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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/20/24 in all areas

  1. Bug fixes, bug fixes and after that: more bug fixes. Don't release until there are no more unresolved bug reports. Quit following hypes just for the hypes sake.
  2. It appears we'll soon need the latter for forum posts...
  3. PeterBelow

    Two strange probems in D11 (code+video)

    One thing may be a problem. Both the cmtx22 and cmtx33 functions use a (global ?) variable cmtx but do not clear it first. So the array elements not set by the functions will have values carried over from previous uses of this variable. Sorry, but the whole design looks fishy and error prone to me and seems to use plain procedural programming 40 years out of date. You define a large fixed size array type, variables of which will not only waste a lot of memory for elements never used, but you also have no convenient way to figure out from a variable what the dimensions of the actually used part are. In my opinion you should build a TConfusionMatrix class, which internally uses a 2D dynamic array (array of array of extended) to store the values of the matrix. The constructor of the class would take the needed dimension and size the internal array accordingly. You could have additional constructors to build the matrix from your string representation or a 1D array of values, methods to return a string representation, to compare an object of the class to another, properties to return the dimensions of the matrix or to get or set element values. Since the matrix object knows the size of the internal array it would be easy to check report indexing errors and so on.
  4. Lajos Juhász

    FireDAC - how to change an FDQuery field type?

    I hope that this is going to work the same for C++ (I am doing it in Delphi): 1.) Open the file, select View as Text (Alt + F12) 2.) Do a search and replace 3.) go back to View as Form (alt + F12) 4,) save the file. During the saving process the IDE should ask to replace the definition. This the Delphi way Plan b. do the search & replace using refind.exe - https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Alexandria/en/ReFind.exe,_the_Search_and_Replace_Utility_Using_Perl_RegEx_Expressions in case you have multiple forms.
  5. Uwe Raabe

    GetIt installation does not work

    As of today a rebuilt 11.3 web installer is available on my.embarcadero.com.
  6. Pat Foley

    A native VCL, and not Windows-based, TComboBox control.

    Here is a sample of runtime created controls that use same string. Plus assigns event handler. const InputPLC256 = 'x0,x1,x32,pin64,pin128,pin255,None'; procedure TForm1.Button4Click(Sender: TObject); begin for var I := 1 to 100 do begin var P := TPanel.Create(Self); with P do begin Name := 'TagInputEdit_' + I.ToString; SetBounds(280 - 5, 17 + I * 34, 204, 30); Parent := Self; Caption := ''; end; var L := TLabel.Create(Self); with L do begin SetBounds(80, 6, 64, 22); Parent := P; end; var CB := TComboBox.Create(Self); with CB do begin SetBounds(5, 3, 65, 22); Parent := P; Show; onchange := TagUpdater; Tag := NativeInt(L); items.CommaText := InputPLC256;//memo1.Lines; Text := Items[Random(items.Count)-1]; L.Caption := Text; end; end; end; procedure TForm1.TagUpdater(Sender: Tobject); begin var S := Sender as TComboBox; var L := TLabel(S.Tag); var N := S.Parent.Name; L.Caption := Format('%s %s', [N, S.Text]); end;
  7. Yes I do use AI to spruce up my docs. I believe that if technology exists, use it! Saves me a lot of time 😃
  8. Sherlock

    GetIt Package Manager Delphi 11.3 Timeout

    This is solved, as soon as Embarcadero has solved their server issues. Read here for more informations
  9. STMicroelectronics provides a command line toolset (STM32CubeCLT) to do most of those things. See: STM32CubeCLT - STM32CubeCLT is a toolset for third-party integrated development environment (IDE) providers, allowing the use of STMicroelectronics proprietary tools within their own IDE frameworks. - STMicroelectronics
  10. DelphiUdIT

    A native VCL, and not Windows-based, TComboBox control.

    Seems that you populate your controls for an automation / building application. It' necessary to view the values with a combobox ? You can use a label (or other simple control) for every field and when a user click in one of them you can propose a combobox to change the present value or numeric keyboard or others custom control.
  11. Vincent Parrett

    A native VCL, and not Windows-based, TComboBox control.

    Perhaps a combo box isn't the best option here - a numeric input might be a better option - use 0 for none or create your own custom control.
  12. Anders Melander

    Delphi 12.0 TParallel.For performance. Threading.pas issues

    Whoops. I just remembered who wrote that code 🙂
  13. It seems to me you are attempting to reinvent the wheel. The criterias you listed are basically equal to an IDE... and why do you want to write an IDE as a Delphi component if there is an official one already? Afaik interaction with microcontrollers are still through serial ports (whether native or over USB) and there are even free components for Delphi to talk to a COM port. If you are sure you want to go through with this, I'd start there.
  14. darnocian

    What new features would you like to see in Delphi 13?

    my wish list for Delphi 13 (although probably too long!) IDE - continued LSP enhancements (it is gradually getting better, but I'm still having issues...) - support for auto completion of anonymous methods .... e.g. var func : TFunc<integer> := { Ctrl+Space here and the rest expands } function : integer begin end; - support that could 'suggest units to include' when you start using something that is not already referenced. - support to handle multiple monitors... when I place it on one monitor, between startup, edit and debug, I'd like it to stay in the same place, without resizing, or jumping about. - code formatter! please! object pascal: - improved type inference on generics ... IMO there are scenarios where the compiler forces you to specify a type when I think it can be inferred from a parameter type, or even a return type. Delphi doesn't ever try to match return types generally at present. ;( - traits - essentially compile time generics/interfaces .... so you program to a trait, and anything that matches (interface, record, class) that matches the methods, fields, properties etc could work with it. This could remove a lot of repetition in very similar code (which is what generics is all about) - interface improvements (possibly an alternative away from COM compatibility which is what probably gives us the restrictions we currently have) ... - improved generics - e.g. 1. generic functions (already mentioned by Lars) 2. allowing for constants to be passed as generic parameters could be useful. Could allow for meta programming like in C++ 3. when using methods in an implementation of a unit, from within a generic method, the compiler forces you to declare the method again in the interface section. I hate exposing things that shouldn't have to be public. - compile time constants from expressions that may be the result of function calls. e.g. const PI :double = calcPI(); - constraints on attributes e.g. so we can localise their usage to methods, parameters, types, etc... - an improved case statement supporting match criteria - a short inline lambda (syntactic sugar - shorter form of anonymous method). e,g, var add1 := lambda (y:integer): y+1; var two := add1(1); - improved helpers / partial classes - somehow supporting multiple with conflict resolution - magic functions to identify filename, function, line no. This could be useful for use with loggers, but could bloat code if not used cautiously. Some things can be done with map files and 3rd parties, but would be nicer to have stack traces, etc accessible as part of the normal RTL. my wishlist is possibly too big ;(
  15. Brian Evans

    A native VCL, and not Windows-based, TComboBox control.

    Common to populate the list in OnDropDown. procedure TForm1.ComboBox1DropDown(Sender: TObject); begin ComboBox1.Items.BeginUpdate; Try ComboBox1.Items.Clear; ComboBox1.Items.Add('None'); for var I:integer := 1 to 256 do ComboBox1.Items.Add(IntToStr(I)); Finally ComboBox1.Items.EndUpdate; End; end; Can also clear the list in OnExit. procedure TForm1.ComboBox1DropDown(Sender: TObject); begin Var AComboBox := TComboBox(Sender); If AComboBox.Items.Count = 0 then begin AComboBox.Items.BeginUpdate; Try AComboBox.Items.Add('None'); for var I:integer := 1 to 256 do AComboBox.Items.Add(IntToStr(I)); Finally AComboBox.Items.EndUpdate; End; end; end; procedure TForm1.ComboBox1Exit(Sender: TObject); begin TComboBox(Sender).Items.Clear; end;
  16. Remy Lebeau

    A native VCL, and not Windows-based, TComboBox control.

    Some suggestions: don't use WM_SETREDRAW directly. Use the TComboBox.Items.(Begin|End)Update() instead, which will use WM_SETREDRAW internally for you. CB_INITSTORAGE helps, but simply don't waste time putting actual string values in so many TComboBoxes to begin with. Instead, fill them with blank strings, and set their Style property to csOwnerDrawFixed and use their OnDrawItem event to render the actual text whenever a drop-down list is visible. consider using a different UI control, such as a TListBox, or a TListView in vsReport mode. Both have true virtual modes that can handle a lot of items very quickly.
  17. JonRobertson

    A native VCL, and not Windows-based, TComboBox control.

    Perhaps it was a request (in Delphi 13) for a new VCL combo box control that is not a subclass of the Win32API COMBOBOX class.
  18. Lars Fosdal

    A native VCL, and not Windows-based, TComboBox control.

    Not sure why this was attached to a different thread, so I split it off, @shineworld
  19. dummzeuch

    What new features would you like to see in Delphi 13?

    Example (Gemini) (asked in German, Translation see below): Frage: "Welche Fahrradverleihe gibt es in Braunsbedra?" Die Antwort enthielt unter anderem einen Fahrradverleih in Ostfriesland. (Braunsbedra ist eine Stadt in Sachsen-Anhalt, am Geiseltalsee, > 400 km von Ostfriesland entfernt.) If that's a poor prompt, I don't know what a good one should be. And I have had similar experiences with ChatGPT. Translation: Question: "Which bicycle hire companies are there in Braunsbedra?" The answer contained one from Ostfriesland. (Braunsbedra is a town in eastern Germany, at the Geiseltalsee (lake), > 400 km from Ostfriesland (north sea shore))
  20. Oleksandr Skliar

    What new features would you like to see in Delphi 13?

    My TOP list: 1. LSP improvements/quility. Now it doesn't work at all for big projects. (working on D11.3/D12). Refactoring doesn't work at all. 2. Generic Types improvements (more constraints, global generics, better work with interfaces (as/is support), better type infers, etc) 3. General IDE/Compiler/RTL/VCL quility. Better support for System.JSON / System.REST. 4. Ternary Operator (or make existing IfThen() as generic/magic intrinsic) 5. And the last one, Please, be more open for Delphi comunity - open Betas for all, open Roadmaps, Bi-monthly updates, etc.
  21. emileverh

    What new features would you like to see in Delphi 13?

    Totally agree. Fix the existing things first....
  22. dummzeuch

    What new features would you like to see in Delphi 13?

    No, not with the kind of AI that we currently have.
  23. Fred Ahrens

    What new features would you like to see in Delphi 13?

    I don't need any new features. I just need that the existing features work as intended. And there are many areas where existing features need to be made usable again (e.g. refactoring, code formatting, HighDPI). OK, one new feature would be nice: compiling for Raspberry Pi. But fixing the existing features needs to be done first.
  24. Vincent Parrett

    What new features would you like to see in Delphi 13?

    This sort of topic comes up just often - and we always see a lot of great ideas - sadly the reality is we are unlikely to see many of those ideas actually implemented. Considering how much we pay for subscriptions etc - they should be making plenty of money - but that's not how it works with private equity owners - profit doesn't get re-invested. I'll trot these (now old) posts out just for fun https://www.finalbuilder.com/resources/blogs/delphi-language-enhancements (2016) https://www.finalbuilder.com/resources/blogs/delphi-103-rio-language-changes (2018) I had planned to do follow up posts with more ideas (people have sent me plenty over the years) but given the how things have gone since 10.3 language wise, what's the point? So my hopes for 13 (or what ever it's called) is a stable IDE, compiler, RTL etc - just like we all wish for every release - what's that definition of insanity - doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result 🙄