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  1. A.M. Hoornweg

    Delphi 12 IDE, auto-formatter mutilates generics

    Eh what, the internal IDE source code formatter is deprecated? Are they just abandoning it without any replacement? I find it rather essential.
  2. Lajos Juhász

    Recent Menu partly hidden

    I believe that's the part of the new Embarcadero policy. 0 bugs in Delphi 12 due to the fact that we cannot report any new bugs.
  3. Fresh code: https://github.com/VSoftTechnologies/DUnitX Typical code that we test with DUnitX: - value to string and string to value - lookup functions - generic classes - formatters as well as database integration tests (CRUD) How do you guys use it?
  4. Gustav Schubert

    Delphi 12 Athens Refactoring Broken

    To get rename refactoring back, install the modelling option, as Uwe pointed out in RSP-42936. It worked for me!
  5. Brandon Staggs

    Delphi 12 Athens Refactoring Broken

    I think it would be more useful if they were to simply remove features that are broken beyond usability and not meant to be fixed. Don't they realize how these kinds of things cause us to distrust our tools?
  6. Maybe you could consider using "packed record"?
  7. Sherlock

    Delphi 12 IDE, cannot create regions

    Unsure if anyone managed to create a report yet, so here is my take on it: https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-43855
  8. Der schöne Günther

    We use DUnitX and it discovers all our silly mistakes before release

    It's certainly not going to be trivial, but surely worth it. Been there, done that. A highly recommended read on the matter is "Working effectively with Legacy Code"
  9. Uwe Raabe

    Delphi 12 IDE, auto-formatter mutilates generics

    They found - what everyone else claimed for a long time - that it didn't keep up with the latest language enhancements. As it is based on other deprecated parts (i.e. Refactoring), they consequently marked it deprecated, too. Now they are working on or looking for replacements. Communicating that something is deprecated without having an alternative at hand is not necessarily a bad thing. People now know it advance what they can expect and rely on and what not.
  10. Lars Fosdal

    Delphi 12 IDE, cannot create regions

    @A.M. Hoornweg Please post this as an issue on QP.
  11. This is arguably one of the other significant benefits of designing code with Unit Testing in mind. It encourages you to write loosely coupled (or better entirely self standing) modules.... If you are dealing with legacy code this might be the case - but that doesn't mean that it is not worth effort. If you intend to keep the code live and supported for the future it almost certainly IS worth refactoring.
  12. David Champion

    We use DUnitX and it discovers all our silly mistakes before release

    Refactor the code to be loosely coupled; normally a huge amount of effort on a typical RAD created application.
  13. dummzeuch

    Delphi 12 IDE, auto-formatter mutilates generics

    And also, in the most recent source code (no release yet, maybe this weekend, but no promises), it supports multiline strings.
  14. Actually, it hasn't. What was missing has happened before, i.e. it does not automatically download iOS support (weird). From the Xcode menu select Settings, then the Platforms tab. For the iOS 17.2 item, click Get: (which I have already done in this picture) Even weirder: while downloading it says "simulator". Once that completes, deployment should work.
  15. Vincent Parrett

    GRPC Client

    I looked at sgcWebSockets today - but the price is really steep - I don't need the rest of the library but http/2 is only in the most expensive version - and then I need to get gprc working on top of that. I'm actually leaning towards doing this project in c# (the server is already c#) - testing with .net 8.0 AOT compilation so far produced a 4.5MB exe (+ a 12MB dll for google protocol buffers). Obviously it will be larger than that once done. As much as I want to use delphi for this project - the libraries are just not there - contrast to dotnet - grpc is a first class citizen (and the performance is impressive). I was able to get up and running in less than 10 minutes - contrast that to having spent most of today looking for a delphi grpc client that works.
  16. Stefan Glienke

    Delphi 12 is available

    PSA: Looks like that integer division is broken in 12 due to implementing this feature request. There are at least two reports already about this: https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-43274 https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-43418 Personally, I would say this absolute "need a hotfix asap" severity. I am honestly really sad about this because this encourages everyone who shies away from requesting any improvements to the compiler because it is almost certain that s**t will fall apart after. 😒