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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/19/22 in all areas

  1. Anders Melander

    Delphi 11.1 is available

    I don't think it was the environment that turned the forums poisonous. I think it was the almost complete refusal to acknowledge the many problems which alienated a lot of former champions of Delphi (myself included) and made them feel betrayed. Disgruntled fans are often very vocal in their criticism. Anyway, water under the bridge.
  2. dummzeuch

    Delphi 11.1 is available

    Marco is not free in his communication neither on his blog nor in any public forums. Embarcadero has a very strict policy on what and where employees are allowed to post. It also applies to other people associated with the company, like beta testers and even MVPs. They have to agree to a very strict NDA. That's why a few years ago, after reading that NDA I decided not to become an MVP. I also suspect that this is the reason why many people who were blogging a lot about Delphi quieted down when they got more closely associated with Embarcadero, e.g. they sold tools to them or even became employees. If you have to get approval for every single blog post you probably won't bother any more.
  3. Let's hope it wasn't "soon" from a geological perspective...
  4. Anders Melander

    Delphi 11.1 is available

    So, "paid" shills. My bad for thinking it was something else. I guess I could have just googled it: https://www.embarcadero.com/embarcadero-mvp-program https://community.embarcadero.com/blogs/entry/are-you-asking-about-mvp-1407 LOL
  5. Uwe Raabe

    Delphi 11.1 is available

    Without going into details, it merely boils down to blogging, writing, discussing, answering and presenting all sorts of things related to Embarcadero products. Speaking for myself, I invest a good time into this forum and its German counterpart, as well as pestering people to file valuable bug reports.
  6. Roger Cigol

    Delphi 11.1 is available

    I enjoy being an MVP and benefit greatly from conversing with esteemed colleagues, many of whom are much more experienced and widely knowledgeable than me. I keep a track of all the time I spend on MVP related tasks. At my standard programming hourly rate I spend significantly more time on MVP work than the cost of the annual subscription for "RAD Studio Enterprise". So yes, @Uwe Raabeis correct it does come with "some obligations".
  7. Attila Kovacs

    Micro optimization: IN vs OR vs CASE

    You are mostly benchmarking stack operations, calls etc.. -again- everything which has nothing to do with the actual comparisons and it's asm implementations. I'd suggest you to buy an assembly book first and try to understand the asm in the Delphi debugger. There are 3 changes in the unit, try to find them and tell us what do you think about the new results. Project1.dpr
  8. Wil van Antwerpen

    Developing under Windows 11 in a VM not feasible ?

    Exactly.. Sadly only see this thread now, or I would have commented on that earlier. When you use normal VMware disk encryption on VMware Workstation or VMware Fusion then you can actually move the VM to another host. It is the experimental autoAddVTPM option which creates a VM that is not portable to other hosts (along with other foot gun options)
  9. This is "Does anyone know WTF is supposed to happen?", not "I want to do this and think it should work": The code below has two class helpers, one descending from the other. The parent one has a virtual method and the descendent overrides it. The compiler accepts it without any errors/warnings/hints. Actually running prints So the parent helper doesn't care about it being virtual, and the subclass ignores the 'inherited' call. If you don't actually create the object before calling Obj.Foo, it raises an access violation in System.pas::_GetHelperIntf(). I found an old blog post from Joe White where he stumbled on it back in 2007, but back then _GetHelperIntf() was essentially a no-op, and it now has code. Obviously since class helpers don't have their own VMTs, the code doesn't make sense, but why does the compiler accept it? I don't see anything in the class and record helper help about declaring interfaces, and AFAIK they still don't support interface helpers. Anyone have any idea what's going on here? program ClassHelperTest; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} {$R *.res} uses System.SysUtils; type TObjHelper = class helper for TObject procedure Foo; virtual; procedure Bar; end; TSubObjHelper = class helper(TObjHelper) for TObject procedure Foo; override; end; procedure TObjHelper.Bar; begin WriteLn('Bar'); Foo; end; procedure TObjHelper.Foo; begin WriteLn('BaseClass.Foo'); end; procedure TSubObjHelper.Foo; begin inherited; WriteLn('SubClass.Foo'); end; var Obj: TObject; begin Obj := TObject.Create; Obj.Bar; WriteLn('---'); Obj.Foo; Obj.Free; end.
  10. Attila Kovacs

    Experience/opinions on FastMM5

    I have an app which downloads table data's from a server with CleverComponents + OmniThreadLibrary. Data is json, zipped, encoded. All CPU is used for downloading and importing the data into an SQL server. Here are some results with FastMM 4 (default) vs. 5 using Berlin U2. 32bit FastMM4 Sync done in 138,29 Sec 32bit FastMM5 Sync done in 106,903 Sec 64bit FastMM4 Sync done in 144,357 Sec 64bit FastMM5 Sync done in 107,587 Sec I was shocked by these numbers so I thought I'm sharing my experience.
  11. Attila Kovacs

    INI problem

    I'd bet your program saved it at the end without the full path, so you just have copied the right one to the right place ?
  12. Stefan Glienke

    Cannot build for linux on Windows 11

    Does this help you? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43023217/delphi-linux-ld-linux-exe-error-cannot-find-lgcc-s
  13. Stefan Glienke

    Delphi 11.1 is available

    Yeah, they could at least have made Fishfacts, amirite?!
  14. PeterPanettone

    Delphi MRU Project Manager

    Here is version 0.6.9: These are the changes since version 0.6.5: - 2022-01-24 - Now you can even drag a file from the Project Details pane (Files/Exe tab) and drop it onto any target to load it in the target: The Delphi IDE, the Windows File Manager, an external editor etc. (As usual, you can create a shortcut link of the file in the File Manager instead of a file copy by dragging the file with the right mouse button) - Two additional SearchFilter modes added - you can activate the desired SearchFilter mode with the buttons on the left side of the Search Box: - Notes-SearchFilter mode: ... - SourceFiles-SearchFilter mode: ... - The 3 SearchFilter-Mode buttons have been made TEMPORARILY invisible until the HINT PROBLEM (see below) is solved! - In ProjectList-SearchFilter mode, the (first) search term is now highlighted throughout the Project List, in both columns! Please note: A serious problem has arisen: As a consequence of (ListView.OwnerDraw = True - to draw the ListView Items in OnDrawItem myself), the Hints do not work anymore in DelphiMRUManager on my system. Now I need your help to verify whether the Hints do not work in DelphiMRUManager on YOUR system too. This is easy to verify: 1. Hover your mouse pointer over the SearchBox and tell me if the SearchBox Hint is shown in the StatusBar 2. If the SearchBox Hint is NOT shown in the StatusBar, then set lvMRUProjects.OwnerDraw = False in the Object Inspector: This should reactivate the HINT functionality in DelphiMRUManager in any case I need to solve this problem before working on the next features! Update: I have now solved the Hint problem - the next version will have it fixed! DelphiMRUManager 0.6.9 (2022-01-29).zip
  15. they have index you can inherit the accessors they have nice RTTI support, can be decorated the h*ll are you talking about, how should be a GetThis() more verbose about its implementation as a property?
  16. Other advantages: Properties can be read-only. Since you can opt to have methods for the setter and getter of a property, you also have a place to monitor the activity of the said property - with a breakpoint that simply counts accesses, a method that logs the accesses, or an actual breakpoint Using the get method, a property can allow for lazy instance generation, so that if it is never used, the connected instance is never instantiated Using the set method - the validity of a property value can be decided on assignment, without needing that validation to be spread around on the calling code
  17. Edit: New Vcl.Imaging.QOI unit uploaded to GitHub. See https://github.com/AngusJohnson/TQoiImage
  18. baeckerg

    Delphi 11.1 is available

    And some are no longer MVPs (I remember another well known German MVP), probably because of being too honest
  19. Joseph MItzen

    Delphi 11.1 is available

    You joke about this, but they really think that way! Several years ago when Google Plus still existed, someone in the Delphi group (it wasn't you, was it?) posted a graph they'd made showing bugs closed over time... or maybe it was showing how long until bugs were closed; I forget which. Marco Cantu made a rather aggressive reply to the post that the chart was all wrong because of something (I don't remember), and he was going to post the real graph on his blog. The original poster was very gracious, apologizing for their mistake and looking forward to Marco's blog post. A blog post shows up from Marco purporting to show bugs closed over time and the trend for how long bugs stay open, each looking really nice for Embarcadero. I realize that his chart is conflating actual bugs with bugs closed because of duplicate, feature request, won't fix, can't reproduce, etc. I (and some others) used the blog commenting option to explain this to Marco. Marco declined to approve any of these comments. Instead, he appended a few sentences claiming to summarize what some people had written about the subject. At least in my case, I felt his summary was inadequate and skipped several problems I'd pointed out. His only "fix" was to keep the chart up and just change the word "Bugs" to "Issues" in the title. Now, I was working in data analysis at that time. I was able to back into the actual closed bug counts based on information from his blog post (but not the correct data for average time to close a bug). I made my own chart with the revised numbers; the trend was the opposite from the one on Marco's blog. I shared a link to that chart for him; of course he never approved that comment either and his summary didn't mention that when you took the other non-bugs out the chart trended in the exact opposite direction as the one he posted. Ironically, he claimed to be showing a more accurate version of the data than the chart on Google Plus but his was far less so. Ultimately I realized the purpose of his blog wasn't to actually determine the trend regarding bugs and bug fixes in Delphi over time but to perform damage control over the chart presented in Google Plus. 😞 There's no other explanation for leaving his charts after being made aware of why they were inaccurate and how they skewed the results.
  20. limelect

    INI problem

    1. current folder is where execution is. 2 first I checked in the IDE 3 then I executed outside the ide (in the folder) 4 a few hours it was NO. it seems something with Windows as this is the only explanation since now it is OK. Or Delphi compilation no other explanation.