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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/26/21 in all areas

  1. Alexander Elagin

    RAD Studio 11 Alexandria Patch 1 Available

    All this once again raises a question about a LTS verison of Delphi. Let those who need yearly new bells and whistles have their yearly releases, and the others who need to have a solid stable version have it with all the necessary patches.
  2. They could have made the "Patch available" a little more prominent, as well as putting it in the "New in GetIt" and "Promoted in GetIt" panes.
  3. Didn't they announce a few years ago that they would maintain a number of older versions with important patches, for some time after release of major upgrades, but then never did.
  4. PeterPanettone

    Hot Reload in Delphi?

    Hot Reload is a feature in the upcoming .NET 6 that allows developers to modify source code while an app is running and immediately see the results: Microsoft reverses controversial .NET change after open-source community outcry Just pipe-dreaming: Wouldn't that be a wonderful feature for Delphi?
  5. Details from Marco: https://blogs.embarcadero.com/rad-studio-11-alexandria-patch-1-available/
  6. Anders Melander

    Hot Reload in Delphi?

    I don't think I've ever had a situation where that didn't just mess everything up. I think it just adjusts the EP so the other registers will not contain the values that corresponds to the new EP.
  7. Stefan Glienke

    Hot Reload in Delphi?

    They cannot even build a stable debugger - how could they ever achieve this.
  8. Your words should go into God's ears (handmade translation of a native saying)
  9. Uwe Raabe

    Hot Reload in Delphi?

    The current debugger lets you simply drag the execution pointer to a line before or after the current position:
  10. In the contract (we haqve with the sales company, barnsen), is stated: - The yearly maintenance contract includes all new version udates, maintenance upgrades en technical support. So i think under maintenace upgrades, many people (including me), will think that will be some patches/maintenance of known bugs in xx old versions backwards, so you can build your developed software with a less buggy develop environment.
  11. In the past, I was also happy with one version for many years, but once you use Delphi to create an application for Android and you want to keep this application up to date in Google Play, you probably need this yearly new bells - without it, Google Play will not allow you to upload updates for older API.
  12. They probably don't return money. In February 2019, when I complained loudly about bugs in Delphi 10.3 and 10.3.1, I got a small discount for next subscription, which I bought later in 2019.
  13. That raises the question: How much of the subscription price is declared being used for patching older versions? (and can I exclude that from my subscription when I don't need that?)
  14. Looks like you are using GExperts. If yes, turn off the "Goto Previous Modification" and "Goto Next Modification" experts and see whether that solves the problem.
  15. While I agree with you that that's the best use of limited resources, the promise of supporting older versions as part of the subscription still stands, and we paid for it. One could call that a breach of contract.
  16. Dave Nottage

    iOS 15.1

    I wasn't having any issues with iOS 15.0.2. Just updated my device to iOS 15.1, and everything is still working OK so far. Delphi 11, Xcode 13.0, iOS 15.0 SDK
  17. Walter Campelo

    Error deploying IOS Release App

    Yes, exactly!!! I installed both Mosco and Codex and used the workaround for Delphi and finally generated the IPA! Thanks a lot, Dave! You are a lifesaver! Best Regards
  18. timfrost

    Moving from Per Monitor V1 to V2

    I would suggest that before you claim to support pmv2 you should add a second monitor which you can run at a different DPI, and test everything. This is the best way to be confident that your users will find no surprises in your software. But even then if the user setup differs from yours, it may not be enough.
  19. Would be nice if they would patch 10.4.x also 😞
  20. Martin Sedgewick

    RAD Studio 11 Alexandria Patch 1 Available

    I am a big fan of this new way of patching. Gets some issues out quicker than waiting on Update 1 which could be months away. Hopefully these fixes are a benefit to many. Nice to see they have fixed the XP TThread issue, which they didnt have to fix, but keeps everyone who needs it working on XP for a while longer without having to apply a workaround
  21. Not sure which of the subforums to post, but here it goes: With great sadness, I just got word from both Julian Bucknall on Twitter and Lino Tadros on Facebook that my dear friend Danny Thorpe passed away on October 22nd, just a few hours ago. Still limited in energy, still recovering from many treatments, I will need to keep it short and hope to gain some more energy and blog a small obituary later. For now, I'm devastated. Loosing a friend and one of the instrumental Delph R&D team members from the days brings so many mixed emotions. I wish his wife Cindy and their loved ones all the best. Rest in peace dear Danny. The world will be different without you. --jeroen Referencs: - https://twitter.com/JMBucknall/status/1451674438097854464, https://twitter.com/jpluimers/status/1451677770552123399 - https://www.facebook.com/lino.tadros/posts/10158270097971179, https://www.facebook.com/cindy.f.thorpe/posts/10224108253026657
  22. bobD

    Rest in peace dear Danny Thorpe

    My sincere condolences to his family and all who knew him. Many of us continue to live by choice largely in the mental universe he architected. bobD
  23. Vincent Parrett

    What is part of your contiuos integration?

    I think perhaps you are coming at this from the wrong angle.. git push is your backup (assuming you are using an offsite git server/service) - and should also be the trigger for automation in CI - ie you push your git commits, the CI server detects those changes and fires off a build, runs your unit tests, builds your installer, ftp's the files to the server and sends out email notificiations. (vendor plug) These days CI is very accessible even for solo developers. Our Continua CI product is free for a single concurrent build and a single build agent (installed on the same machine as the server) - other than that it's fully functional, unlimited configurations (and users) - perfect for solo developers and it's very easy to scale it up (add licenses, install extra agents as needed). It only takes a few minute to install and get up and running with a build process - The video shows using mercurial, visual studio and nunit, but it works just as well using git, delphi and dunitx. https://www.finalbuilder.com/resources/blogs/building-delphi-projects-with-continua-ci If you really want to expand your automation then take a look at FinalBuilder (built with delphi) - over 600 built in actions that cover version control (git, mercurial, svn and a bunch of others), compilation (delphi 3 - 11, msbuild, vs etc) - install builders (innosetup, installshield etc), deployment (FTP/FPTS/SFTP/SSH) and a too many others to mention here. The cool thing about FinalBuilder is you get to develop and debug your build process in an IDE that lets you step through your build process, stop on breakpoints, watch variables etc.. and then your build project can be checked into version control along with your source code and your CI server can run FinalBuilder to build your projects (using the console version of FinalBuilder). Of course Continua CI and FinalBuilder play very nicely together - we build FinalBuilder, Automise and Continua CI with FinalBuilder an Continua CI. https://www.finalbuilder.com/resources/blogs/continuous-integration-with-finalbuilder
  24. Lars Fosdal

    Rest in peace dear Danny Thorpe

    Danny Thorpe was one of the pillars that Delphi is founded on. A giant among giants. His legacy is solid and we will remember him with love and respect, and send our condolences to his family.
  25. Yes, that was one of the big reasons here to take a subscription (for us). Maybe they find the patches not important enough, same reason they choose too keep absolute radio silence to their users about things. (with their level of communication, one would think that EMB is run by the CIA : ) ).