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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/06/24 in all areas

  1. Nice I'll quote that one next time I cannot deliver on time and I'm facing fines (Usd 100 per. customer per day) for not delivering by the deadline.
  2. There is fitting german proverb for exactly this "Ist der Ruf erst runiniert, lebt es sich gänzlich ungeniert" Which roughly translates to "Once the reputation is shot you can live quite unabashedly" Soooo... I'm guessing they are headed in that direction. 😄
  3. Maybe the story is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT - and what we assume may be a misdirection by forces above our pay grade. Maybe we can't see the true circumstances from our perspective, and maybe there is more to it than we know.
  4. corneliusdavid

    First Business Day Of Next Month ?

    This may be overkill and I'm not sure there's a way to limit to just bank holidays or to specify the country, but here's an API that boasts 5,000 holidays: https://apilayer.com/marketplace/checkiday-api
  5. Why then isn't GetIt up and running? For a company within the IT industry it should be simple enough, right? In my industry (finance) we are required to have plans for downtime situations to minimize the damage. Doesn't Embarcadero have plans for such cases? Or is the philosophy, let's just wait and see what happens should something arise
  6. Anders Melander

    Surprising behavior of .ToUpper

    As designed. Look at the source of TStringHelper.ToUpper in SysUtils. Try using ToUpperInvariant instead.
  7. I hope not. I hope they get their house in order ASAP.
  8. I mean this one: https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-43274 (Arithmetic operations on record fields return incorrect results in certain cases if the "Optimization" compiler option is enabled.) This looks like a showstopper bug for me, because it can generate wrong result anywhere in the application. Turning off optimizations will "solve" the problem, but the result will be that all my customers will write to me about how the new version of the app is slow. And as for distribution of the hotfix - is it really impossible to distribute the fix in year 2024 other than through a non-functioning Getit? Downloading files from my.embarcadero.com works normally, so why not put the patch there?
  9. Delphi 12 seems to have more than a normal amount of regressions. I've listed some of them on its wiki page on GitHub: https://github.com/ideasawakened/DelphiKB/wiki/D29.ATHENS. GetIt being down stops fixes for these regressions being released. There aren't workarounds for all of these issues.
  10. OpenSSL has released new versions of the three active versions, 3.2.1, 3.1.5 and 3.0.13 which have three low priority security fixes. Windows binaries are available in SVN and the overnight zip file and separately from https://wiki.overbyte.eu/wiki/index.php/ICS_Download or https://www.magsys.co.uk/delphi/magics.asp In addition to the three DLL files, the zips include compiled RES resource files that contain the same DLLs, text files and version information, see the RC file. The RES file may be linked into application EXE files and code then used to extract the DLLs from the resource to a temporary directory to avoid distributing them separately. ICS V9.1 and later optionally support loading the resource file, currently in SVN and the overnight zip. Beware V9.1 has a lot of other changes that may need application changes, please read the SVN change log very carefully. There will be a lot of new documentation about V9.1 over the next two weeks. Separately, YuOpenSSL has released 3.0.13 as commercial DCUs allowing applications to be used with OpenSSL without needing separate DLLs. Angus
  11. I would consider this a report: https://blogs.embarcadero.com/we-are-experiencing-a-hardware-outage/
  12. Of course it is, they didn't report anything. And all this situation is a very bad sign about the future of Delphi.
  13. Fellow Delphi developers, This is with great pleasure that we announce the immediate availability of HelpNDoc 9.0, an easy to use yet powerful help authoring tool producing CHM help files, responsive HTML 5 and mobile Websites, DocX and PDF manuals, Markdown documents, ePub and Kindle eBooks as well as Qt Help files from a single source. HelpNDoc is Free for personal use and evaluation purposes and is available at: https://www.helpndoc.com HelpNDoc 9.0 provides many new features and enhancements such as the ability to upload the generated documentation to FTP(S) / SFTP servers, the ability to override individual library items (e.g. pictures, documents, equations, variables…) for each build, improved HTML and PDF generation and much more... You can learn more about this update at: https://www.helpndoc.com/news-and-articles/2024-02-06-new-ftp-actions-improved-pdfs-overridden-library-items-and-more-in-helpndoc-9.0/ Video of some of the new features in HelpNDoc 9.0: Download HelpNDoc now and use it for free for personal and evaluation purposes: https://www.helpndoc.com/download Follow our step-by-step video guides to learn how to use HelpNDoc: Best regards, John, HelpNDoc team. https://www.helpndoc.com
  14. David Heffernan

    Integer Overflow - Exception

    Make a minimal yet complète program that demonstrates the issue. Until you isolate the problem by doing this, everything is likely to be a waste of time with irrelevant speculation and guesswork.
  15. Uwe Raabe

    First Business Day Of Next Month ?

    Isn't the Next Business Day dependent on the local holidays? (f.i. Bank Holidays in England)
  16. Dalija Prasnikar

    FYI - Several Embarcadero services are currently unavailable

    Only you know that. But, if you are asking is Delphi dead, then the answer is No, it isn't. This was just a hiccup (even though, a huge one), and the resolution is just around the corner.
  17. Vincent Parrett

    GetIt alternatives

    I care about whether the community can contribute to it or not. The number of delphi developers who consume open source projects AND are willing to contribute to those projects is very small - when you filter those developers who have Go skills the the number would be vanishingly small. For me though the issue with Boss is the complete lack of discoverability - you have to know a package exists to be able to use it, how do I find the available packages for Boss? With dpm and other package managers that have a public repository (eg. nuget, npm, cargo) that is easy - and dpm presents that list of available packages in the IDE (searchable).
  18. I guess, nobody did - not even themselves.
  19. I just wouldn't expect them to work on it for more than 3 weeks...
  20. While things are being worked on it is somewhat expected that parts are going offline from time to time. Let's take it as a sign of people being busy getting everything in place again.
  21. Thanks, they send me a link to the installer.
  22. Since years, our Open Source mORMot framework offers several ways to work with any kind of runtime arrays/objects documents defined, e.g. via JSON, with a lot of features, and very high performance. Our TDocVariant custom variant type is a powerful way of working with such schema-less data, but it was found confusing by some users. So we developed a new set of interface definitions around it, to ease its usage, without sacrificing its power. We modelized them around Python Lists and Dictionaries, which is proven ground - with some extensions of course. Two one-liners may show how our mORMot library is quite unique in the forest/jungle of JSON libraries for Delphi (and FPC): +] assert(DocList('[{ab:1,cd:{ef:"two"}}]')[0].cd.ef = 'two'); assert(DocList('[{ab:1,cd:{ef:"two"}}]').First('ab<>0').cd.ef = 'two'); Yes, this code compiles and run on Delphi - even the antique Delphi 7. 😆 If you compare e.g. to how the standard JSON library works in the RTL, with all its per-node classes, you may find quite a difference! And there is no secret in regard to performance, that our JSON processing is fast. More info: https://blog.synopse.info/?post/2024/02/01/Easy-JSON-with-Delphi-and-FPC
  23. Lack of information, inability to fix in a reasonable time and inability to fix the "integer division bug" that makes Delphi 12 unusable for Win32 applications 😞