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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/04/20 in all areas

  1. FPiette

    10.4.1 Update

    @Darian Miller I your blog post, you said: That is something I repeated so many times to so many people with one more advice: if source is not available, don't by that component. And I often add this advice: never use prebuilt packages or dcu from 3rd party component, always rebuild everything, at least once to be sure you have everything required and know how to rebuild. When you have several 3rd party component, create a project group with all projects required to rebuild all components, including your own component. Then when a new Delphi version comes, you can easily rebuild and reinstall everything within minutes. As you mentioned in your blog post:
  2. Stefan Glienke

    TestInsight released

    I just released a new version of TestInsight - more details on my blog post.
  3. Darian Miller

    10.4.1 Update

    I started a rambling reply here and it started to get long, so I put it up on my blog as it's a common question: https://www.ideasawakened.com/post/about-binary-compatibility-on-new-versions-of-delphi Note: if there any additions/corrections/clarifications needed, please let me know.
  4. Alexander Sviridenkov

    Embedded HTML Editor toolbar preview

    New context sensitive HTML Editor UI (inspired by next MS Office preview). Just one Delphi form and one editor component, no code, no toolbars, no actions, no image lists (all SVG).
  5. bazzer747

    10.4.1 Update

    Many thanks for the info, especially the blog by Darian, very clear explanation of why the 'problem' exists and why it won't go away soon. This is one of the reasons I find this forum so useful and view it regularly. My issues are minor in comparison to the larger world which uses Delphi on a more professional and deeper level than I ever will.
  6. Lars Fosdal

    10.4.1 Update

    It is slightly annoying that you have to manually reinstall GetIt component packages on an upgrade like this.
  7. FPiette

    10.4.1 Update

    @bazzer747 In my head, an add-on is some software which add new features to the IDE. For example MMX Code Explorer is an add-on. Something that is code (binary or source) that is intended to be included in your application is a library. A special form of library that can be installed in the component palette is named a component. I think that what is in my head is present in many other heads 🙂
  8. Rollo62

    CPP or C++ Category

    I would add still some more reasons: 4) @David Millington is working so hard to find ways in better integrating and interacting C++Builder with the Delphi eco-system. We all should honour his effords to flatten the ways to C++ by opening a sub-forum here too. 5) The Delphi ecosystem might gain from C++ in many cases too, like compiling & binding C++ libraries and make it available in Delphi. E.g. where speed or other concepts are an issue, Delphi might be UI and C++Builder might provide the core logic. 6) Divide and conquer 🙂 Together we might be stronger than alone. Edit: Some more ... 7) Component suppliers face often the issue to make their components available to Delphi AND C++Builder 8.) Maybe C++ developers see how cool Delphi is, and some might change from C++ to Delphi 😎
  9. FPiette

    git workflow question

    Maybe a direct question would be better in front of your message. Maybe everybody have no time to read such a long text 😉
  10. Daniel

    CPP or C++ Category

    Well, my personal experience is that languages do not mix very well in a community called "Delphi-PRAXiS". We do have an C#-Section in the German counterpart of this forum. Well ... last post is from end of January (luckily January of this year). I understand that C++ is part of RADStudio and a little closer to Delphi than Typescript or other languages but the goal was to be (at least reasonable) good in one thing and this is being a Delphi-related community. On the other hand - if there is a significant demand from the members of this community to talk about C++, we should smash our ideas together to find a pleasant solution. If you think that we should think into that direction, please let uns now here in this thread.
  11. David Heffernan

    Use of Ansistring in Unicode world?

    No reason to give any credence to that comment. Ignore it and move on. Be happy that your code is not limited to text that can be encoded with whatever ANSI locale the machine it runs on is using.
  12. Wagner Landgraf

    TestInsight released

    Great, now tests are uniquely identified! Thank you, I guess I'm on the right path. Congrats for the great tool.
  13. Stefan Glienke

    TestInsight released

    StartSuite/EndSuite might be used by the GUI listerner to build its hierarchy, I don't know but its not at all required - some sort of names containing their entire path information would be needed to - but I said before - not planned. Regardless we are discussing the wrong issue here - you most likely have multiple instances of the same testcase classes here and thus multiple tests return the same name - I suspect that you have more than 350 tests you showed in the screenshot before. Its as simple as that if I name a file just by its file name I most likely find similar named units in several folders - when I add some information that is unique for each of them - like the directory I can identify them. As I said before if the decorator would not just pass GetName onto its decoratee then the name would be unique. TI is build to be test framework agnostic - and I try to keep it that way and not implement any quirk or unique feature into it - there was enough trouble already with some places where DUnit and DUnitX behaved different in terms of how they named and identified their tests already. Having that said - I am very sure that even without implementing hierarchical display you can be able to use TI for your tests and be able to find out which of the similar named but using different setup tests failed. Edit: I quickly looked into it and I have to say the design with the decorators and the way they are implemented in TestExtensions.pas is a bit crappy but anyhow: We need the BeginTest/EndTest methods here as those are the ones being run for the decorator instances - we use IsDecorator to check is its one and then add/remove from a current path variable. I remember you asking me about running tests in parallel, so make that a thread var - not sure if running tests in parallel makes sure that only tests from different suites are run in parallel because otherwise DUnit itself might be in trouble... anyway - append that as well in GetFullQualifiedName - anyhow you might want to change the TTestDecorator.GetName to use its name and not just generate a generic name that does not tell much. Example: type TMyDecorator = class(TTestDecorator) function GetName: string; override; end; { TMyDecorator } function TMyDecorator.GetName: string; begin Result := FTestName; end; initialization RegisterTest(TMyDecorator.Create(TMyDecorator.Create(TMyTestCase.Suite, 'foo'), 'qux')); RegisterTest(TMyDecorator.Create(TMyTestCase.Suite, 'bar')); end. And these changes in TestInsight.DUnit: +threadvar + currentPath: string; function GetFullQualifiedName(const test: ITest): string; begin * Result := currentPath + (test as TObject).ClassName + '.' + test.Name; end; procedure TTestInsightListener.EndTest(test: ITest); begin + if IsDecorator(test) then + currentPath := Copy(fCurrentPath, 1, Length(fCurrentPath) - Length(test.Name) - 1); end; procedure TTestInsightListener.StartTest(test: ITest); var testResult: TTestInsightResult; begin + if IsDecorator(test) then + currentPath := fCurrentPath + test.Name + '.'; And I get this result
  14. Darian Miller

    10.4.1 Update

    I agree and repeated it twice in my blog - always buy the source. I've been stuck with the task of replacing a component as we didn't have the source...it's horrible. The reason you buy a component is so you don't have to write that code, and you end up having to write that code or rewrite what you have in place in order to use a different component. And, your upgrade of Delphi waits until that task is done. I haven't tried that tip on a single project group for all components. I'll have to try to start doing that, thanks! A little work up front, but then saves the big hassles later.
  15. Alexander Sviridenkov

    Embedded HTML Editor toolbar preview

    @Rollo62 I suppose end of this month.
  16. Stefan Glienke

    TestInsight released

    Changing icons is not good style - I could have two buttons but then again people would not read hints. Thanks for your offer but I have the Arxialis icon set and take one from their icons if I need another. Thing is internally it is exactly identical function - "run selected tests" - which basically means "run the test app and skip any test that is not selected" - well if there is no test to select that means "run the test app and skip all" - which results in all tests being discovered. If something can be explained by "click this button to discover tests" I would rather spend my time elsewhere more important - possibly by writing some quick guide that explains everything on one or two pages and leaves no room for confusion - then I could at least reply with RTFM when someone asks me 😛
  17. jbg

    IDEFixPack 6.4.4 stop working

    The WebInstaller detection in IdeFixPack looks at a specific environment variable but that variable is also set of you start the IDE with Administrator rights or if some other program added the environment variable. (I don't remember what env-var it is and I don't the the source code at hand where I am right now) The WebInstaller detection code was removed in the last development snapshot: https://idefixpack.de/fixpack/dev But be aware that the development snapshot may crash the IDE more often as it is not tested.
  18. Memnarch

    10.4.1 Released today

    No that's just confusing wording. The resolution is actually fixed. What the sync comment means is: Expected behavior is seen in fix version. Had the same type of sync comment on one of my tickets and was confused at first, too.
  19. pyscripter

    Grep search empty window with 10.4.1

    Amazing! After installing a few packages in 10.4.1 (Synedit was one of them) Gexperts Grep Results now works! Nice because Grep Search and Unit Clause Manager are my favorite Gexperts.
  20. Dave Nottage

    10.4.1 Released today

    If you mean in relation to a bunch of API imports, that would have happened in 10.4.0
  21. Anders Melander

    git workflow question

    I can't see anything in what you describe that is out of the ordinary. Looks like a pretty standard workflow to me. One thing I would do is make sure that very few people have rights to push to Master or whatever you call your primary branch. Instead use pull requests to merge into Master. This avoids the situation where someone forces a push and rewrite history and then later claim that "git must have messed something up". I'm not sure what to do about your I: drive if you really want to have all the files there at all time, regardless of the branch you're working on. If you're okay with pulling the files for a given branch to I: when you work on that branch, then you could reference you I: repository as a submodule in your main Git project. Then each customer could get their own branch in the I: repository. HTH
  22. Dave Nottage

    Problem with Delphi RIO 10.3.3 and Google API Level 29

    You may need to add: android:requestLegacyExternalStorage="true" To the <application> tag in AndroidManifest.template.xml
  23. LIBSUFFIX AUTO has been a much requested feature for ages. The Delphi 10.4.1 announcement said: Sounded interesting so I decided to try that. I first searched the documentation and found the following: So I added {$LIBSUFFIX AUTO} to a package of mine say xyz.dpk and the bpl file generated was indeed xyz270.bpl. However I got an error message saying: This much for "full support" for this feature. Am I missing something??
  24. luebbe

    10.4.1 Update

    Oh boy, Installed 10.4.1, TMS Components, GExperts and TestInsight, dragged a .groupproj onto the IDE to install more components and the IDE crashes completely. So much for a "quality" update 😞
  25. ntavendale

    10.4.1 Released today

    Well, they didn't fix this: https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-29118 Instead they just dropped support for classic undocked mode and took out the option to turn off the embedded designer. Strangely though, they left Classic Undocked as an option in the drop down used to select the layout, both in the Min IDE form and in the options.