio with very large Library Path (especially those that have the ACBr library installed); · Fixed many others minor issues; · And much more.. Compatibility break: We are in continuous development, so some updates will bring compatibility breaks. So pay attention to version numbers, we use semantic versions (for major versions there is some compatibility break). See some breaking changes in this version: a) Removed support to iOS, MacOS and Linux in RAD Studio 10.4 Sydney; b) Removed support to RAD Studio XE6; c) Removed the TSkLottieAnimation control, use the TSkAnimatedImage control instead; d) Several changes in API; Supported platforms: · RAD Studio 11.0 Alexandria: all platforms · RAD Studio 10.3 Rio or newer: windows and android · RAD Studio XE7 or newer: windows Demo: Github: github.com/skia4delphi/skia4delphi Website: skia4delphi.org
  4. Attila Kovacs

    What is this IDE feature called?

    Navigation Toolbar
  5. Stano

    Parnassus Bookmarks for Delphi 11 Alexandria?

    11.1. it's november 1? In this case, it does not look like this for the foreseeable future Thanks!
  6. Anders Melander

    UnPinnable App

    Okay. "var pps: pointer" matches the documented API (so it's correct) but if you want to use an out parameter instead then the correct declaration would be: function SHGetPropertyStoreForWindow(hwnd: HWND; const riid: TGUID; out ppv): HResult; stdcall; because ppv is documented as: which means that it can return another interface if you request that. Note the untyped out parameter, like QueryInterface. Because the parameter is untyped it is your responsibility to pass a var declared as the interface you're requesting. The compiler will not stop you passing in something that doesn't make sense: var Nonsense: IMomsSpaghetti; begin SHGetPropertyStoreForWindow(Handle, IPropertyStore, Nonsense); Nonsense.Vomit; // Boom! end; What is the actual problem you're experiencing, by the way?
  7. Re BNF vs diagrams… as the format should be formal, it would allow for diagrams to be created easily using tools like graphgviz/dot and sexier/modern versions thereof. Re benefits of a grammar it can be used as a basis for all kinds of things… once a model is created using a parser generator or manually crafted, you can create things that might be out of scope of the actual compiler. E.g. static code analysis, documentation generation, dependency analysis (between units), search tools, creating diagrams, etc. Writing parsers can take a bit of effort, and to do it correctly, the grammar needs to be right. There is a lot of boiler plate (repeated patterns) when it comes to parsing, so over time people have written parser generation tools to assist with this process more optimally (and avoid bugs). Their input would normally be a bnf type config file. Examples of such tools is yacc (yet another compiler compiler), etc. I personally like the ANTLR framework. Unfortunately, the latest version 4 doesn’t have a Delphi runtime, but version 3 had one. it would be convenient to update this to fit in with one of those tools as it also makes it easier to instantly validate and create test cases on the grammar.
  8. Didn't you read the wikipedia link on Backus-Naur format? There are a few online tools that generates railroad diagrams from EBNF (https://www.bottlecaps.de/rr/ui is probably the best known) but I know of none that operate on BNF. I actually don't think the original BNF is much used outside old textbooks.
  9. Anders Melander

    UnPinnable App

    Get rid of the _Release. It's already called implicitly when the interface reference goes out of scope.
  10. qubits

    UnPinnable App

    Don't think it's in there. Property Store Maybe this helps.
  11. Dave Nottage

    Obtaining client IP address from Windows Virtual Desktop app

    I'm aware of that one, but thanks 🙂 We've ended up going with a combination of: WTSUserName WTSDomainName WTSClientName WTSClientAddress https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/wtsapi32/ne-wtsapi32-wts_info_class using WTSQuerySessionInformation
  12. FredS

    Fill Class Variables from a table row??

    RSP-35486 TRttiField.SetValue breaks past bevaviour with Null and String
  13. Hi, I am using IBX on Windows (32 and 64bit) and Android (32 and 64bit). Database = Firebird (2.5 and 3.0). In Delphi 11, I have not found any problem.
  14. Perhaps it is just my take of it, but being a contributor bears some responsibility - for the whole repository and not only for the part you contribute. I wouldn't call that lowering the barrier. On the other hand, forking the repo, doing your thing and creating a pull request seems much less hassle to me. Anyway, everyone can just do so whatever you decide.
  15. We finally have the solution to the problem. Feature added to Skia4Delphi library and works on all platforms. See the results:
  16. The 14th of February is just around the corner, and while for many that means chocolates and flowers, we know the true meaning: Delphi’s birthday! Feb 14, 2022 10:00 AM CST [Register] The theme of Delphi’s 27th anniversary is Building the Future! It is always great to tell the story of how you discovered Delphi, but let’s look to the future. How do you see Delphi making the world a better place? What Delphi related technologies continue to change the way you program? We are hosting a webinar with Kyle Wheeler, Marco Cantu, David Millington, and Ian Barker, where we share the ways Delphi continues to shape the future of software development.
  17. microtronx

    Communication from local computer into "rdp session"?

    @Dave Nottage Do I need to create any registry-Keys on my client machine to get that demo work? Answer: YES, see: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/termserv/virtual-channel-client-registration
  18. pyscripter

    Spell Checker implementation?

    There were many options mentioned in this thread, but there was no mention of the most obvious one at least on Windows: the built-in Windows spellchecker available since Windows 8. There many advantages compared to the options discussed here. It is free. Very easy to use. Minimal code to add to your project. No need to distribute dictionaries. If the user wants a given language dictionary they can get it through Windows language settings. It persists words added, ignored and autocorrected. It detects duplicate words. I got the idea from Ian Boyed's answer in this Stackoverflow question, but I could not find a Delphi translation of the Windows Spellcheck API. So I created my own. It is included in the attached zip file, along with a demo program. SpellCheck.zip
  19. luebbe

    Delphi profiler

    @FPiette do you know https://github.com/neslib/Neslib.Xml? I switched some of my xml parsing from Delphi's native parser to Neslib.Xml and it resulted in around 35x-40x faster parsing (17-20 seconds versus <= 0.5 seconds).
  20. Fr0sT.Brutal

    Delphi profiler

    Hmm, I probably will act as Cap'n Obvious but why not check timings of parse/read & list fill code separately (with primitive gettickcount)? That's what I'm doing first before unpacking serious tools.
  21. Vandrovnik

    Parnassus Bookmarks for Delphi 11 Alexandria?

    Ctrl+Shift+Number to place a bookmark and Ctrl+Number to go to bookmark is a bit faster. I am using AutoHotKey, which allows to remap pressed keys, so I have created a simple script, which remaps Ctrl+Shift+Number and Ctrl+Number to its Ctrl+K/Ctrl+Q counterparts. If you want to try, I have attached this script; it should be put in AutoHotkey.ahk. This works for "IDE classic" key mapping in Delphi. Bookmarks.txt
  22. In Delphi 11 F11 will eventually focus that part of the object inspector.