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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/24/21 in all areas

  1. Lars Fosdal

    Bookmarks dead?

    My faith in EMBT is faltering, and I am the optimist among us...
  2. Darian Miller

    Delphi for ARM

    Marco covered the current roadmap is his KeyNote for DelphiCon 2021: https://blog.marcocantu.com/blog/2021-november-delphicon2021-keynote-replay.html Here's a DelphiCon talk on developing apps with Raspberry Pi with Delphi 11. https://delphicon.embarcadero.com/talks/developing-applications-for-the-raspberry-pi-with-delphi-11/ Here's a roadmap page from my wiki: https://github.com/ideasawakened/DelphiKB/wiki/Future-Releases-for-RAD-Studio-and-Delphi
  3. Damn, I thought old British money system is the most crazy mess I saw.
  4. Dmitry Sh.

    Delphi 10.4.2 CE support Android API 30

    For sign apk by Jarsigner ( APK Signature Scheme v2 ) you need: 1. Edit CodeGear.Deployment.Targets add section <Target Name="_AndroidApkSigner" Condition="('$(Platform)'=='$(cAndroid32ArmPlatform)' Or '$(Platform)'=='$(cAndroid64ArmPlatform)') And '$(KeyStoreFile)'!='' And '$(AndroidAppBundle)'=='false'"> <Message Text="Start Apk Signer."/> <Exec Command="&quot;$(ApkSigner)&quot; sign --ks $(KeyStoreFile) --ks-pass pass:$(KeyStorePass) $(SIGNED_APK_FILENAME)" ContinueOnError="True"> <Output TaskParameter="ExitCode" PropertyName="ErrorCode"/> <Output TaskParameter="StdOutEncoding" PropertyName="StdOut"/> </Exec> </Target> 2. add line _AndroidApkSigner; in section <DeployDependsOnTargets> <PropertyGroup> <DeployDependsOnTargets> ... _CheckKeyStore; _AndroidSign; _AndroidZipAlign; _AndroidApkSigner; _CheckAPKFileOutputResult; _CheckAABFileOutputResult; _DeleteAndroidAssetsInfoFile; ... </DeployDependsOnTargets> 3. Create New IDE Environment Variable ApkSigner with value (SDK path)\android-sdk-windows\build-tools\29.0.2\apksigner.bat Thanks to Stas for this solution diff for file CodeGear.Deployment.Targets
  5. Tom F

    Bookmarks dead?

    Do you think we should we just give up on ever getting an updated Bookmarks plugin (formerly from Parnassus) that works in Alexandria? It's now two months late. It's very clever of Embarcadero to keep these kinds of major features as optional plugins rather than integrated into the IDE. Because Embarcadero can claim they released a major update, even if some major features (like Bookmarks) aren't available. I wouldn't treat my customers that way. I'll omit a long rant about Embarcadero, since that's been discussed here before. I just want my Bookmarks. And I'm tired of checking the GetIt Package Manager for it. I'm disappointed. And I'm concerned that these kinds of failures may reveal that Embarcadero's development processes are underfunded and broken.
  6. Hi all, on my D11 Alexandria installation is not longer available the file brc32.exe in the bin folder (https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Sydney/en/BRC32.EXE,_the_Resource_Shell). On 10.4 the file is available. Is this utility no longer supported? I could not find any info.
  7. Janex72

    Delphi for ARM

    Hi all. Has anyone heard when the new Roadmap comes out? I'm very interested in Linux ARM compiler for Raspberry Pi4 WBR Janex
  8. Bob Devine

    HTML-based MVVM

    https://github.com/SigmaSciences/KnockoutOP Still pretty rough but looking quite promising I think. Based on Stefan Glienke's KnockOff and the DelphiHTMLComponents. Any bugs, suggestions, problems etc. just drop me an email (see the readme for gmail address).
  9. Virgo

    Firebird 4.0 Unknown sql type err.

    You could also check server version on connect and execute SET BIND OF TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE TO LEGACY; SET BIND OF TIME WITH TIME ZONE TO LEGACY; SET BIND OF DECFLOAT TO LEGACY; SET BIND OF NUMERIC(38) TO LEGACY; That way program works with FirebirdSQL 4.0 without changing server config. Of cause you must not use new unsupported data types in that database. But that solves problems with automatic type conversions and use of new types in system tables.
  10. Rollo62

    [Android] Which component for toolbar

    I always try to use most basic components, to reduce possible problems. Like TToolbar => TLayout, and nested TLayout's for all other grouping when necessary, all together with TAlignLayout and Margins to achieve a responsive behaviour. Buttons I use TAlignLayout.Left, with Margins Left, Top, Bottom, so I can nicely arrange them one after the other.
  11. Are you talking about code completion in the editor or the interpreter? If it is in the editor does it help to add you delphi module to Tools, Options, IDE Options, Code Competion, Special packages? You need to restart PyScripter or the Language server. The other thing you could is to create a stub file for your python extension module (see for instance PyScripter: Completion with python extension modules such as PyQt5 and Pandas).
  12. Dennis445

    How can I use nslookup in my app.

    Hi Rollo62, once I get it all up and running the way I need it to be I probably will use php. Attila Kovacs, The way I need it to be temporally is to have a small program check what the current IP Address is and if it changes send me an email/text when it happens. On another note I migrated the code to my development pc with Win 11 on it and ran into an Indy problem with OpenSSL, I was able to fix it with installing Win32OpenSSL-0.9.8g_redist.msi. At some point when I have it all sorted out and with error checking and added the email portion of it I will share what I have learned.
  13. Anders Melander

    Skia versus VCL for plotting points

    I just did: TCanvas.Pixels: 320 mS skia4delphi: 130 mS TBitmap.Scanline: 60 mS
  14. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39955052/how-are-anonymous-methods-implemented-under-the-hood https://sergworks.wordpress.com/2010/01/27/anonimous-methods-in-delphi-the-internals/
  15. Angus Robertson

    SSL Pinning or HPKP

    You would be better starting with the OverbyteIcsHttpRestTst.dpr sample, even if you don't actually make use of the REST features. The TSslHttpRest component is a high level version of THttpCli that bundles all the extra components for extra functionality, including SSL configuration and certificate validation with a root bundle, SSL session caching, content compression, content code page decoding, persistent cookies, Json handling, logging, client SSL certificate. You ignore SslContext and SslVerifyPeer, and just set CertVerMethod to CertVerBundle or CertVerWinStore and all the chain checking is done for you. You still need to implement your SSL pinning in your own onHandshakeDone event, checking whatever aspect of the server certificate you have been given. My very brief reading about HPKP suggests you hard code a hash of the public key, not a hash of the certificate, so you will need to calculate that yourself, ICS does not have a method to get that hash. But all browsers have abandoned HPKP so I'm not sure what you are trying to achieve. If you are trying to ensure your SSL connection has not been intercepted by an SSL proxy or firewall that has generated a fake local SSL certificate, you can check the server certificate is signed by the expected root authority, although the chain should fail verify anyway if you are using CertVerBundle with the ICS built-in bundles since they won't include the private root certificate used to fake the SSL certificates in the proxy or firewall. Beware this is my understanding of how SSL certificates are faked, I've no direct experience of such corporate environments. Angus
  16. Tom Chamberlain


    Microsoft Remote Desktop Services RemoteApp does this, so does VMware ThinApp Virtual Applications. This has nothing to do with Delphi and would probably break some Microsoft license somewhere.
  17. PeterPanettone

    F6 Search feature does not work anymore?

    Thanks for the information.